Do you like something everyone else seems to dislike?
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longgone (
October 19th, 2013
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67 Answers
Brussel sprouts. But they have to be cooked right. Never over cook them.
Or oral sex. You said vice a versa.
I like brushing my teeth, people tell me that’s weird. I dislike most kinds of partying, which is unusual at my age. Inconvenient, too, but I have understanding friends. Oh – and I hate bubble tea, which everyone seems to love right now.
Christians, braunschweiger, and cheap beer.
Every single building here at my school is freezing! They keep the thermostats at somewhere in the 60s. It’s such a waste of energy and I’m the only one who thinks it’s uncomfortable. I must be crazy for liking 70s or 80s inside. I study outside anyway because I love outside.
The movie Showgirls, but they seem to like shrimp or salmon but I can’t stand neither.
Dream questions and Does he like me questions.
I like sweetbreads, chicken liver, and Escargot (snails)
I dislike chewing gum, ‘specially bubble gum.
Most people think they are mean and messy, I think they are walking angels, and the best “dogs” you could ever have! Long live Marwyn & Sonora!
I also LOVE dipping raw cabbage wedges in Miracle Whip, the lazy womans cole slaw. lol
I like rain and cloudy weather. Most people prefer sun.
I like solitude. Many people like to be social.
The skin on mangostin hate it the fruit inside yum
I am the only one in my family that likes liver and brussels sprouts (but not together).
@Adirondackwannabe Sweetbreads are veal pancreas and thymus glands. It’s quite bland and a bit sweet. The texture is smooth, but firm with rounded pieces. It takes patience to remove all the connective tissue that holds it together. I’ve never tried to prepare it myself, but I enjoy it whenever it’s on a restaurant menu. Which isn’t often.
I like slightly burnt popcorn. I burn it on purpose when I make it.
The dried-out skin that develops on the end of a banana that’s been cut in half.
@Sunny2 wins! Gak! lol
@syz Yep, me too, love insects and tree frogs! I used to catch moths to hand feed my little tree frog friends that hung out under my porch light on summer nights.
Oh..I also like stale puffy cheetos. I rarely buy them, but when I do I like to open the bag and let them go stale for about 36 hours, easter peeps candy too, but I haven’t had those around forever now.
I have a friend that likes to age gummy bears for the extra, stale chew. haha
@Sunny2 I’ve never had sweetbreads before, but a few restaurants in my area have beef tendons on the menu, and they’re really good. There’s a pho place where you can order it as a side; basically they boil the shit out of it until it’s tender, sort of like the texture of jell-o but more firm, and they come floating in broth. They’re kind of slippery and savory with a good bite to it. There’s an Afghani restaurant that boils them even longer, until it’s sort of a gravy or a really smooth curry. It has a gelatinous and fatty texture, and tastes reeeeally good over rice.
Dislike: I can’t fucking stand Starbucks. Something in their coffee tastes fake and plastic-y to me, or maybe it just tastes stale.
I do, but aside from okra, all my outre likes are NSFW.
@Haleth I didn’t have the nerve to try beef tendon, and although I ate the chicken feet, jelly fish and sea cucumber, I didn’t particularly like them. Sweet breads, Escargot and chicken livers are found more in Europe. The Chinese seem to eat every bit of any animal they eat. I had a student take me out for dim sum. They bring the different dishes out on a cart and she would wave different ones towards us or away. When she waved on the chicken feet, which I had chosen not to eat in China, what could I do? When I Iooked at her, she had a little teasing smile on her face. Well, I managed to eat what little is edible on the chicken foot and remove the bones from my mouth with chop sticks. So there. I still can’t see why they bother to eat them.
@Sunny2 I had a bad experience once with a mystery food that might have been a sea cucumber. It was a wedding where the food was a Chinese ten-course banquet. In the seafood course, there were these unknown curly pieces that everyone was afraid to try. So I was like, “whatever, let me try one.” It was squishy and rancid, and it took forever to get the taste out of my mouth. It was probably just bad luck; I’d still be willing to try sea cucumber again, if that’s what it was.
Re: chicken feet, I guess a lot of foods came about as a way to use every little scrap of meat. Isn’t that where salami and hot dogs come from? Then people get used to those foods and start to like them, so we keep eating them even if we don’t really need to.
In my immediate meatspace circle, good gin. My local keeps a bottle of Tanqueray. I’m trying to convince them to start getting Bombay Sapphire instead, since I’m the only one that drinks it, anyway.
I’ll second oral sex for the vice – versa. Just does nothing for me.
Rain and snow. I love this time of year. Summer depresses me, fuck Summer.
