NSFW - Would female Viagra cause society to crumble?
Asked by
Seek (
October 11th, 2013
relevant article
The company Emotional Brain has developed a libido enhancing drug for females, known as Lybrido.
The drug has passed stage-II clinical trial, and will likely be FDA approved in the next year. This is great news for many women who experience low sex drive due to medical conditions, prescription side effects, and biology, and wish to enhance their sex lives and/or become orgasmic again or for the first time.
Except there’s a clincher: done of the developers think having this drug on the market will cause women to become raging nymphomaniacs, scouring the countryside for all the wild oats they can stuff themselves with.
In the words of Andrew Goldstein, one of the gynecologists involved in the study;
’You want your effects to be good but not too good. There was a lot of discussion about it by the experts in the room … the need to show that you’re not turning women into nymphomaniacs. There’s a bias against — a fear of creating the sexually aggressive woman.”
The New York Times explained last May that Emotional Brain is “worried about the prospect that their study results would be too strong, that the FDA would reject an application out of concern that a chemical would lead to female excesses, crazed binges of infidelity, societal splintering.”
Thoughts ?
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23 Answers
Fucking is natural and an adult’s own personal business. We give waaay to much power to something that damn near anyone can do.
Ok, not a fan of binges of infidelity, but seriously? “Female excesses”? Funny – they weren’t concerned about that at all with men when they developed the original Viagra. Pigs.
Sexually aggressive women rock!
Sorry, but this seems absurd to me. I don’t see a bunch of women popping pills so they can fuck every guy that passes by. Women want to be sexual with their partners.
If anything I have heard jokes, but half serious, that viagra created a nightmare for some women. Now their husband want to have sex more and some men now that they can get it up again are back to their cheating ways or on to the next woman. Don’t get me wrong, many couples are very glad for viagra, both the man and woman (assuming heterosexual couples in this example) are happy to get sex back into their life as a couple, men are not all prowling around of course.
I know a lot of women who after having a baby had a real drop in sex drive. These are young women who wished they wanted to have sex. A drug like this might be an answer.
They can’t be serious with that article. Women got the right to vote, society didn’t collapse. They went into the work place. Society didn’t collapse. They are starting to get more equal rights, society didn’t collapse. A pill’s going to do it. pfft
I, for one, would love to know more women nymphomaniacs.
Sounds like another case of male hysteria.
Dear god (figuratively speaking) please let this be so. I could use an sexually aggressive woman right now….
” Some of its developers, however, fear that it might have the unintended consequence of turning womankind into an army of uncontrollable nymphomaniacs which would destroy society ”
Some of it’s developers may have gone off the deep end biologically speaking.
Women’s sexual desire is not men’s sexual desire and I expect that the women who use this drug will be able to ” keep a lid on it ” and follow average female sexual strategies
Not…“female excesses, crazed binges of infidelity, societal splintering. ”...unless this is some type of aphrodisiac out of some juvenile males fantasies.
Absolutely, if women matched men in their lust. haha
The world would become depraved overnight. lol
Stay the hell away from me, I am happy to be in MEN-O-pause,
I’m all sexed out these days. lol
My thought is that I’d love to try this drug once it’s available. My husband would be grateful.
Woah! That’s some crazy misogynistic b.s.! Are they for real???
@Haleth As much progress as we’ve make in the last 50 years, I am always stunned when I hear how parochial and ill-informed white males in power often are. Arrested development. They are still back in the battle against women’s suffrage, seemingly oblivious to the fact that women vote these days, and in significantly greater numbers than do men. I’m ashamed of my fellow males, and I do not subscribe to their reactionary ideas. But that doesn’t change the fact that there are a lot of Neanderthal-like males still in positions of power. At least, change is on the way.
I agree with @Adirondackwannabe. Let them make the pills. And then let them eat pie. Literally. I mean really…that must be why they are complaining because it no longer becomes about them but now they may have men who just don’t want to satisfy their female companion because now it takes actual effort to get her off, it’s no more wham bam thank you ma’am because she’s actually horny.
Insert appropriate song here..how cliche lol
Looks like we may actually see more of a sales hike in the real life sex dolls industry.
The question that bothers me is the timing aspects of using the medications. If they worry about 3 hour erections what will be the equivalent for women? How long will it take for male and female meds to work or will they have a little chart with maximum charging times? Will you have to set a timer to be sure you are both ready? How soon after the first dose can you take another, in case her mother calls and she can’t take advantage of her “on” time? just asking
@Sunny2 – there’s a link in the above posted article for the original new York Times article, which has considerably more information. It’s a long read. I do remember it mentioned it’s a two part pill – a quick release testosterone dose you melt in your mouth, then you swallow the slow release tablet.
What a way to go! Can I order them through amazon?
I once saw a study, I have no idea how well it was really set up, that showed that a large percentage of women don’t even know when they are aroused. They measured through biofeedback what the scientists decided was arousal. When I say large percentage, I mean percentage in the study, and I have no idea how many women they observed.
@Sunny2 I don’t really see that as a big problem. Most couples know more or less when they will have or be able to have sex.
@ETpro To me it implies those men think women never want sex. I don’t know if other people interpret it that way. Many women I know who have lack of sex drive want to want sex. Most of them were plenty horny in their teens and 20’s and lost their drive. The men you refer to, I think they belief women need to be drugged up to want sex, and then when they get the drug they won’t know how to handle being turned on. But, pretty much all the women would have been all sexed up during their youth. Not all, but a lot of them.
Whatever is in that little pill I must have been born with a whole boatload of it.
@ETpro Thank you for saying so! Those sentiments seem straight out of Victorian times.
@ETpro Just so we don’t replace them with equally inept females. Gender should not be a qualifier in any way. Most of the politician crowd seem to lack any real world problem solving skills outside of general education. We need to be electing scientists, engineers and mathematicians instead of lawyers, businessmen and lobbyists.
If the drug has passed clinical trials, I assume it was tested on a sizeable number of females.
So, how many of those became “raging nymphomaniacs”?
That data should be available from the studies already done.
@ARE_you_kidding_me Awk! I should have been more specific. What I meant was that a new generation of males are coming along and many of them are aware that gender is not a measure of IQ, sex drive, or emotional stability. I can totally see how my poorly written post could be taken as endorsement of one gender over the other, but that is diametrically opposite of what I support. I’m on your team on this: “We need to be electing scientists, engineers and mathematicians instead of lawyers, businessmen and lobbyists.”
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