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Unbroken's avatar

What are antigravity tampons?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) October 13th, 2013

Have you used them do you like them? What makes them anti gravity. Do they work on the moon? Are men jealous they don’t have anti gravity cups?

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11 Answers

cheebdragon's avatar

Tampons that defy gravity, obviously.

Neodarwinian's avatar

F = G(m1m2)/r^2

Unless they defy this law they are not really anti-gravity tampons.

Perhaps they are gravity resistant tampons!!

Seek's avatar

Know when you’re laying down or sitting comfortably, then you stand up and your flow goes from 0 to 150 in about 0.05 seconds?

They keep you from leaking through when that happens.

ucme's avatar

One small step for woman, one giant relief for womankind.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Ok… I have no right to even be looking at this question but the engineer in me couldn’t stand it…
The Antigravity term refers to Tampax’s “Leakguard Braid” built in as part of the withdrawal string. It supposedly draws leakage back up to the core. I figure it has extra fibers that use capillary action to wick the fluid upward like the xylem cells on a tree.
Some marketing person’s boss got paid a big bonus for that name.

elbanditoroso's avatar

They are regular tampons that have small rocket engines installed at the very end. That way, if the wearer needs to rise above others, she squeezes her legs and that turns on the engine.

Just think of the power between your legs!!

Unbroken's avatar

@cheebdragon Oh, gravity is working against me And gravity wants to bring me down

Oh twice as much ain’t twice as good And can’t sustain like one half could It’s wanting more That’s gonna send me to my knees

Oh gravity, stay the hell away from me

@Neodarwinian is there a formula for gravity resistance?

@Seek_Kolinahr lol made me think of Jerry was a race car driver And he drove so goddamned fast He never did win no checkered flag But he never did come in last.

Maybe it was the checkered flag bit. or perhaps the flashbacks to gym class in middle school.

Though really it seems to me if the tampon fits and is changed as needed no leak guard is required. Though I could be biased I rarely have a heavy flow.

@ucme Giant relief? That plug needs a woman’s touch.

@LuckyGuy I couldn’t wait I had to look it up myself. By the way capillary action is beautiful with or with out leak guard protection.

@elbanditoroso hate to be the one to tell you but we have always had power between our legs. Batteries not necessarily needed but squeezing does help.

Seek's avatar

Frakking Primus. Haha. Tommy the Cat is my name, and I’ll say unto thee…

Unbroken's avatar

^^Lotsa love. Had the pleasure of seeing him summer solstice.

Neodarwinian's avatar


Air resistance

F(air) = Ks(t)

snowberry's avatar

Darn! I was hoping I could seal some in my pockets to help me lose weight!

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