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Dutchess_III's avatar

Are these two of the most tangled, twisted sentences you've ever heard?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) October 9th, 2013

This was posted on a pro-Boehner fb page. I assume it’s quoting a couple of things he said in the attached video.

“How can we tax people for not buying a product from a website that doesn’t work?

“How can we give big business a tax break and leave hardworking families out in the cold? This is why we need to sit down and have a conversation about the big challenges that face our country.” – Speaker Boehner on #FairnessForAll


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6 Answers

wildpotato's avatar

Not even close. Read some Proust and reevaluate.

gailcalled's avatar

The last chapter of James Joyce’s “Ulysses”, “Molly Bloom’s soliloquy, consists of eight enormous ‘sentences.’ The concluding period following the final words of her reverie is one of only two punctuation marks in the chapter, the periods at the end of the fourth and eighth ‘sentences’. When written this episode contained the longest ‘sentence’ in English literature, 4,391 words expressed by Molly.” Source

You have quoted three of Boehner’s sentences.

dabbler's avatar

Well, I disagree vehemently with what the speaker has to say most of the time and these sentences are no exception. He’s always been a lilly-livered shill for corporate interests,willing to betray the people who elected him for a nickel and caught between normal congressional trough-sucking and the new breed of radical anti-Americans from the tea bag party.
However, I did not have trouble understanding the sentences.

ETpro's avatar

I can understand them, if that’s what you mean by twisted and tangled. If you’re referring to the duplicity they reflect, then I fully agree they show us the man has a deeply twisted, cold, and heartless mind. But they are par for the course from the current Repugs.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I finally realized that he was referring to the ACA in the first sentence. In that context I understood it.

And the second, again when you can’t hear the inflection, one could read it as “How are we going to give the wealthy a tax break but not the working class. Any ideas how to do this guys?”

ETpro's avatar

@Dutchess_III Elect more Repugs. They do it over and over again.

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