What is the most nervous you've ever been?
Asked by
pleiades (
October 21st, 2013
My most nervous moment came a couple months ago. I had been struggling with fixing SMOG repairs on my own and I couldn’t diagnose the correct system failure of my vehicle. Needless to say I kept going back and forth to smog shops. One particular time I was so sure I had fixed the problems and I was so anxious to get to the shop to see the results that the closer I got to the shop at a stop light I lost feeling to both my arms and my hands started cramping up, like arthritis or something but also in my legs a bit too. I’ve never been so freaking nervous! + I wasn’t working out during the time. I got out of the car and parked at the shop and told the man I was so freaking nervous I had to gather myself together and really concentrate on it. I walked it off and for a whole the nervousness was hard to fight off because I was balancing school, work, smog fixing, and it was hell! Never been so stressed in my life. So stressed that one of the nights I slept with my arms bent upwards (hands near my face) that they both went numb at night as I slept on my back. I walk/jog 3 miles at least 5 times a week now in hopes of getting back to superb health. That’s my story what’s yours?
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8 Answers
My most nervous moment was when I was giving the first interview. I was too nervous but by the grace of God I did well and they appointed me.
Hard to pick one thing, but high on my list was driving up a mountain in northern England on a snowy winter day several years ago. The dropoff was only a few feet away from my car door. I’m getting nervous just thinking about it.
I have so many I don’t know if I can pick one. Multiple times I have been a nervous wreck going to see a doctor. A wreck because I believed they would not be able to help me. I’ve been wrote 90% of the time, which doesn’t help my nervousness when going to see a doctor in the future. I don’t mean I am always nervous when I go to see a doctor, I mean when I am extremely nervous they won’t be able to do something, I am almost always right. Afterwards the anxiety is equal and often worse. Can result in crying and sometimes weeks of nightmares. The negative after effects don’t happen as often now, but sometimes still do.
Signing contracts makes me nervous, especially when I buy a house.
If I discount being threatened by a pedophile uncle when I was 13, I’d say various driving experiences when it’s dark and stormy and the road conditions are unknown to me. It’s the loss of control that is terrifying.
Edited: I just thought of another from my childhood. My father, who had a violent temper, came home from work with blood all over him. He’d been in an altercation with someone wielding a knife. He’d come home for his gun and was headed out to kill the man. My mother talked him off the ledge, but I was terrified, not only in the moment, but all through the night as I watched our street for the “bad man” to return.
Driving with three guys in a car in the mountains in Winter. The guys thought it was funny to spin the car on the icy pass. I was very nervous. Make that, terrified. When the guys saw my face, they stopped, thank goodness.
The morning before I got married. I am terrified of commitment, but I did it and don’t regret it.
Long Island Softball Championship, 1987. Bottom of the last inning, and we’re down by one run. Men on 2nd and 3rd. I come to the plate with the Billy Joel song ‘Pressure’ being played over the PA system.
I try very hard to push-down the jitters and get mad. This is my time, one of those moments. I’ve already rocketed two line-drive hits earlier in the game, so just need to do it one more time.
On the first pitch, I dribble a grounder back to the pitcher.
Game over. Championship lost.
Fuck me….
I was most nervous just before my oral A-Level exam, I think. I wasn’t a well prepared as I would have liked to have been and I was in a bad state altogether.
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