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I don't know what to do. He walked past me and now it's over?
This may sound either desperate or cute. I was walking on an empty street today, looking for a store. I was chewing gum and focused on whatever was around. Then I noticed someone passing me by, I looked at him and he was already staring at me. He smiled. And to be honest, nobody has ever smiled at me like that my whole life. My heart melted. I was born again. I could feel rather than think. I was complete.
I knew him. He knew me.
I smiled back, just a little bit. Then we just slowly walked away from each other. He, one way and I the other.
I can’t stop thinking about him. I love ‘grunge’ styled men, but face is very important too. And his face was so familiar, even though I never met him before. I lived a life with him. He made everything more understandable and I made things easier in his life.
I don’t know what to do now. I think I fell in love or something. We had great vibes! I think love is so overrated. You don’t have to talk to someone to love them! What can I do now? Why did he smile like that? Am I stupid? Did you experience something similar? I really need to know! Share it away!
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