General Question

Seek's avatar

May I start an official welcome wagon for the Askville refugees?

Asked by Seek (34813points) October 25th, 2013

I put this in general, so they might see it upon navigating to the site. Hope that’s ok.

Greetings to all of you! I’m sorry you have lost your home. It’s a loss many of us understand. I myself came to Fluther in the great Answer Bag exodus of late 2009, and many came here from before that.

I hope you find our tide pool warm and welcoming, our moderators firm and fair, and our discussions fun, enlightening, entertaining, and educational.

This is my home, I love it here, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

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126 Answers

lx102303's avatar

Thank you ! Your welcome is much appreciated ! I’m looking forward to being a regular contributor here at Fluther .

Judi's avatar

I came as a wave 1 askville refugee. Did they shut it down over there?

chyna's avatar

Give Fluther a look around and make yourself at home.
As @Seek_Kolinahr said, this is home to a lot of us. I hope you make it your new home too.

janbb's avatar

We are looking forward to having some new members to add to our lively discussions. Welcome Askvillians!

Judi's avatar

Tee hee. I think I called them askvillains years ago. :-)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Welcome Askville members. I hope you find this site to your liking. We’re not all assholes. But if your are the club meetings are at my house on Wednesdays.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Aloha! @lx102303 and @gelosoriano We are a friendly bunch and like having new members. I believe that @Seek_Kolinahr gave you a very brief introduction. We hope you’ll dive in and swim around for a while.

glacial's avatar

@Judi Haha! Let’s not make it our first task to divide them into Askvillians and Askvillains. :)

Welcome, new members!!

Judi's avatar

So I tried to go back over and they just gave you a few hours notice? That sucks! They should have at least given you a few days to connect with people outside of the site! I hope you find each other again here!!

tedibear's avatar

Not only is the original Askville dead, so is the second round of Askville that was about 6 or 8 months old. No loss though, really.

I made many friends there and still keep in touch with them via Facebook. I hope that any new people from there who come here are not trolls and will enjoy the site.

GrandmaC's avatar

Hi, I joined some time ago, but just haven’t participated. I was Autumn Wind on Askville. I can’t figure out how to change my name to that here.

Thank you for the welcome.

chyna's avatar

@GrandmaC You can ask a moderator how, or really, since you haven’t been here that long, you can just make a new account with your Autumn Wind name. That would probably be the easiest route.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Aloha, @GrandmaC. Send a private message to our community manager augustlan and ask her to change it for you.

fundevogel's avatar

Greetings! Please make yourselves comfortable.

Valerie111's avatar

How sweet of you! Thanks so much! I’m excited to be here.

kritiper's avatar

Egad! Askville dead? What mortal wounds we bear! But soft! Fluther is so welcoming. Many thanks!

Jeruba's avatar

Welcome, AVers, and I hope you’ll be comfortable here. It’s not just the same as what you’re used to, but it’s pretty homey to a lot of us.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Welcome all AVers.
That was a nasty surprise.

Lulaa's avatar

Awesome welcome! I am still smarting over their quick dismissal of seven years….literally gave us a couple hours notice. I was sending PM’s in a panic :(

Seaofclouds's avatar

Welcome to all of our new users! I hope you will jump right in and make yourselves at home. As part of settling in, please be sure to check out our guidelines and writing standards. If you ever need to speak with one of our moderators, you can pm them directly from their profile page.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Consider the Askville refugees to be a lot like the Mariel Boatlift refugees from Cuba. (which, by the way, happened exactly 50 years ago this week)

Most of them are good people and will prove to make a contribution. Some, however, are crazy and sick.

Katniss's avatar

What’s wrong with being crazy and sick?? lol

Welcome new members! Fluther is awesome.

Valerie111's avatar

@Lulaa Yay, happy to see another familiar face!

Valerie111's avatar

@GrandmaC Glad to see you here! I recognized your avatar. :)

GrandmaC's avatar

Good to see you Valerie.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Lulaa Aloha! Dive in at this question.

Seek's avatar

Spread the lurve and hula!

