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bolwerk's avatar

What causes a lizard overlord to get orange skin?

Asked by bolwerk (10357points) October 15th, 2013

What is the reason for the orange coloring on its wrinkly epidermis? A trait inherited through natural selection? Irradiation? Chemical burns? Clogged colon causing is flaky, fishfood-laced fecal matter to back up in the system? An act of God?

Inquiring minds want to know!

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6 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Skin color altering emoluents. Or maybe he smokes too much.

rojo's avatar


Katniss's avatar

What is a lizard overlord? Asked the blonde. lol

LuckyGuy's avatar

Excess UV radiation breaking through the Ozone hole.

Pooh54's avatar

too many carrots?

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