General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Is this the beginning of charity season?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33771points) October 10th, 2013

My mailbox overfloweth.

I was out of town for a couple of days, and when I picked up my mail from the post office, there were 8 solicitations from various charities and non-profit organizations. That’s more than I can remember in a long time.

another civil liberties type of organization
three different medical (red cross, heart assoc. and something I have never heard of before)
two university alumni associations
one non-profit publication wanting a donation)

Is it safe to assume that they’re all trying to pick my pocket as part of end-of-year contributions for tax planning?

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6 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Yes, I suppose it is.
Everyone feel free to send me a dollar for my retirement fund.
My charity of choice is:


Save our boomers.

Sunny2's avatar

Precisely. If they sent the request after the first of the year, people would say, “I’ve got a whole year to figure that out.” Then they’d lose the letter.

JLeslie's avatar

Seems logical. End of year so people are looking for tax write-offs. Near Thanksgiving and Christmas time people are thinking of giving to others. Probably there are additional reasons this time of year is big for charities to solicit for donations.

zenvelo's avatar

Plus people are back from vacations and settled in to the school year and Arts seasons. In the SF Bay Area, it is opera and symphony season, and ballet is soon, so the mailers are coming out.

Don’t get me started on the ACLU; I joined for a year back in 2006, they’ve hit me with at least one mailer a month ever since.

DWW25921's avatar

I was an ACLU member once… Until I realized how deep they’re in the pocket of the Democratic party…

YARNLADY's avatar

I seem to be receiving them all year long, but yes, more the last three months of the year.

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