General Question

YARNLADY's avatar

Do you have any personal knowledge of Kiwanis Club?

Asked by YARNLADY (46715points) October 23rd, 2013

I am considering joining and I wonder what you know about it.

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5 Answers

ibstubro's avatar

What kind of information are you looking for? This, from the main website, says that each club is individual, so you’d have to look into the structure of your local branch. I remember being in Key Club in high school, and it was pretty cool. I think you should give it a shot.

About Kiwanis

Kiwanis clubs, located in 80 nations, help their communities in countless ways. Each community’s needs are different—so each Kiwanis club is different. By working together, members achieve what one person cannot accomplish alone. When you give a child the chance to learn, experience, dream, grow, succeed and thrive, great things happen.

Service footprint: Service is at the heart of every Kiwanis club, no matter where in the world it’s located. Members stage nearly 150,000 service projects and raise nearly US$100 million every year for communities, families and projects.

A family of servant leaders: Kiwanis clubs focus on changing the world by serving children, one child and one community at a time. To do this, many clubs also sponsor a Kiwanis family club—K-Kids for primary school children; Builders Clubs for adolescents; Key Clubs for teens; CKI clubs for university students and Aktion Clubs for adults living with disabilities—to reach more people and have a greater service impact on their communities.

Traditional and not: No two Kiwanis clubs look exactly the same. Each member’s and community’s needs are different, and each club should look different. Some clubs are very traditional, with weekly meetings and a strong sense of history. Other clubs don’t meet at all, and instead hold meetings online and only come together for service projects. Newer clubs may follow the 3–2-1 concept: 3 hours of service, 2 hours of social activity and a 1-hour meeting each month. Clubs should reflect their communities and their members and should work to meet their needs. Flexibility is key to a successful club.

Fellowship and fun: Kiwanis members don’t just do service—they have fun. Members make new friends by being part of a club where they attend meetings and participate in social events. Kiwanis clubs also provide excellent networking opportunities for professionals. Members meet new people from all over their region and the world through service projects, fundraising and by attending district and international conventions.

Learn more: To learn more about specific Kiwanis club projects around the world, read some of our favorite Kiwanis stories.

YARNLADY's avatar

Thank you. I saw the website, but I just wondered if anyone here was an actual member.

ibstubro's avatar

I’ve had friends that were, and they were great people. I have first hand knowledge, though.

I thought it was a decent question and I was trying to give it a boost, too. :-)

YARNLADY's avatar

Thanks. I became interested when I unknowingly shared Key Club Rally Day at Six Flags Discovery Park. The park was filled with fun loving, polite high schoolers without a single extra security guard required.

ibstubro's avatar

It’s not a secret organization. Maybe you could just attend a local meeting? Maybe search for a roster of local members, and surely you’ll know one.

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