General Question

Aesthetic_Mess's avatar

Part-time job application?

Asked by Aesthetic_Mess (7894points) October 16th, 2013

I’m applying for a part time job about 40 minutes away (there’s none in my immediate area). The application asks what hours I’m available, and I’m just wondering what hours are expected for a part-time applicant. Is four days a week unacceptable?

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6 Answers

janbb's avatar

They want you to be very available. Are there times that you know you are not because you are in class? You could put “flexible hours available except for….up too 28 hours a week” or whatever your restrictions are

DeanV's avatar

Be honest, but more availability is good. Put all the times you physically can work, it’s very very unlikely they’ll schedule you for all of them anyway.

YARNLADY's avatar

The employer is more likely to hire someone who can be available as much as possible. The more you limit the hours you will be available, the lower your name goes on the list.

Katniss's avatar

I’m just curious….. Have you factored in the cost of gas?
I don’t know how much you’ll be making, but 80 miles per day is going to eat up a chunk of that paycheck.

To answer your question, potential employers like to see pretty open availability. That includes nights and weekends. Most of the time they’re going to hire the person that has the most availability. Unless of course your résumé is so outstanding they are willing to work around your busy schedule.

Good luck :0)

Cupcake's avatar

I had a boss who would not interview anyone who didn’t indicate that they were available 7 days a week.

I agree with be honest but select as much as possible. You’re not indicating your ideal schedule here. You’re just saying what time blocks are/are not available, in general. You can discuss specifics in the interview.

SamSingh's avatar

In part time jobs, company always want to give opportunities to those applicant who avail maximum time for them. So you should give them 5 days week and hours according to your work.

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