Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How are you spending or how did you spend your weekend?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37814points) October 19th, 2013

I had a day-long rehearsal Saturday for the show I am co-directing at the local university. We’re doing The Spoon River Project.

Sunday, I am going to a rally for marriage equality, which will ultimately lead to sign waiving along the busiest road in town. I am looking forward to it.

What are you up to this weekend, or if you’re on the other side of the world, what did you do?

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34 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Last night I went to a benefit in Oakland for disabled housing and heard comedy from disabled comedians.

Today was exercising and shopping and making sure my daughter got to and from the PSAT at her school, plus getting her to home coming.

Tomorrow is an extra hard workout and a dinner date.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@zenvelo I took my daughter to the PSAT at her school this morning, too. :)

Berserker's avatar

Jess keepin da peace up in da street, beast. Played video games, watched Solomon Kane and made home made hamburgers with my roomate. It was awesome. And it’s been raining outside for like, three days. A good time to be all lazy and shmite. Not that I would have spent this weekend any differently if it wasn’t raining.

Seek's avatar

Today I did fuck-all. Well, I did a tiny bit of work on this jewelry box I’m making. Tomorrow will be much the same. Either tomorrow or Monday we’re planning on going to the park to practice riding bikes with no training wheels.

jerv's avatar

Sleeping all day.

I work 4:30pm-3am during the week, and the commute is an hour each way, so I don’t really have the energy to do much after a string of 12+ hour days at a fairly physical job. Also, it will give me a chance to recover from some of the minor injuries (light sprains, plus a nasty bruise) I racked up this week.

Maybe I’ll blow shit up on World of Tanks… I’m ~⅓ of the way to unlocking the Cromwell…

downtide's avatar

Yesterday I didn’t do much, it poured with rain all day and I just wanted to stay in. Today I am visiting my partner’s parents for the day.

muppetish's avatar

So far, I haven’t been very productive. I’ve been nursing a (mildly) injured knee while marathoning Revenge on Netflix. Now I’m catching up on prep work for my composition class, which launches Monday morning, as well as researching the fabulous Charlotte Cushman for a writing project. I miss my significant other, who is attending a terrible costume party at the moment, but at least I have my books!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Whee! No training wheels!

OpryLeigh's avatar

Yesterday I worked in the morning and then chilled out in the afternoon with my boyfriend. Today I am going to my friend’s baby shower.

Headhurts's avatar

I worked yesterday until 4. Had fish and chips for tea and a shit load of Whisky. Today I have exercised, having a break now and will do more later. Watching Downton Abbey tonight and then hopefully we will have a early night.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I picked up and washed hickory nuts in the morning and afternoon. I ran the wood splitter for about an hour and a half splitting some Maple my neighbor cut down. After stacking it was a little over a half a cord. Nice.
Today I will go to my son’s house to do some electrical work. He has one broken outlet, and one that is wired backwards (hot and neutral are reversed)

Oh. And I will likely spend some time screwing around on this and the other f site.

Pandora's avatar

Yesterday we cooked, cleaned, took my dog to the groomers and had some new friends over for barbeque steaks, and dessert.

Katniss's avatar

Working. Yay!!!! And catching up on the Walking Dead. That damn show is like crack.

Pachy's avatar

On this pleasantly cool weekend, I cleaned, filled and fired up my outdoor hot tub; winterized my gas lawn mower; exchanged my light blanket for my winter duvet; and did some light house cleaning. Today/tonight I plan to soak in the hot tub, not do any yard work, and sleep warmer tonight than I did last night.

janbb's avatar

Friday night I had my BIL over to dinner and we had a fight about Thanksgiving. Saturday I went to my painting class and then hiking and leaf peeping with a friend (there were apple cider donuts involved too.) And today I am going to a pumpkin patch, corn maze and winery outing then barbecuing for a friend. It’s a highlights of Fall weekend Chez Janbb with some divorce angst thrown in for good measure.

gailcalled's avatar

1. Wake up. Forget for a few minutes that I have lots of hardware in my knee.

2. Remember. Remove Milo from bed. Listen for my daughter clattering around downstairs, which is reassuring.

3. Stand up. Congratulate myself.

4. Do ablutions. Have shower sitting down with hand-held spray. Try not to spray entire bathroom. Congratulate myself.

5. Dress. Put on undies, pants and socks now without special equipment. Congratulate myself.

6. Clomp down stairs, make and eat breakfast. Clean up, water plants and sweep kitchen floor. Daughter will use the dust pan.

