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Pooh54's avatar

What is wrong with my house?

Asked by Pooh54 (1207points) October 10th, 2013

My house was built in the 60s. Small ranch on a slab. Both my husband and I have autoimmune diseases. All my animals have had some type of illness including 2 cats I have now. Constant vomiting—the vet said that on paper they are healthy-nothing in the bloodwork shows anything wrong. Can there be something ‘invisible’ in my house that could be causing our illnesses? It seems so bizaar that two people from different background and nationalities, both develope auto-immune diseases. Can anyone offer some insight to this?

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16 Answers

janbb's avatar

Maybe look into testing for Radon or mold. It might be one or the other.

Coloma's avatar

Do you know your blood types?
I’m a big fan of blood typing and diet, potential issues.
I am type “O” and type “O’ people seem prone to autoimmune issues. Little cancer, lots of auto-immune stuff, like allergies, rheumatoid arthritis etc.

Between having your home checked for the things @janbb mentions, maybe read up on your blood type and it’s influence.

rojo's avatar

I had some friends who lived in a mobile home many years ago and EVERY time I went over there I got violent headaches after I had been there for 30 minutes. Figured out that if I stayed outside however I did not get them. When they started having physical problems, they had someone come in and look for toxins. This person determined that it was the probable cause was the formaldehyde used the manufacture of particle board, a product used extensively in the home.
They moved out of the house and down the road about a ½ mile, built a new house. They got better and I never had a problem with headaches at their home again.

Here is a link to the ten worst toxins found in homes. There is much information on the web re: toxins and their effects.

In a 60’s home, there is probably a good chance that you still have lead in your plumbing, even if it is copper, the solder probably contained lead and, although it was being phased out, they government did not ban lead based paints until 1978 I believe which was the same year they banned asbestos, a common product in insulation, VCT and a host of other homebuilding products.

glacial's avatar

@Coloma I’m going to call bullshit on the blood type thing. Type O is the most common blood type, for starters… but trying to link blood type to these types of illnesses is just plain hooey.

DWW25921's avatar

Do you have asbestos insulation?

Pooh54's avatar

@DWW25921 I don’t think so. Most of the house has been re-insulated since we have been there in 1982 except the small bath by my bedroom.

DWW25921's avatar

Lead Paint?

DWW25921's avatar

Repaint the interior and get rid of the rugs. Rugs are icky anyway. Put in some nice hardwood or laminate and some nice fuzzy slippers for winter.

Pooh54's avatar

@DWW25921 I have repainted everything except that small bath.
I am all for removing the carpets. My husband says the floors get cold. I like walking on cold floor. Besides the fact that my sickly cats are throwing up constantly——I shampoo the carpet every day. Burned out a pet Spotbot and a full size Hoover shampooer in the last year. It would make my life easier to clean up after them.

snowberry's avatar

I just did a search for “air sampling for homes and businesses” Here is one link.
They could tell you for certain what you all are breathing.

Pooh54's avatar

@snowberry Thanks, I will check it out.

chyna's avatar

Have you talked to your neighbors to see if they have these issues?
It could be seepage in the ground water from chemical plants.
Do you live close to power towers? There are so many things it could be, but start by eliminating the things the people up above have mentioned: lead, asbestos, mold, etc.

Coloma's avatar

@glacial Maybe, but I have researched some interesting connections. I won’t claim it’s 100% accurate but there is some interesting study on the connection between blood type and certain illness risk factors. Never fear, I am not a conspiracy theory type. Just like exploring unusual theories. lol

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Was any drywall re-done in the past decade or so?

DWW25921's avatar

@Pooh54 Oh yuckie get rid of the carpet and buy your guy some slippers.

Pooh54's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me No new drywall since 2000.

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