Social Question

What kind of “Riding off into the sunset on my stallion with orchestra music playing,” song do you think my son would like?
He and his fiancé are getting married on Oct 31st. He’s really excited! He’s ordered the invitations, put together the insert explaining the details (pot luck for the reception.) He’s done most of the planning and the work. Of course, they just had a baby a week ago today so Mom’s pretty busy with that.
He told me, “I have this vision in my head of riding off into the sunset on my stallion with music playing all around!”
He has a 1978 Pinto that he almost has running after 6 years (just needs a new battery,) so I knew that was the stallion he was talking about. (I told him if his stallion wasn’t working he could use our stallion. He said, “That is not a stallion.” Whateva!)
I asked, “What kind of music?”
He said, “Orchestra music, of course!”
I said, “Where are you going to get a sunset?”
“When the sun goes down!”
“Are you coming back?”
“Yes, because we have to clean up, but I just see that in my head…”
So I want to surprise him with orchestra music when the time comes, just don’t know what kind. I’m not a connoisseur of Bach and Beethoven and those guys, and I know some of you are so I need some suggestions.
I’ll try to describe him to you: He’s a good guy a REALLY good guy. A smart guy. He loves catching snakes, frogs and reptiles , In fact, he has a few credits in Herpetology under his belt, but that got side tracked. He currently owns a couple of boas and a lizard of some kind.
He REALLY loves his family
He’s also a retro 60’s, 70’s kind of guy. Very self-confident too.
He’s easy going. You could dress up up in a wig, a hat and a dress and tell him you’ll give him a dollar to go walk around down town and he’d do it cheerfully!
“Chill,” “fly”, “cool”:, whatever you want to call it that’s him.
However, he’s strong-willed, and not the least bit afraid of confrontation, even physical confrontation, if it comes to that.
Apparently he’s also a romantic! What kind of orchestra music would suit him, do you think?