7. Plan pain pill around exercise schedule. Have a little rest.

8. Take pill, grit teeth and do 40 minutes of exercise. Really congratulate myself.

9. Ice and elevate knee for 20 minutes. Walk around outside for 10 minutes.

10. Lunch, nap, talk on phone, have a visitor or two, and email or read a book. Walk around outside. Then often another more serious nap.

11. Repeat. Need some encouragement to do #8 and 9 again.

!2. Supper. Give myself a little pep talk, a pain pill and prep for bed. Ice and elevate knee. Watch Milo avoid ice pack. Watch a little PBS from bed.

13. Thank the stars that my daugther is here to shop, cook ,do errands, laundry and offer general support, amusement, gossip and crack the whip when necessary.

13. Repeat whole bloody procedure tomorrow.

hearkat's avatar

Yesterday, the home inspector came and only found a few minor concerns. We went and saw the French film Haute Cuisine, which was enjoyable.

Today, we are lounging then will have a light breakfast and shower before heading off to yoga. Then we will do the stuff around the house that needs to be done. We have a fresh chicken we’ll cook, but we haven’t decided what we’re doing with it.

JLeslie's avatar

Yesterday we were in all day going over some paperwork, stressed and feeling cooped up. A few times during the day I said to my husband we should get out for a few hours, he seemed not motivated. Then all of a sudden at 6:00 at night he decided he needed to go to Best Buy. We went, and then somehow he agreed to eat a late dinner with me in a town nearby. Dinner was really good. We ate tapas (but not Spanish food) al fresco and and then afterwards walked down the restaurant and store lined street and finally ducked into a dance club. Great music, very laid back place, all ages there, danced for almost an hour. It was great.

Today we might go to Busch Gardens. It depends how early my husband finishes what he is doing. I’m also going to see about possibly going horseback riding or to a Big Cat reserve. Whatever doesn’t work out today we will do in two or three weeks. Next weekend we are going Karting and then to Downtown Disney to have dinner with Memphis friends who are in town (we moved from Memphis several months ago) and then SeaWorld for a few hours before coming home on Sunday.

Our weekend is actually extended this weekend, my husband took Monday off, and we plan to drop one of his cars off for service and then go to the Dali museum in St. Petersburg and have lunch somewhere in the area.

LuckyGuy's avatar

^ Jeez! I’m starting to feel guilty about not doing anything fun.
<—- Packing up the truck with stuff so I can fix things at my son’s recently purchased house.

dxs's avatar

Me and a friend went to an empty hotel ballroom Friday night. I played piano while she sang. We played and sang until 4 in the morning.
Other than that, I’ve been studying.

Mariah's avatar

My boyfriend is coming home from a study abroad in Morocco today. Awkwardly enough I arrived at his house to greet him a little more than day early (my ride wanted to leave sooner) so I have been at his house with his parents and sister, which is obviously weird although his family is very nice. I spent yesterday drawing. Today I will probably just surf the internet until it is time to pick him up!

glacial's avatar

I’ve been working my way through a 900-page book about R (an open source programming language used for statistical analysis). More fun than it sounds, I promise. And it will save me from spending loads of time banging my head against a wall later.

jaytkay's avatar

Hey, Spoon River, a little Illinois culture. Yay, Illinois!

My best friend had a 50th birthday party. We played football – the old men plus some 13-year olds. Dang we are slow.

Then it was a house party until late into the night, which was a blast. Lots of kids, the crowd ranged from 2 months up 60 years old.

Today I’m feeling a bit creaky, but it’s a beautiful day. I was dog walking in the sunshine at 7am.

Recently I realized I have a few feet closet space storing shirts I haven’t worn for a long, long, time, so I’m gathering up a delivery for the Salvation Army store.

Then I get to read the Sunday paper and then a book.

longgone's avatar

@dxs That sounds great, invite me next time.

mrentropy's avatar

Let’s see, Friday night I went to my new favorite restaurant where I was enthusiastically greeted on my way to the bar. At the bar I was greeted no less than four times by name and shown a selection of new beers. I had one and an incredible plate of fajitas.

Saturday morning I took Dimples for an oil change, bought some bird toys, did a little grocery shopping, did the laundry, fed the critters, had a small dinner, and then decided I didn’t feel like staying in. So I went back to my new favorite restaurant, had another beer, and ordered an appetizer which turned out to be a honking big chicken quesadilla. I didn’t want to finish it, but I did. I also wrote a bunch of notes on a story I’m trying to write for a couple of friends who won’t let me not write it.

