General Question

pleiades's avatar

Please, recommend me some extremely neat and short hair cuts for men!

Asked by pleiades (6622points) October 15th, 2013

I’m going into the barber shop this weekend :)

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11 Answers

hearkat's avatar

It would be helpful if you include details about the texture of your hair and the shape of your face. Do you have facial hair? Are there any styles that you like?

livelaughlove21's avatar

Buzz cuts are extremely neat and short.

How short are we talking?

Kardamom's avatar

As you may know, I’m partial to Doc Martin’s cut. It’s short and easy to maintain. And oh so sexy!

Coloma's avatar

Extremely neat and short would be bald. lol

rojo's avatar

Really? Cut you hair short and it is neat. duh.

CWOTUS's avatar

#4 clip, all around; trim the front of the sides with a graduated #3 clipper, and (if you’re not doing it yourself, as I always do), square up the bottom edge at the back of your neck.

I give this cut to my own hair every few months (pretty much “as soon as my hair starts to lean to one side or the other”), and the best things about this cut are:
1. No bed head. Ever.
2. I can wash my hair in a minute, and “drying is styling” – which I do with a towel.
3. I haven’t had to comb or brush my hair in years – and I’m not bald!
4. The cut cost me about $25 several years ago (one time) when I bought my last set of hair clippers.

It’s the same cut my dad gave to me in my avatar photo “back in the day”.

zenvelo's avatar

Ask for ¾ inch cut, off the ears, short taper in the back but off the collar.

Katniss's avatar

@Kardamom I like this one. It’s kind of messy looking.

pleiades's avatar

@hearkat I have black hair asian straight with some curls around the ear area when grown out Thinning/receding at the top

Nearly exactly like this Jude Law photo

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