General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Is it plausible to make $5000 a month , $60,000 a year, working 12 hours a day 7 days a week at Mcdonalds?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) October 10th, 2013

Has anyone worked 84 or more hours a week, with no overtime before taxes, and not hurt themselves?

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10 Answers

laureth's avatar

First, I would say, good luck getting them to allow you to work that much. That part isn’t plausible at all.

After that, you’d need to make $13.69/hr (not counting overtime pay) to make that wage with that many hours. Do they pay that?

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livelaughlove21's avatar

That math doesn’t quite add up, does it? McDonalds doesn’t pay $14/hr.

My husband was working 60–65 hours per week (12 hrs/day and the occasional half day on Saturday) making $18.88/hr with paid overtime and he still didn’t being home $5000. More like $3200 after taxes and insurance. His gross income was close to $60,000 though. Oh, those were the days…I miss those paychecks.

I seriously doubt McDonalds would ever allow you to do that. If you want to make $60K a year, you’re going to have to do better than working in fast food. You’ll probably end up shooting everyone in there after working 84 hours a week after awhile.

JLeslie's avatar

Maybe some of their managers make that type of salary? I don’t know, but they might. They would be salaried and not making over time.

Coloma's avatar

Only if you spend the other 12 hours in your day producing 3D porn.

funkdaddy's avatar

I’ve worked at companies where we worked those types of hours, it wasn’t physically demanding work, so there wasn’t much chance of hurting yourself with the work.

After a while it becomes the norm, so it’s not hard in that sense, but you also don’t realize how tired you are, or how little social interaction you’re getting, until you have a day off suddenly and a good night’s sleep. Sleep makes a huge difference.

My dad used to do those type of hours in construction, between two jobs, he’s a better man than I.

store managers at McDonalds seem to make about 40k plus a good amount of bonuses, so some probably make 60k

Strauss's avatar

A lot of assumptions here. Assuming you could start at the desired wage; assuming that you would be allowed to work 84 hours a week; assuming that you could physically handle a full year of 84 hour weeks; assuming you could mentally and emotionally handle that kind of schedule. If all the above assumptions were met, it would look something like this:

Based on 40 hours at regular hourly wage plus time and one half for all hours worked over that, you would have to start at $10.89/hour.

40 hours (straight time) @$10.89 =$435.60
44 hours (OT @ time & ½) @$16.32=$718.74
Weekly total =$1154.34
Times 52 weeks=60025.68

I once had a job as a backhoe operator, and we could work as long as we wanted for straight time, and time and one-half over 40 hours a week. Especially during the summer, we would try to get out to the site by first light, and work until sundown. I would usually end up working 12–14 hours Monday through Wednesday, knowing any hours I chose to work the rest of the week would run into overtime. The job lasted about 4 months. I was glad to see it come to an end, because I could have a personal life once again (this was about ten years before I got married).

ETpro's avatar

You want to be sure to take home over $60K working at McDonalds, then buy one or more franchises.

jerv's avatar

Most employers I’ve dealt with get a little touchy after you hit 55 hours, and the remainder liked to keep people under 30. For that reason alone, I say no, at least not with only one employer. But for two jobs paying an average of about $14.40/hr, you could hit 60k/yr without overtime, just 80hrs/week straight time. But McDonald’s doesn’t pay that much!

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