Today I went to see my mom because she was having a problem with her computer, but it turned out to not be a problem at all. So we went for breakfast at a place that’s been in business since 1929 then toodled on over to a tiny town called Bertram to see a giant T-Rex made of auto parts. But the T-Rex wasn’t there, so I took a bunch of pictures of the town (which I’m uploading to Flikr, G+, and Facebook right now).

YARNLADY's avatar

Mine started early. The youngest grandson had a field trip to a pumpkin patch, and the parents have to transport them. His mom and dad accidentally scheduled a volunteer day at his brother’s school, and needed me to take him. As usual the hay ride was very straining for me, sitting on a hay bale on a moving wagon, and it didn’t get any better at lunch sitting on some rickety, hard benches.

Oh, and I was a half hour late, even though I left home an hour early, because the freeway I use was closed down twice, at each end of my trip, due to collisions. The second time, I was able to squeeze onto the next off ramp and take the city streets the rest of the way.

I later took both boys home with me, since Friday was a day off school. On Friday, I fired up our new swimming pool heater so they could swim in the 80 degree pool, on an 82 degree afternoon.

On Saturday, we went to Six Flags Discovery Kingdom, which is 75 miles from our house. We have a DVD viewer in our car, so we put a movie on, and when it’s over, we are almost there. We have purchased season passes for the four of us. We will take their parents on friends are free days.

As usual, I went on a ride I shouldn’t have and today I am stiff and sore. The boys remain active all day and most of the night. They were asleep when we arrived home at 11:30 last night, but jumped up loud and bouncy at 7:30 am. Grandpa got up with them, and when I got up at noon, he went back to bed.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

I spent all my time alone as my wife is 1,600 miles away visiting her parents, children and our grandchildren. We can’t afford to travel at the same time. I did reach out to my sister from whom I have been estranged for far too long and together we made amazing progress at builder a new and better relationship than we have ever had. I apologized for things I had done that hurt her and to those who were affected by my conduct nearly ten years ago. It was hard work but ultimately rewarding.

JLeslie's avatar

Turned out we went to a park where there is a large lake and just relaxed in the shade for a while. Tomorrow museum and lunch out.

LuckyGuy's avatar

And I went to my son’s house, shlepping a ladder and tools so I could clean out the rain gutters on his garage. There were trees growing out of the gutters. Trees – 18 inches tall !!!
I cut branches that were growing through the fence and over the garage. I boarded up a broken window and plugged a 6 inch hole that was for a wood burning stove that obviously had not been there for many years.
Then I started on the wiring. Replaced the broken outlet, swapped the wires on the outlet that was reversed, tightened all the connections in the main breaker box.
He and his GF are very happy. They are making a home.

It was not a fun day but it was productive. It sure beats the day @gailcalled had. ;-)

hearkat's avatar

I forgot that I had to bring the plants in because the temperatures will drop this week. I collected the final harvest of cherry tomatoes and peppers, too.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Let’s see. Yesterday we went to his grandpa’s house to pick up a ramp we let him use after his stroke left him wheelchair-bound for awhile and took it to my parents’ house, where we ended up tearing it apart to help my grandma’s new husband rebuild some steps and visit with them since they were visiting from West Virginia. We then came home and he watched the Carolina football game (we lost by 2) while I studied for my Latin Anerican Civ class (Oy!). Then we went on a little joy ride after getting me a pumpkin spice frappuccino from Starbucks (yum!) and we ended the drive at a Mexican restaurant where we had some dinner. Once we got home, I enjoyed a strawberry daiquiri from a bag as I watched Sweet Home Alabama.

Today we had breakfast at the Waffle House after he got home from fishing with my dad. From there, we went grocery shopping and dropped the food off at home before going back to my parents’ house for an early dinner and to spend time with my grandma and her husband before they leave for home in the morning. We got home in enough time to watch an episode of Bar Rescue and throw a load of laundry in the washer before going to bed.

Now I’m lying here, not tired at all, while he and the puppy sleep next to me. Pretty decent weekend, I suppose.

dxs's avatar

@longgone Sure! There’s always room for harmonization.

kavita000's avatar

It was a very boring weekend as I was completely busy in household chores.

sandrasfan's avatar

Last weekend me and my SO were collecting a jigsaw puzzle of 2000 pieces, it was very relaxing and at the same time it was sweet

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