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RocketGuy's avatar

Who else would be affected by Climate Change?

Asked by RocketGuy (15627points) October 16th, 2013

We hear that people who live in low-lying areas might be flooded out. We also hear about Napa Valley getting too hot and dry to make wine. Now it seems that skiers will be adversely affected:

Anyone else you can think of, who would consider Climate Change to be a big bummer?

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15 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Most people on the planet.

Climate change is disruptive just about anywhere.

gambitking's avatar

Yes I think the entire energy industry considers Climate Change to be a bummer, because while it is largely based on flimsy speculation and loosely linked data, the whole Climate Change thing is pressing down hard on power plants, oil refineries and the manufacturing industry in general, among many other realms.

Lots of people love to campaign with the whole ‘save our planet’ thing and rallying behind Global Warming (oh wait we don’t call it that anymore since that was mostly exposed as crap and inaptly named), ahem, I mean “Climate Change”. But when they start having to sell kidneys just to pay an electric bill, the tune will change.

Electricity customers won’t be the only ones bearing the financial burden, it’ll just be trickle down from where it really makes a wallop – the energy industry enterprises. They will suffer great losses, impacting the economy tremendously along the way, jobs will be lost, commodities and energy futures will become turbulent and the EPA will be scrambling around. Speaking of which, they are leaning on their back foot right now with this whole aggressive regulations thing they’re doing. But we’ll see what the Supreme Court says about the whole thing.

I’m guessing that’s enough to get the green party riled up, but that’s my two cents.

RocketGuy's avatar

If nothing is done, we are all going to have to pay $$$ anyway:
– fisheries damaged, cattle fields, wheat fields dried up so food will cost more
– weather beating up our homes. Insurance companies have already increased their rates in anticipation, so we arepaying more already.
– spending more on A/C in the summer and natural gas in the winter
– paying more for water. T Boone Pickens has bought all available water rights in Texas. The man knows something. He didn’t get rich by buying things willy-nilly.

ETpro's avatar

Greenland will be nice. Let’s hope they can grow enough food there to feed 8 billion people.

Just in case the irony of that is lost on you, EVERYONE will be affected by climate change. Most of them won’t at all like the effects.

AdamF's avatar

There’s a nice summary of the what the science is telling us at the following link. Suffice to say the negatives are sufficient to motivate a rapid shift away from greenhouse intensive energy sources.

It’ll be interesting to see how these numbers change with the latest IPCC update (primarily refinement of uncertainties I would suspect). We’ve had the update for the physical science basis:

And April next year the latest update regarding global vulnerabilities will come out, in case you’re interested.

filmfann's avatar

Food production will also be screwed, so the correct answer is everyone.

mattbrowne's avatar

Same areas will be affected by heavier rainfalls and more flooding.

rojo's avatar

The only ones that will be unaffected are the climate change deniers although, to be honest, there will be a lot more sand available worldwide for them to bury their heads in.

RocketGuy's avatar

@AdamF – that was good stuff! Thanks!

AdamF's avatar

No worries. =)

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ISmart's avatar

Polar bears

RocketGuy's avatar

I thought Polar Vortices were just fictional plot devices in a movie:

but my friend’s daughter had to spend the night on a frozen highway in Atlanta due to the Polar Vortex the reached down from the north.

and Koch Industries is buying up water rights too. Why are they spending billions on investments that will only pay off if Climate Change comes about?

ETpro's avatar

@RocketGuy The Koch brothers have many faults, but stupidity isn’t one of them. Fortunately for their bank accounts, the voters they spend their money to influence either do have that fault, or are so greedy they will take the Big Oil and Coal largess and pretend to be stupid.

rojo's avatar

T. Boone Pickens is buying up the water rights in Texas. His company, Mesa Water, has been at it for several years now. What does he know that you do not?

Water, or rather access to it, is going to be a money making proposition in the near future here in Texas. We keep bringing more and more people into the state/ City populations keep increasing while the water table is continually dropping and we have some kind of fucked up system where the groundwater under the land belongs to the landowner so you can take out as much as you want and to hell with those “downstream”. Those at the top of the aquifer can take it out and sell it to those south of them whose well no longer produces because those north of them have taken it out.

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