Doesn't this prove that Obamacare is hurting workers, getting more moved to part time.
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ETpro (
October 22nd, 2013
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24 Answers
Anyone who asks a question with a negative – as in “Doesn’t this prove….” has already closed their mind to reasonable answers.
I’m no fan of Cruz, but I’m pretty sure anyone’s upper lip would look like that if you photographed him from his shoe’s point of view. :/
Read the sarcasm, folks. And the details.
@Seek_Kolinahr Sarcasm? Sarcasm! Sarcasm in a post by @ETpro? That man does not have a sarcastic bone in his body! Well, OK, maybe that one!
The Slate and The Nation? Those commie, left-wing publications? A lying Republican? What is the world coming to?
@elbanditoroso What, me biased? Sarcastic? I’ll have you (and @Yetanotheruser) know that my huge, throbbing Boehner is as fair and egalitarian as any Boehner known to man (or woman) kind. It’s an equal opportunity Boehner that skewers the opening between the hips of whatever hypocrite it encounters.
@glacial Granted that was a less than flattering camera angle, but it isn’t just that picture I’m basing my Con of the Century award on. There is this uncanny comparison. And then there is this, this, this and this to cite a few more.
@Seek_Kolinahr I represent that remark!
@RocketGuy “What is the world coming to?” Its senses, maybe.
If you have the courage to gaze upon the brutal truth, then the answer to your question will appear to you in due time.
@gondwanalon I have a deep and driving desire for knowing the truth. I despise lies, particularly ones from Con men in it for their own self aggrandizement and having no concern with who their Con hurts or kills.
Repeat a lie often enough and people will start to believe it.
Typical tactic of all tyrants and those who want to be.
And considering the reps’ base, they probably do not even have to repeat it. They will swallow it all without question.
@ETpro If that is the case, stop listening to those you know are lying. Throw all your weight and effort to support those you feel support your own views. I suggest all Americans do likewise. If that actually happens, democracy might actually break out. What a shocking and revolutionary idea to the apathy that currently exists.
Try to imagine that many of the facts that you thought were true were actually false.
Also imagine that many or all of your sources of information were filled with incorrect information, fabrications, rhetoric and lies.
Think how painful that would be.
If you can stand to stare into the blinding light of pure truth without filters then you will capture a glimpse into a world that does not yet exist.
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing.”
― Socrates
@ETpro I guess we know why a certain radio host refers to that party as the “Republi-cons.
I have a friend whose company has an interesting solution to the problem. They report that my friend works 10 hours a week, at $75.00 an hour, instead of 40 hours a week at $18.75 an hour. Wonder how long it will take the authorities to figure that one out.
@gondwanalon You try too. The truth doesn’t go away just because some political faction doesn’t want to face it.
@Skaggfacemutt what problem is this imaginative company trying to solve by paying workers far more per hour than they need, and limiting their hours? Were they obsessed with finding the fastest possible path to bankruptcy?
@ETpro I think she’s only paid that way on paper. So she’s viewed, on paper, as a very well paid part time employee, instead of a moderately paid full time employee. That way, the company isn’t on the hook for providing healthcare.
Those are crazy obvious numbers, though. I sense an audit in his future.
@Seek_Kolinahr Yeah, the company is cleverly avoiding the tax credits they could earn under the Affordable Care Act by blatantly violating IRS regulations. Brilliant—NOT!
But this is the behavior you expect when looking at those who live exclusively in the evidence free zone.
@ETpro No, you’re not getting it. @seek_kolinahr, you are right. The friend DOES work 40 hours a week, but if the company reports that he works more than 29 hours a week, they have to pay for his medical. SO, they only report 10 hours a week, and pay him an exhorbiant rate per hour so that he gets what he worked for and they still don’t have to pay his medical.
as if anyone needed more examples that prove that companies are criminals
@ragingloli I agree. That is the strangest solution that I have ever heard of, and can’t imagine how they figure they will get away with it.
@Skaggfacemutt You want to reap a reward? Turn them in to the IRS. But they really are screwing themselves right now, because they could reap tax credits for insuring the employee.
@ETpro They’re screwed either way by following the law, or not.
I’ve heard a theory that the traits that make a successful CEO are shared with those that make a psychopath.
You’re confusing “Right to Work” with Obamacare. “Right to Work” was here first and long before anyone even heard of Obama.
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