@Symbeline Ohh! Fucking summer would be soooo HOT!
Imagine it, sixty nining the Sun.
I love bugs and creepy crawlies, especially spiders.
I like peace a quiet, seems that a lot of people don’t like this because they make a lot of noise!
I love summer in D.C.—high humidity and 100+ degree temperatures. Everyone else walks around miserable and complaining, but I enjoy everything about it.
@Mariah Calc is awesome! But these last couple of chapters have been a bit shady.
@Haleth That wasn’t sea cucumber. Sea cucumber is one of the many Chinese foods that have no particular flavor themselves, but are valued for their texture. How a food feels in the mouth is much more important to them and the delicious sauces contribute the flavors. An ever fascinating cuisine.
@Haleth – a few restaurants in my area have beef tendons on the menu,- here we call it cow heel soup, as it is made from the bones and tendons of the foot. It is not a broth: a well made soup includes yam, sweet potato, dasheen (taro), carrot, pumpkin, etc., and of course dumplings: and as much herbs as the law will allow. I never knew before that the jelly-like substance came from the tendons.
I’ve really wanted to try making a batch of Menudo here in the middle of America but the rest of the family crew is kinda put off by the tripe and the pig’s feet.
i was thinking of replacing the pig’s feet with oxtails
Big ladies.
Hello ladies…....:P
Will answer first, then look at the other responses.
First thing that comes to mind is Brussels sprouts, broccoli, beets and tofu.
Figure skating and women’s gymnastics.
Balding men with poochie tummies.
British period pieces (actually, it seems like it’s mostly men who don’t like that)
Severus Snape
Fran Drescher
Whole wheat bread
Spicy food
Being kissed by dogs
Savory foods, rather than sweets
Classical music
Vegetarian food, in general
I like being like a kid. Due to my short height everybody says I look like a kid and I really like it.
I like bad jokes. Only some, of course. I realise that they are bad and that cracks me up, somehow.
Wow, I really can’t explain why I like them.
Like this one:
Why aren’t witches mothers?
Hollow-weenies. :-P
Exactly! Tee hee :)
Or this science joke:
My teacher threw sodium chloride at me.
That’s a salt.
^^^ LOL
Okay…lest I hijack this thread, but, I gotta tell this one.
What did Jeffrey Dahlmer sing on the way to his fridge?
“My baloney has a first name…”
Okay, why did Dairy Queen get pregnant? Burger King forgot to wrap his whopper.
Q: What wobbles as it flies?
A: A jelly-copter.
A hijacking involving bad jokes is totally fine.
Why are most horses so slim?
Because they are on a stable diet.
Halloween themed -
Q- why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?
A- he didn’t have the guts.
<Q> What do witches eat on Halloween?
<A> Halloweenies
<Q> Why did Frankenstein cut the Halloween party short?
<A> Dracula was a pain in the neck, and the Wolfman turned into a real beast.
@Seek_Kolinahr yours reminds me of this one:
It’s not that the man did not know how to juggle, he just didn’t have the balls to do it.
What’s a mummies favorite type of music?
Q: What do you call a skeleton that won’t work?
A: Lazy bones.
Response moderated (Writing Standards)
Hmmm, this turned into cheesy joke thread. Yay!
My answer to the OP is my ex-boyfriend. Now that he’s an ex, oddly, the vice versa is also my ex-boyfriend. Go figure.
What kind of primate flies?
A hot-air baboon.
@GloPro LOL nice. I love cheesy jokes like that.
What did one tampon say to the other?
Nothing. They were both stuck up bitches. :-)
LOL nice. :)
Er, hmm…what does a cat read? The mews. Yeah I got nothing.
I heard that Cruiser was upbraided by an Irishman on St. Paddy’s day for trying to speak Irish phrases in a fake brogue. Apparently, the Irishman was incensed that Cruiser wasn’t sufficiently Irish to pull it off.
So I guess it’s true what they say… “begorrahs” can’t be Cruiser’s.
What has 2 legs and bleeds?
Half a cat
(I saw this one recently) A guy gets his wife’s sports car in the divorce settlement when she leaves him for a cop, and he decides to open it up on the highway. Lights and siren behind him, and he gets a wild hair and tries to outrun the cop. But when he hits 100mph, he thinks “This is crazy”, slows, and pulls over. When the cop walks up, he says “It’s the end of my week, the end of my shift, and I don’t want any paperwork, so if you have an absolutely awesome excuse, I’ll let you go”. The guy says “My nagging wife left me for a cop and I was afraid you were him, trying to return her”. The cop laughs and walks away.
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