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flutherother's avatar

(NSFW) Have you ever made love with someone as part of an agreement?

Asked by flutherother (35075points) October 14th, 2013

It could be explicitly or more likely implicitly.

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12 Answers

gailcalled's avatar

It was implicit when I married my husbands, although we never signed any contracts.

zenvelo's avatar

I have never had it as part of an expressed agreement or quid pro quo, only as implicit in certain situations, such as going away for the weekend or otherwise spending the night. As a quid pro quo, it’s really a form of prostitution.

Sunny2's avatar

The opportunities were there, but I never said yes. I have to care more for someone than it just being a deal to be interested.

ucme's avatar

Do you promise to love her, honour her & hump her for as long as ye both shall live?”
“I shall certainly do my best vicar.”

anniereborn's avatar

no. never been presented with such an opportunity. yes, I would be opposed to it.
sex is not something I use to get something else.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

I believe the agreement was called “marriage.” Within the context of a marriage, sex is also called “marital relations.”

filmfann's avatar

After first-time sex with someone, she told me “Okay, here is the deal. We have sex every other date. I don’t want to only have sex, I want to go out too.”
It was the only time we had sex.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I guess sex as a part of an agreement would be hiring a prostitute, which I have never done. I prefer the term making love, but it never comes with any terms. It’s always freely given by each partner because they both want it. Even marriage is not some kind of contract agreement. If one partner is not in the mood it doesn’t need to happen. I’m not some horny drone that has to have it tonight or I’m looking elsewhere.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

At first blush I would say no. But in contemplation I can think of several incidents in which what I thought was merely sex might, on some level, be considered payment for services rendered. Odd. Haven’t thought about this in a long time.

Blondesjon's avatar

It’s how I escaped the shower rape in prison.

worst. negotiation. ever.

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