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JLeslie's avatar

Men: what are your hobbies and interests?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) October 10th, 2013

Have you had the same hobbies and interests for as long as you can remember? If you have found new hobbies over time how did it come about, how did you discover them? Have you always pursued your interests and hobbies? Or, did you set them aside for many years? Why did you set them aside if you did?

Basically give us a history of what you love to do and what interests you and you have incorporated it into your life. Have people always been supportive, parents, SO, friends, or have they made following your passions more difficult?

If you don’t have any hobbies I want to know that too.

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17 Answers

johnpowell's avatar

Skateboarding was always a constant. I got my first one when I was about five years old. (only four broken bones!)

Around 8 I got into computers and baseball.

Around 12 it was all skateboarding all the time. We are talking 6 hours a day in the same parking lot outside a TCBY.

Around 17 I got into girls. I was still skateboarding and better at it than girls.

Around 21 got back into computers while still skateboarding.

By 26 it was mostly girls and computers.

tom_g's avatar

Most of my hobbies have been put on hold since I have had kids. So, I guess my main hobby is trying to find time to engage in a hobby again. I have a zillion things I want to do at any given moment. It’s just a matter of finding time.

When I did have things that could be considered hobbies, I would play guitar (and bass, percussion, harmonica, keyboards, etc), compose and record music, create loop and sample based music, code applications and websites, paint, draw, write, photography, read, learn, and many more.

Some day I will have time…(yes, I know that may never have time).

There is nothing more infuriating than someone claiming they are “bored”. It is an impossibility to be a live human and be bored. Seriously.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I grew up the typical redneck male, loving all sports, hunting, fishing, music mostly hard core stuff, cars, etc. I still love those things, but my s/o civilized me. I now include art, cooking, classical music, nature, photography.

drhat77's avatar

Computers, video games, in high school I was into sailing, scuba diving, snowboarding, but those a hard with a family and a real young’un. My wife and I have settled into a very homebody routine after our daughter was born. Maybe when she’s older, she wants to go to the ballet and gallery openings and what not. I’ll just stick around her to be eye candy.

rojo's avatar

Hiking, camping,
Rafting, kayaking,
Skiing, snowboarding, got into snowboarding at 53, thoroughly enjoy it.
Woodworking, staining, refinishing,
Beer, trying to get a brew-stand built to get back into brewing beer (learning welding at the same time).
Pretty much kept doing and adding to my entire life.
On the outdoor stuff we just learned to do things differently when the kids came along but still did them. Took my son rafting when he 4, my daughter when she was 8 months,

nerevars's avatar

Play/listening Music,
Video Games,
Graphic Design,
I think that’s all I’m interested to.

DWW25921's avatar

I like stalking but I have ADD. So I’m like looking through the binoculars and see a squirrel and the next thing you know I’m looking up at branches and than I see a cloud and oh crap… She closed the window. But that’s ok because a neighbor saw me on the sidewalk and we started chatting about shingles and roofing and it seems I was invited for dinner.

DominicX's avatar

Most of my hobbies are the same. I’ve always loved biking and mountain biking, although I used to skateboard and BMX in middle school and I don’t do that anymore. I’ve liked photography for a long time, same with languages (started with Latin at age 10 or so) and classical music (been there my whole life), computers (never been a fan of video games), and reading (I never used to care about fantasy much, but I’m a huge fantasy fan now). Everyone’s been fine with my hobbies and interests, although it has sometimes been hard to find people who share the same ones.

cookieman's avatar

Comic Books

Particularly, Marvel comic books. I started reading in 1983 (I was twelve) when my mother bought me an issue of the Defenders with Angel and the Gargoyle on the cover.

I haven’t missed a Wednesday since.

rojo's avatar

And sex (not as a hobby, more of an interest in).

Rarebear's avatar

Astrophotography and astronomy outreach and education. Also music (I play banjo, ukulele and guitar in two bluegrass bands, and I fart around on the piano. I like modern composers.)

I do other stuff as well, but those are the biggies.

Blackberry's avatar

The only thing I seem to take interest in is hiking and video games.

Hiking is fun because it’s a workout and you get to just hang out at the top and chill out. Maybe smoke a little marijuana and think about life (for those who can). It’s just something that puts my mind at ease. I hate exercising in a gym or just running because it’s boring. I feel like I’m forcing myself to do it just because you know it’s the right thing to do.

Video games are the opposite: I love being immersed, testing my coordination and reflexes against other humans (I like online games the most, as single player gets boring realizing I’m playing with AI). Your mind is always moving and there’s always something to do in the game.

Blackberry's avatar

“and I fart around on the piano”

@Rarebear I’m sure you could get more use out of the piano by playing it instead of releasing gas onto it :P

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Blackberry I have the same problem with running. Yeah, it’s good for me but it’s boring doing it just for the sake of doing it.

Blondesjon's avatar

I tend to make a hobby out of just about anything that catches my interest.

Rarebear's avatar

@Blackberry You haven’t heard me play…

mattbrowne's avatar

Books, music, photography, science, and recently weight training.

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