CWOTUS's avatar

As another former refugee from AnswerBag in the December 2009 diaspora that @Seek_Kolinahr mentioned, and one who still considers himself “an immigrant”, even though so many of the native jellies from that time have now moved on… somewhere… welcome.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Thanks, for the great welcome,though I have been a member of Fluther for some time just haven’t participated that much,I hope that will change.

jca's avatar

Welcome to all new members! Every member is a valuable addition to the community. You will probably find us to be fun, helpful and sometimes a bit snarky, and really into proper grammar. Welcome to the Jungle (or ocean, whatever). :)

I’ve been here for about six years, and I love it here.

CWOTUS's avatar

I wouldn’t go so far as to agree completely with what @jca just said. (I call any version of “Randy” as my first and only exhibit, and then I rest my case. But I can do that because I’m not a nice person.)

On the other hand, nearly every “real” member, with or without an agenda, and with or without neuroses and psychoses and dreams that need interpreting – or who has the interpretations for every dream – is worth having, and welcomed. Please just don’t be one of the exceptions.

ETpro's avatar

@lx102303, @gelosoriano, @GrandmaC (Or Autumn-Wind), @Valerie111, @Lulaa, and @SQUEEKY2 A very warm welcome one and all. As a refugee of more Social Q&A sites than I have fingers to count, I know firsthand what a bummer it is to face the threat of losing so many people you’ve come to know and enjoy kibitzing with. I sincerely hope this new home is a comfortable one for you, and that you can get the word out to others who were left orphaned by the Askville collapse.

filmfann's avatar

Greetings AVers! This site is a wonderful collection of contributors that will try to fill the void left by the demise of your previous home.
Remember to press the Great Answer buttons for those answers you like, and don’t be intimidated by the huge amounts of Lurve collected by many of the jellies here.
Welcome aboard!

dxs's avatar

Welcome! Let me introduce myself: I’m dxs and I’m in college. I like math, music, architecture and nature, among other things. I hope this is the start of a new, prosperous Fluther era!

wildpotato's avatar

Hurrah for the new influx! I’m sorry you guys lost your site. Welcome to the fluther.

cookieman's avatar

Yaaay, new jellies!!!

Welcome AVers. Free pancakes all-around!!

Haleth's avatar

Wow, I’m really sorry about your site shutting down and the way it happened. WTF were they thinking? >:(

Fluther has a really nice and homey feel to it, with lots of interesting questions and helpful answers. I hope you guys like it here and stick around. Welcome!

Smitha's avatar

Thanks for the welcome!Nice to see some familiar faces!Hi Valerie and lx102303!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

I remember my first days as a QnA refugee! Welcome and there is plenty of space at the Mansion later on!

downtide's avatar

Welcome to all of the Askville refugees! I’m sorry to hear about your site, that was a pretty crappy way to be treated. There is cake in the frizzer, and pancakes for all.

GoldieAV16's avatar

LOL, I knew I’d get you guys to come over here sooner or later. (My “tagline” on Askville was “See you on Fluther.”)

Smitha's avatar

Yeah,now I remember that GoldieAV16!

ibstubro's avatar

I think there were a lot of us on Askville that had tried other social sites (like Fluther) but stuck with Askville out of loyalty and habit. I was active on both Askville and Fluther for a while, then dropped both when I got busy. Askville was just easier to fall back into.

It’s incredible the way they shut AV down. No email warning even, when they posted the note on the blog. I think it must have been a personal failure on the resume of the moderator.

I’m tickled to see lx102303, Valerie, Smitha, Autumn, Squeeky and others here now! All great contributors. gelosoriano was…? Is Rio here? Monkeymoo? We need to reach out to the AVers not given a chance.

Thanks for the welcome! You have gained some GREAT new members. I hope to renew my account and be one of them.

ibstubro's avatar

__I’m tickled to finally get to see what all the Askville avatars actually LOOK like! No more postage stamps. What beautiful baby Lula has!__

swfpdx's avatar

What a nice welcome. I joined Fluther a long time ago, but never found myself contributing much. I go through phases. Good to see familiar and new welcoming faces. Hi, Ibstubro.

