Social Question

chyna's avatar

Do you have the pictures you've taken on your phone printed?

Asked by chyna (51769points) October 19th, 2013

I’ve asked several friends if they take pictures of their kids because I rarely see anyone with cameras now. They all say they take pictures with their phones. No one that I have asked recently has had the pictures printed.
Are these going to be missed memories because the pictures will never be printed?

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16 Answers

muppetish's avatar

Yup. I take pictures on both my phone and with my digital camera for prints. I thought about investing in a photo printer, but I don’t have the money for that at the moment (especially considering the cost of ink.) The majority of photos do not make it to print, though.

I have a photographer friend who never prints his photos. He posts them online or digitally archives them.

AshLeigh's avatar

I have an iPhone, and a really nice camera. I take pictures on both, and I’ve printed out a few of them. I don’t chapbook or anything though, so they kind of just sit there.
I usually upload them to Deviant Art or something.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Seriously, why would they be missed memories? I never browse photo albums. Why would I assume that I should be documenting what people looked like every day.

I look at my daughter today, she is beautiful and I love her. And I have a narrative already in my head of her never taking naps as a baby, through when her eyes changed from my father’s bright blue into my hazel, up to and including her telling me today her best friend likes the new doctor, but she prefers David Tennant. I never think to look at an old photo.

chyna's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought Most people, excluding you, like to look at old photo’s.
Kids want to look at pics when they were “little”. My nephews love to run to my refridgerator to look at pics of themselves.
For my mom’s 80th birthday, I got pics of her from childhood on up and made a cd of them. She was tickled and looked at it often.

hearkat's avatar

@chyna – You made a cd of your mom’s childhood pics – that’s not printed – and scrolling through digital images (whether on a cd, hard drive, tablet, or smartphone) is how most people look at pictures these days. Every Monday, a coworker pulls out his phone and we look at photos and videos of what his infant son learned over the weekend.

People post their kids’ photos on social sites all the time, and I feel like the kids are over-photographed because the poses and smiles are so contrived.

I’ve heard that drugstore photo services allow you to download your images to them for printing, so I suppose there are still people that have prints made.

zenvelo's avatar

I print an occasional good picture of the kids so that my elderly mom can see them. My daughter went to the homecoming dance this evening, so I’ll print one for her grandmother of her all dressed up .

Headhurts's avatar

Yes I do. I love taking pictures and keeping pictures. I would be too afraid to lose whatever picture I have on it.

chyna's avatar

@Hearkat I made the cd from pictures that had been printed from her childhood. Had there been no pics, I wouldn’t have been able to make a cd. There were no camera phones back then.

hearkat's avatar

@chyna – Right. But printed photos deteriorate with age and are often lost in fires, floods or other disasters. Having things digital and backed up to an off-site location, such as ‘the cloud’, or a site like Flickr, increases the chance that they will last longer than any print media. So I’m still not understanding what your concern is about “missed memories”.

Seek's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought high five to her! David Tennant is definitely the best Doctor to date. Though I also adore Tom Baker.

I take pics with my phone most of the time, and I have printed a few, mostly to send in thank-you cards for gifts the extended family has had shipped to my son. My husband also likes to keep a wallet photo of our little boy.

Seek's avatar

@zenvelo She looked lovely, too!

downtide's avatar

I haven’t printed photos in about ten years. If I share them with family I burn them to DVD or I give them a link to my flickr account.

Kardamom's avatar

I don’t have a phone that takes pictures. I have a good old regular digital camera. I download the best of the best pictures about every 6 months and have those printed out for the family photo album.

In the meantime, if I go to an event (birthday party, Christmas or Thanksgiving) I immediately post the best of the best to Facebook for the people that were at the party and a few select relatives that were unable to attend (not for public viewing). I also make disks for immediate relatives who ask for them. I am the un-official family photogatrapher.

Last month, I was unable to attend a family function. I saw no photos, anywhere or in any form, of that event : (

Most of the relatives I have that take cellphone pics, put them on Facebook immediately. A few, who will remain nameless never post them, share them or print them. That’s exactly why I take 3 to 6 hundred pictures per event.

Skippy's avatar

I have quite a few printed and framed in my office. I also have a digital frame I transferred pix from my iPhone so that goes – ok not printed….but I like to have pix in my hand. Like cash, can’t do everything electronic

Valerie111's avatar

If I use my cell phone, I send them to my email. If I use my digital camera, I download them onto the computer and print them if I want to put them in a frame but I usually don’t do that much. If I want to send my family pictures, I do it through email or facebook.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

My batty grandmother sold the sprawling home my grandfather built himself for a pittance.

During my final visit there I took more than 1000 pictures.

My aunt selected 4 that were most meaningful and had them outputted to poster size, framed them, and hung them for him around his deathbed.

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