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Unbroken's avatar

What can you tell me about the rotation diet?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) October 21st, 2013

My naturopath recommended it to me. I know nothing of it. If anyone has tried it can you please tell me your impression. Also if you know of resources online or tips to starting I would appreciate it.

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7 Answers

Unbroken's avatar

I guess I need to add that this is the food sensitivity diet and not the weight loss plan.

Seek's avatar

I can’t find any studies on the efficacy of elimination or rotation diets for the treatment of food allergies.

Seek's avatar

That seems like a lot of work for something that is not even tested for usefulness…

snowberry's avatar

And on the other hand, try it (if you’ve got a doctor helping you figure out which foods you are allergic to). If it works for you, great. If it doesn’t, at least you know, and you’re not out that much money.

Unbroken's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr thanks for checking. Normally I would take the easy way out and have been sick since August. Tradtional docs agree that there are abnormalities but keep ordering tests are booked and go on vacations. I need to do something. In other words I am desperate.

Thanks @livelaughlove21 I had found the one with all the books but the other seems useful I can start without having to buy or read them. Appreciate it.

@snowberry yeah we did an allergy panel again it had been a few years. We noticed almost all my staple or replacement foods were getting a type 4 through 6 reaction from my IGG she said the only way to avoid that is the rotation diet. That a lot of her patient’s had tried it loved it felt great and stayed on it. But she never did quite explain what it was. Lol.

snowberry's avatar

@livelaughlove21‘s links provide great explanations, but you’re going to have to have someone work closely with you to individualize your diet, and help you understand its intricacies. With me there is always a rather steep learning curve with new protocols like this. I expect you would have a similar experience.

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