Kardamom's avatar

Welcome one and all! My name is Kardamom, I’m a vegetarian, agnostic, lover of all things related to Christmas and England even though I live in California (especially Doc Martin and Downton Abbey) I love cooking and photography and Fran Drescher and Star Trek. I like other stuff too, but you’ll soon find out that I tend to drone on and on about those particular subjects. I hate relationship drama, but I always find myself drawn in, to help. I hate to see folks suffering. Do you like to eat? I can help you.

Some of you may not know that we have a virtual place called the Fluther Mansion, you get to go “live” there when you gain at least 10K (also virtual) points of lurve (that’s what they call points here, a funny word, but we all like it) When that happens, if you have people on Fluther that like you, they’re likely to throw you a virtual party and fix up a virtual room in the virtual mansion for you. It’s all just make believe, but it’s a lot of fun.

But what many of you (even long time Flutherites) don’t know, is that we have a whole virtual camp ground on the virtual grounds of the mansion, set up with Cabins and Tents and Trailers.

We have plenty of room, so just grab a Jelly (Fluther member) to help you carry your your luggage, then pick a cabin/tent/trailer. We also have lots of extra towels and hot showers.

Once you get settled in, head up to the mansion for Appetizers and Cocktails.

Then let the conversations begin! Again, welcome to all of you folks from Askville. We hope you like our little community and will decide to stay. If you have any questions, you can ask any of us, either by Private Message, or on a Question, or if you have a more specific site-related question, you can go up to the top of the page next to the search box and click on contact, to get help from a moderator. Our community leader is called Augustlan, and you can search for her profile in the search box and then message her directly from her profile page. She’s super-nice and loves to help.

Now, who wants Ice Cream ?

ibstubro's avatar

HEY, swfpdx! Good to see you.

Like you, I joined Fluther quite a while back, then dropped off both Fluther and Askville. It was just easier to re-Askville.

I’m thrilled to have a connection to some of the Askville friends, past and present.

Katniss's avatar

@Kardamom What the hell?? I didn’t know there was a Fluther campground!

Jeruba's avatar

@GoldieAV16, it was you! You’re the one who sent me here by making first mention of Fluther. You were one of about three people with whom I had any connection at all on AV, however slight. I can’t even remember the others’ names now.

Kardamom's avatar

@Katniss There are many other wonderful delights about Fluther and the Mansion and the grounds that you have yet to discover, bwaaah haah haaah!

augustlan's avatar

Welcome aboard!

Kardamom's avatar

^^ Aye Aye Captain!

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Welcome to Fluther! Prepare to be assimilated. Resistance is futile. You will all become jellies now, mwuahahahaha!

TheRealOldHippie's avatar

Thanks! Looks like no-one is here right now, and it only took me several years to be able to sign in on this site! Somewhere I posted a question re: AV. It took Amazon long enough to flush that place down the sewer after they ruined it a couple of years ago. I’ll try to check in periodically although during the school year it may not be that much…...busy, busy, busy!!

Jeruba's avatar

@TheRealOldHippie, is this the question you’re talking about?

Buttonstc's avatar

Welcome to all AVers. I love it when we get new users to brighten up the place. Make yourselves at home and we hope you decide to stay.

ibstubro's avatar

Thanks, @Buttonstc. If Askville had of had a similar influx, it might be alive today.
If they make the transition, there are some really quality members homeless from AV. The former AVers do, however, tend to want to have a bit of fun!

ibstubro's avatar

@janbb the members here seem so (“The Importance of Being”) earnest. Are there quippy, zippy word punny people here? I love the turn of phrase, the play of words and a double entree. Is there a place here for me? I’ve found the TJBM thread, and that’s great, but…?

janbb's avatar

@ibstubro Try this question on for size. There used to be somewhat more of this but things have been a bit slow of late.

ibstubro's avatar

@janbb what can we do to increase the clever, punny??

dxs's avatar

@ibstubro We’re not robots, but you’ll definitely meet some very uhh…. analytical and straightforward people here.

Kardamom's avatar

@ibstubro We have a pretty good mix of the serious and silly (and hungry) around here : )

Jeruba's avatar

There’s plenty of playfulness here, some very robustly humorous and some much more subtle. Look around and you’ll get a feel for it.

