How did the tipping point in your life manifest itself?
What event or person in your life was the tipping point that made you deviate drastically to another direction? For instance what it an affair in a relationship, being bullied, being stepped over at work yet expected to do more for the same or less pay. What was it that made you believe ”I can’t go on like this another minute” and was the catalyst of dramatic change in your life?
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21 Answers
Getting my own apartment and a divorce changed my life for the better. Lost lots of so called friends but that’s ok. Well worth it.
I went to an astronomy club meeting at the top of a mountain.
^^Ah, yes. A change in perspective. I had one of those in Greece with the ancient buildings on the Acropolis looking down on me.. The change in me was to recognize how insignificant I was in terms of my time on earth. At the same moment I realized that my time on earth, insignificant as it was, it was all I had. There was not much I could control except in my own personal life. How I dealt with it, however, was up to me.
@Sunny2 Actually, it wasn’t really a change of perspective for me. It was a recognition that I could do it as a hobby. Now, 15 years later, I’m an astrophotographer.
@Rarebear You had a change of perspective in terms of what you could do. Mine was a change from being myself, considering myself alone, to considering myself as being part of others more than just myself.
@Sunny2 Was not that more like an epiphany? Unless you were in a crap situation before that experience showed you now to do better with what you had but not that you had to drastically change it because it wasn’t working.
@Blondesjon What was going so wrong that a fat blunt cured, or made straight? Or was it the tipping point that made a shaky life hit the skids?
My father died, I turned 40, I gave up on music as a career choice, I got married, and I left Texas, all in the same year.
@Hypocrisy_Central It certainly may have been an epiphany. I just know it changed my perspective, what ever you want to call it. I was not in a bad situation of any kind at the time except free to roam for as long as I wanted to. After 3 months, I wanted to be home.
@Hypocrisy_Central . . . I grew up in the ‘Just Say No’ eighties and had it pounded in to my head that marijuana was a dangerous, deadly gateway drug.
I tried it and found out it was no such thing. This lead me to begin questioning everything else I had taken as fact just because an ‘authority’ told me it was so.
@Blondesjon I had a similar experience in 1968. I found out that the only gateway marijuana provided was a gateway to the black market.
My mother beat me up, and I reported the assault, resulting in her arrest.
As a result, I was ostracized by my church – my church, not my mother’s. I had broken a commandment in a publicly reported way.
That spurred the self study into my religion that ultimately led to my atheism, which believe me literally changed my entire life.
Yep, leaving a 22 year marriage to a raging narcissist. When I finally realized the nature of the beast I was dealing with. It was the most joyful and liberating shift to date. I went on to create the most amazing life for myself, sadly, this economy has burned me at the stake, but the last 10 years were a precious time of peace, prosperity and growth.
@Hypocrisy_Central It’s interesting that your question assumes some unfair or unbearable situation in the past. And in your responses to other users, you said, “Unless you were in a crap situation before that… you had to drastically change” and “what was going so wrong… or was it the tipping point that made a shaky life hit the skids?” Why is the premise that everything is/was going wrong?
That premise is so foreign to me that this question made me do a double take. I’ve been through some strange and difficult times, but never to the point where my whole life needed changing. Are you in the middle of a bad situation that’s making you feel negative/ resentful?
Personally, my tipping point was a coincidence. I met someone on a train late at night, and ended up having my first sip of wine with them a few weeks later. With that sip, there was this instant lightening bolt of recognition. Wine, if it’s a good one, appeals to several senses at once, and layers of aroma and flavor come at you in subtle and intriguing ways. So I was left thinking, ”???” but feeling incredibly curious and engaged; I had to know more. For the next few years I learned everything I could and tried lots and lots of different wines, and now it’s my career. If I hadn’t met this person, my wine experiences might have started and stopped at boxed wine and white zinfandel; the other stuff wouldn’t have even been on my radar.
Things were going pretty well beforehand, and I lost touch with the person since then, but that encounter definitely changed the course of my life.
One of the major tipping points in my life came when I realised my Christian faith did not answer some BIG questions I had, the questions were enormous, the answers too small, I abandoned the faith I had followed for 18 years.
I’ve had several tipping points in my life, issues with both parents being alcoholics, abusive men who take advantage, living a thug life & getting out, mom’s cancer, husbands seizures, etc… It’s been a wild ride but I’m still hanging on & staying positive.
Any time I’m not strong enough to stand and fight on my own anymore, I lean on God who is my refuge and peace, it works for me.
A conversation with a friend in late 2009, in which I spilled my heart, sobbing, about my gender issues. He asked me whether I was contemplating suicide and I couln’t truthfully answer “No”. That’s when I realised I had to do something about it.
@Haleth Why is the premise that everything is/was going wrong?
It doesn’t always revolve around something negative. From a personal aspect, that is, with private people I have observed it usually brought about positive change. A tipping point could be the precursor of some negative event. If a person opens a restaurant but is barely pulling a profit a near by factory or large business closing or relocating could be the tipping point to if the business survives; especially if enough workers of that business ate there to keep the business in the black.
@Adagio So sorry to hear that.
Twice. Once, when I accepted Christ as my savior, and the second time when I stopped allowing people to abuse me and took responsibility for my own life.
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