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janbb's avatar

Who would like to welcome our resident Grammarian home from rehab?

Asked by janbb (63369points) October 12th, 2013

Yup – @gailcalled comes home today . Let’s throw her and Milo a big party!

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42 Answers

Seek's avatar


I bet it totally sucked being in there all this time.

Now you’ll get to actually sleep in your own bed, and be owned by your cat once again. But that’s a whole nother story.

I’m literally bursting with pride at how well you’re doing.

This is basically the best day ever.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Welcome home lady!!!!!!!!!!

Coloma's avatar

Yay…now,,,,,show us what that new fangled knee joint can do. We expect video of you clearing, at least, 3 foot hurdles and some tennis court action. “Hop” to it Gail!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Welcome home, Gail! Milo threw a wild party while you were gone, but I tried to clean up as best I could. If you still find little bits of gray fuzz here and there, I apologize. There was an incident with a pack of teenage mice who decided to crash the party. It got… messy.

chyna's avatar

Welcome back! I was with @WillWorkForChocolate during the clean up stages, but she is right, there may be some gray fuzz under the beds.
I have it on good authority that Milo really did miss you. He just doesn’t want you to know or it would give you the upper hand.
I am so glad that you are all rehabbed, if that is a word, and ready to run marathons now.

Coloma's avatar

@chyna Yes, wildlife rehab 101, she has overcome her shock and no longer needs to be kept, WDQ.
Warm, dark and quiet. lol

Coloma's avatar

Hmmm…upon further examination this Q. could be misconstrued.
” Welcome home from rehab..” okay Gail, it’s alright to admit you swiped a few hundred Morphine patches tucked in your undies for the long journey home. haha

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Three cheers for the homecoming queen! Milo, the party is over, cat’s back!

cookieman's avatar

Fantastic! You made it through. That is great news.

Now, get dancing!!

gailcalled's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr : You definately got that in one. The usual screw-up with the week-end staff, of course. Two social workers stood in my room two days ago and swore that I could have lunch and be dismissed at 12:30. So we made plans.

The nurse just had me sign all the papers, gave me all the instructions and meds and shook my hand in farewell, at 10:30. No one told her anything about our plans.

So I am now the unwelcome guest at the inn. My daughter is driving over asap but of course, she was expecting to have another hour or so to get it together. Nurse, who is Ms. Grumpy, will have to give the spiel all over again.

I got a “Rehab Facility Commons” shopping bag, a long-handled back scrubber, a device to put on socks, undies and pants without bending, and a long-handled shoe horn as a going away present, plus all the towels I can steal, I guess.

At least I will not have to rot here over the long week-end. In the discharge papers I am described as “an agreable, alert woman, aged XX, who has responded well to PT and OT and has done everything asked of me. I have participated in all the decision-making processes. Plus, I have a cooperative and attentive family.” No mention of Milo or my occasional cantankerous outbursts..

@Coloma:One week’s supply of pain meds. Then I have to call my PCP and grovel, if need be. I am hoping by then to be off them

The worst prob. is constipation.

Interestingly, even at my darkest moments, I have never lost the urge to write a few sentences (and even edit before sending.)

Having fluther and all of you at 4:00 AM was the best drug possible. Thank you, everyone.

Hold off on the party for a few days. I need to fly Jacques, le coiffeur, over from Paris first.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Happy to see you back and on the mend :)

thorninmud's avatar

Definitely awesome! My writing standards have gone all to hell since you’ve been gone.

SavoirFaire's avatar

There once was a woman named Gail
Whose knee just decided to fail
But now she is back
She has rejoined the pack
And we hope she stays hearty and hale

Welcome back, @gailcalled!

Blondesjon's avatar

Olen iloinen kaikki kävi hyvin. Kippis!

Berserker's avatar

Welcome back, yo. ’‘highfive’’ :D

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Welcome home.

CWOTUS's avatar

Glad to hear that you’re getting better and going home, but… “definately”? Don’t tell me that they had you drinking the Kool Aid.

Now put that new knee to good use and start kicking some ass again.

Seek's avatar

Haha, that was intentional, methinks, @CWOTUS

CWOTUS's avatar

I hope you’re right.

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * H * A * P * P * Y * * * H * A * P * P * Y * * * Y * A * Y * * *

flutherother's avatar

Milo here: Who, exactly, are we talking about?

jaytkay's avatar

@gailcalled I got a “Rehab Facility Commons” shopping bag, a long-handled back scrubber, a device to put on socks, undies and pants without bending, and a long-handled shoe horn as a going away present

Shoot, a fella’ could have a pretty good weekend in Vegas with all that stuff.

Coloma's avatar

^^^ LOL

@gailcalled I bet that shoehorn & back scrubber cost your insurance about $165. lol

Kardamom's avatar

Welcome Home! I know you probably need a good laugh right now, so here’s a funny Video I hope you will like.

And a picture of Him

glacial's avatar

A newly-kneed woman Gail called
Was received with repartee ribald
Her return verse inspired
But ‘twas passive-enmired
At great risk of her being appalled

Dammit, @SavoirFaire, I can never resist a limerick opportunity!

gailcalled's avatar

This kneedy old lady called Gail
Is about to eat veggies and kale.
She’s too popped to write much
And far from a nonesuch.
Tomorrow she’s less likely to fail.

glacial's avatar

This will only serve to egg me on.

jaytkay's avatar

Rehab? Did you see Lindsay Lohan?

Tell her to give me a call.


CWOTUS's avatar

A one-legged* dame named Gail
(*From a knee that had started to fail)
Came home from PT, OT – recov’ry -
To a room and a thread on her knee*
(*About her knee). Exhausted, she bailed.

Coloma's avatar

For Gail

If your kneeds were near the west coast
A hostessing I would boast
I’d grab up your bags
and morphine, for jet lags
and fly you to my side of the coast

gailcalled's avatar

SPOILER: Returning home from rehab is not the same as being free of pain and fatigue. My star turn at the clog dancing festival will take a few more months, I fear.

The easiest part is getting up and down stairs so happily I can sleep in my own bed and use my own bathroom. Milo took only about two hours to transfer his allegience back to me. He is, this minute, happily eating the edges of the written instructions from my Physical Therapist.

I am trying to remember what it was like to get a good night’s sleep.

Strauss's avatar

Good night, Gail!

Kardamom's avatar

I shall not have a good night’s sleep in your honor.

Sending you a Virtual Vegetarian Lasagna

Coloma's avatar

^^^ THAT looks SO good! Okay…outta here for lunch now. :-)

glacial's avatar

Wow, @Kardamom! I am going to make a point of making that this month.

Buttonstc's avatar

I don’t know how I missed this before.

So glad you’re home and all went as planned (mostly )

(Send Milo to the store to pick up a can of Psyllium Husks to help combat side effects of meds.)

drhat77's avatar

{curly-kazoo-streamer sound}

augustlan's avatar

Sorry I’m late to welcome @gailcalled home!

zenzen's avatar

Means I’ve been away a whole week – never used to happen… sigh

Hugs Gail and hugs jells.

Coloma's avatar

“zenzen”...sheesh, how many reincarnations can you have dude? lol

SavoirFaire's avatar

As many as he needs to escape the cycle of existence.

drhat77's avatar

@SavoirFaire brilliant! like a chump I hadn’t made the connection until you pointed it out

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