1. Wake up. Forget for a few minutes that I have lots of hardware in my knee.
2. Remember. Remove Milo from bed. Listen for my daughter clattering around downstairs, which is reassuring.
3. Stand up. Congratulate myself.
4. Do ablutions. Have shower sitting down with hand-held spray. Try not to spray entire bathroom. Congratulate myself.
5. Dress. Put on undies, pants and socks now without special equipment. Congratulate myself.
6. Clomp down stairs, make and eat breakfast. Clean up, water plants and sweep kitchen floor. Daughter will use the dust pan.
7. Plan pain pill around exercise schedule. Have a little rest.
8. Take pill, grit teeth and do 40 minutes of exercise. Really congratulate myself.
9. Ice and elevate knee for 20 minutes. Walk around outside for 10 minutes.
10. Lunch, nap, talk on phone, have a visitor or two, and email or read a book. Walk around outside. Then often another more serious nap.
11. Repeat. Need some encouragement to do #8 and 9 again.
!2. Supper. Give myself a little pep talk, a pain pill and prep for bed. Ice and elevate knee. Watch Milo avoid ice pack. Watch a little PBS from bed.
13. Thank the stars that my daugther is here to shop, cook ,do errands, laundry and offer general support, amusement, gossip and crack the whip when necessary.
13. Repeat whole bloody procedure tomorrow.