I like writing poems, but I’m certainly no expert. Although as I understand it, you don’t need to be one for poetry. Er, so I guess anyways. When I write poems I like building a frame, and a frame needs a theme, although that theme is apt to change drastically as the poem grows. But essentially I get a theme going, and when nothing fits or makes sense, I remind myself that just about no one will read it, and that anyways, it will be justified by being all emotional and shit, if it is read by others. It will be perceived as it will be perceived, as long as my theme remains the central idea.
Then I try to find proper wording, and I like rhyming, so I do that. I use a thesaurus when writing poetry, and find all these fucked up words that I can use. It’s goof for variance and finding rhymes. At least, more or less.
For rhyming I like to make every second sentence rhyme, leaves room for telling more.
You know like,
I am Viking so fuck you,
You will die cuz I said so,
Watchoo gonna do you damn foo’,
Sides crumble like some shmoe.
I also often try to make double rhyming, but I can’t explain that without an example;
I just watched Chucky,
It wasn’t all that bad,
It was slightly botched, the imagery was mucky,
Charles the killer, his story again was had, tis’ the 2000’s fad, poor dude ain’t lucky, I sure felt sad.
I find this rather difficult to do, and often have to improvise by being all goth in my writing; to your arms, I shall go not, you may sit there then, sit and cry and rot! But seeing as I enjoy this style, I find it acceptable to use, and fun too. Playing with words can be cool, although I will admit, my grammar sucks, and I should probably stop making up verbs and words, lest I become some kind of rap singer. But it sure cheers me up to fuck around when I’m all sad anshit, know what I mean, jellybean?
I personally seem to be hooked to the rhyming thing, but that is not a poetry essential, as I’m sure you know. I stand by it though, but I need watch myself, otherwise I get lost and the same words keep coming back, and verses get too long. I don’t always follow this personal rule, but I follow it enough to mention it as a significant part of my system.
I usually go through at least two drafts before I set everything up and finish the poem. Sometimes, months later, even a year or two, I go back and make adjustments, although I always consider the original final draft as the real thing.
I like dark and moody poems, so I’m also often influenced by Victorian writing, or whatever epic bullshit some bastard said in a vampire movie.
The one thing I’ve never quite got down was making the poem flow nicely as it is read. At least when I read most of mine, they usually feel real awkward and it just doesn’t flow nicely.
That’s the jist of my system, but I suspect that writing poetry and the systems involved in it really depend on your style, what you’re trying to say and how you go about all of it. Some people write for themselves, others write so that they may conjure something in someone? All I really know about that is that some Viking metal is awesome, while some of it is like…dude, pass me that horn you were blowing in.