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Hawaii_Jake's avatar

When did you last cry tears of joy?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) October 23rd, 2013

I did just minutes ago when I read this.

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22 Answers

Unbroken's avatar

!!!! Fantastic

longgone's avatar

Oh, that’s great!!

Seek's avatar

Are you going to offer testimony?

ucme's avatar

Does having a big shit count?

OneBadApple's avatar

This is right up there with U.S. women finally being “allowed” to vote, and black citizens being able to eat anywhere or drink from any water fountain that they damn-well please.

Congratulations, Jake…..

janbb's avatar

Oh wonderful!

My state just passed same sex marriage and the Governor who is against it will not appeal.

filmfann's avatar

Terrific! The Aloha State has long represented romance, and this seems fitting.

In answer to your question: The last time I had tears of joy was 10 days ago, when my daughter got married.

OneBadApple's avatar

Congratulations, filmfann !! There is nothing like a daughter, right ?

My answer to Jake’s question: In January I struggled mightily with my emotions when from her hospital bed our daughter told us what they named our new grandson, including my name as his middle name….

glacial's avatar

When watching the new Richard Curtis film, “About Time” (was going to post a trailer, but I think they all give away too much). Seriously, go see it as soon as possible.

And that’s great news, @Hawaii_Jake!

OpryLeigh's avatar

In September when I went to The Grand Ole Opry, Nashville. It was a very special experience for me and I was overwhelmed by it all.

Katniss's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Wonderful!!!
For the life of me, I cannot understand why it has to be such a struggle for same sex couples to be afforded the same rights as opposite sex couples. Love is love, right? So what difference does it make? I’m so very happy that you’re happy!

Sunny2's avatar

One by one, it’s going to happen! The last states may be reluctant, but it IS going to happen! Definitely worth tears of joy.

KNOWITALL's avatar

When my mom went to ER and I was afraid her cancer was back, but it wasn’t.

Wooooo hooooo, congrats, I’m soooooo happy for you!! :)

cazzie's avatar

I have a personal story for you. tears of joy happened here. These people are long, close friends of my boyfriend and, I guess, by extension, mine, but I wish I could have been there, holding his hand and offering my support to Jen and Angelique. He was one of the ‘best men’.

Please, everyone, read all three so you can get an idea of what they faced.

Random1324's avatar

I don’t exactly feel anything for you, since I have no comment on Same-Sex Marriage and stuff like that, so… congratulations…?

Seek's avatar

I also had one or two years of joy when @cazzie told me about her kickass boyfriend.

Katniss's avatar

@cazzie Thank you for sharing. What a beautiful story. I’m sitting here filled with happiness and sadness for this couple. My happiness comes from the fact that they were finally able to fulfill their dream of being legally married. I’m heartbroken because they don’t have enough time left together.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr I have already submitted written testimony, and it boiled down to this: “I want to be a whole citizen.”

syz's avatar

Yay, Hawaii!

I cried tears of joy when the Supreme Court struck down DOMA, and I cried tears of joy when this country elected it’s first black president.

downtide's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake that’s great news!

OneBadApple's avatar

@cazzie A wonderful story alright, even given the heartbreaking circumstances under which it occurs.

Hats off to all of the people in New Mexico, legal or otherwise, who worked to make this happen.

And thanks for posting this…

johnpowell's avatar

Wowsa. That is great. I hope it becomes law.

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