Meta Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why is Fluther telling me the new pic I want to upload for my avatar is too big?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) October 9th, 2013

I get a message says it’s too big, keep it under 2mb. The pic I’m trying to upload is 1.5mb.

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16 Answers

funkdaddy's avatar

Too big may also refer to dimensions.

Can you shrink it down before uploading it? Poor fluther’s server will thank you.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But it’s the same size as all my other pics. But I’ll see….

Judi's avatar

You’re smarter about this stuff than me but I have found that if I upload it to Facebook and then making a copy from Facebook onto my phone, it somehow is smaller and works.

Dutchess_III's avatar

All kinds of back door things work! I’ll try it!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hey @Judi! It worked! Good thinking! :)

rojo's avatar

Ok, I’m just going to throw this out there, but maybe the new pic is offensive to the fluthersphere. It can be overly sens….......nevermind, I see it worked.

Response moderated (Writing Standards)
rojo's avatar

Ok, like the new pic and hardly offensive at all.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But…it’s a WHITE person @rojo! I figured someone here would take offense. That’s why I posted it. I shall be so disappointed if they don’t.

snowberry's avatar

And there’s a pink hat too! What? Do you have something against OTHER colors? Sheesh!

Dutchess_III's avatar

No no….it’s quite obvious I was gender stereo-typing, which is obvious proof I have a problem with gays.

Also, the fact that it’s on the right way around is an obvious statement about the contempt I have for the gangsta wannabes who wear their ball caps backward. The gangsta there is her brother.

I love you guys! :)

CWOTUS's avatar

Apparently it’s Fluther’s way of telling you, “Yes, those jeans do make you look fat.”

Not that I would ever say such a thing.

Rarebear's avatar

Dang. Someone beat me to it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Buying new jeans today for to go see a discrimination lawyer with because you made me cry!

You do liposuction @Rarebear?

rojo's avatar

So, I’m confused? Is the question really “Does this avatar make my butt look big?”

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, it wasn’t originally, but it is now and I have a complex because of it @rojo.

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