Seeing as though Halloween is fast approaching, what is the scariest movie you have ever seen?
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naynay86 (
October 10th, 2013
I want to be prepared for Halloween to have a scary movie-thon, but I am trying to see if there may be some movies I might have overlooked. What movie has given you chills in your body and made you look around the corners to make sure you were alone? What made you want to run screaming because you were so terrified?
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33 Answers
That would be The Exorcist for me. I saw it when I was young and had nightmares for 2 weeks after I watched it. And to this day, I’ve never watched it again. A very disturbing movie, in my opinion.
Here’s a suggestion for your movie-thon: The Midnight Meat Train – a gnarly, creepy, gory, over the top horror film.
The Shining scared me through and through. As I drove home, I kept looking in my rear-view mirror expecting to see Jack Nicholson chasing me with an ax.
@Hawaii_Jake. Good selection. That one scared the hell out of me, also.
Misery. It cured me from watching scary movies, and I still cringe whenever I see Kathy Bates.
I don’t class movies as a whole as being the scariest, more individual scenes.
One scene that scared the shite outta me, although the movie itself is far from the scariest, comes from The Innkeepers. This old guy, who we just saw dead, slit his wrists in the bath, appears out of nowhere behind the girl. I genuinely jumped & went all cold for a moment.
What Lies Beneath, is right up there. The Cell was also pretty creepy (I was stoned when I first watched that which was a really bad idea).
Event Horizon is hands down the movie that freaks me out the most.
1408 scared me shitless when I saw that in the nearly empty theater.
Basically, I like when the setting itself is the antagonist. There’s no bad guy to catch or monster to kill. You’re just screwed.
The Shining scared the bejeezus outta me when I first saw it, and it’s still creepy as hell. The Grudge also freaked me the hell out; I kept expecting to hear this and be attacked.
Watching the original “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” as a youth terrified me. I remember peeking out the window after seeing the movie to see if any of the trucks with the pods were on our street ;-)
In modern times, there are scenes from “Mama” that are particularly chilling, but the movie took a crappy turn IMHO. Likewise with “The Conjuring,” there were some very scary scenes.
The original “Halloween” made me nervous.
Fun story.
My husband’s grandfather was born in 1920. The first film he ever saw was what he called ‘that Franklinstein movie’ in 1931. He went alone and paid with his pocket-money.
After it was over, he ran home, darting from streetlamp to streetlamp, not daring to leave the safety of the light.
If I were to have a marathon, I’d definitely have to include some Nightmare on Elm Street. I love me some Freddy. :)
The Exorcist is a good one. The Conjuring is probably one of the best scary movies made in recent years, in my opinion.
Call me crazy, but I loved the first Paranormal Activity.
As for thrillers that are a bit scary, I really enjoyed Shutter Island.
Is Misery a horror movie? I love it, but it wasn’t all that scary. I figured it was a thriller.
Ishtar: Two nonpareil anti-Oscar award performances by Dustin Hoffman and Warren Beatty.
Alien and Poltergeist were both terrifying to me.
Another that was engrossing and scary, yet no one admits to liking, was “The Blair Witch Project”.
“Mondo Cane” when I was about 11. Terrifying.
Diabolique, a French movie in black and white. Very scary. If you haven’t seen it, it’s well worth watching.
Shining is one of my favorite movies of all time. The Changeling with George C. Scott scared the crap outta me as a kid.
It has to be supernatural.
No scary movie marathon is complete without John Carpenter’s The Thing – 1982.
The fact that it took me until last year to recognize the utterly obvious mistake of having daily day/night cycles at the pole should testify to its gripping story.
Halloween- the original.
the Omen- made me think about death and the afterlife. didn’t sleep for a week.
@livelaughlove21 I have no idea, you may be right. I am very easily scared by movies…and it didn’t help that I watched Misery in a holiday cottage in the middle of nowhere.
The original Halloween and The Shining as my favorites.
The first scary movie was in black and white and took place in a swamp. Someone got caught in quick sand, which was terrifying. I stayed scared of swamps until I was an adult and spent a couple hours in a boat watching small alligators in Louisiana.
Dawn of the Dead the remake with Ving Rhames
The Ring
28 Weeks Later
Paranormal Activity 1 and 2
I have more…. My brain is just malfunctioning at the moment.
@filmfann Yes!! The Blair Witch Project. That movie scared the crap out of me!
The Ring/Grunge movies do nothing for me.
Oh I hate Americanized versions of Asian horror movies.
You’ve got to watch the original – The Ring, The Grudge, Pulse, White Noise, One Missed Call, The Tale of Two Sisters…. way freakier.
I also heartily recommend the Swedish vampire movie ‘Let the Right One In’, as well as the book by the same title. The American remake, ‘Let Me In’ removed every bit of taboo that makes the original so twisted and endearing.
Alien and The Hand That Rocks the Cradle.
Paranormal Activity. People were actually throwing popcorn at the scariest moments. Everyone would scream, and then everyone would laugh at the fact that we all screamed and didn’t see it coming.
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