One thing to watch for, though: we do separate “General” from “Social.” It used to be the case that even when people needing real help posted a serious question, there’d be a bunch of wisecracks right off the bat. This made a lot of people unhappy. So the two categories were created (plus “Meta,” which is mostly for questions about the site itself), giving the askers a little bit of control over the kinds of responses they get.

Joke answers are ok in Social, and sometimes (depending on how the thread goes) you can get away with them in General, but not at the top of the thread and not in such a way that you get flagged for being “off topic” or “not helpful.” That’s one way that a lot of modding takes place.

janbb's avatar

@ibstubro It will also encourage people if you give them GAs for answers you consider clever. After you give someone 100 points, their lurve doesn’t accrue any more from your GAs so it helps to have fresh blood.

ibstubro's avatar

Great question, @janbb, I followed some members based on it. I didn’t know there was a cap on points…I’m all about generous GA ratings.

@Jeruba I’ve been shying away from General questions, and advised other former Askvillers to do the same. Life’s too short to distinguish, and we tended to be an irreverent bunch. Entertaining or informing others while entertaining or informing yourself is what it’s all about, after all. Why else be here. When I travel (read) back 100 years, the most notable thing is the that the EXperts are EX in more ways than one. We’re all on a journey and the more ‘fellow travelers’, the better.

CWOTUS's avatar

Generally speaking, you can still get away with humor in this area, as long as your answer is also on topic and/or helpful.

chyna's avatar

@ibstubro Please don’t limit yourself to the Social questions. As @CWOTUS says, General can be informative and fun too. Example: (not a true question though)
How can I get rid of a sore throat? Gargle with a little honey and a generous dollop of whisky.

elbanditoroso's avatar

@chyna – - i woke up with a sore throat this morning. Sadly, I have no whiskey :-(

ibstubro's avatar

@chyna Limiting myself to Social is a temporary thing. Just getting back into the swing of things here. It’s safer at the moment, and Askville, at it’s demise, was near exclusively social as the developers never figured out how to get it linked to Google again.

Were you ever an Askvillian? If not, I have positive memories of you from my past use of Fluther.


chyna's avatar

@ibstubro No, this is the only question and answer site I’ve ever been on. I came, I fell in love, I stayed. I didn’t want to cheat on Fluther.

ibstubro's avatar

Once upona, I felt that way about Askville, @chyna.


1TubeGuru's avatar

We are the lost tribe of Askville I am happy to see that some of my friends have come over to fluther .I followed Goldie here.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Hey @1TubeGuru great to see you here, and what a way to set us adrift at Askville huh? never saw that coming I knew the place was getting slow but didn’t think it was that bad.

Skylight's avatar

Its nice to see so many I thought were lost in Hurricane Askville.

ibstubro's avatar

Where the heck is Monkeymoo? Avalanche fan? Other former Askvillians that were positive and productive members? Where’s the Aussie that loved embarrassing his nephew?

chyna's avatar

@ibstubro Find them and invite them here.

ibstubro's avatar


Monkeymoo is the funniest Brit on the face of the planet. Or close.

Ava is no holds barred practical.

The Aussie, I’ll remember in a bit, I hope. No shame, no fame. What a great guy.

ETpro's avatar

@ibstubro There ought to be some kind of Internet halfway house for social Q&A refugees. Been there too many times myself and there were always cherished friends I did not have a clue how to find without the old venue still up and running.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@ibstubro your thinking of Chow,for the Aussie.

Jaxk's avatar

I’ll join the chorus of welcomes to the old AVers. This thread has been useful since I was beginning to wonder if the shutout was just me. For those of you that hated me on AV, you’ll hate me here as well. Life is full of little trials and tribulations.

Skippy's avatar

I was there, then here, back there, on FB, back there and when they shut the door, I came back and have been welcomed by some old friends I realized I missed.
Glad y’all are welcoming the others who have never felt the Lurve before!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Hi @Jaxk Never hated you on Askville,you were always level headed,I may not have the same view you have politically ,You never got personal when someone didn’t agree with ya,and I can’t say I am innocent of that,I have a high respect for your views even if I don’t agree with them.
Glad your here.

Jaxk's avatar


Thanks for the kind words. I gave you a GA for that to help get you started. I think we’re on the same page here, I just tend to look at the back while you’re looking at the front of the page.

hipnek's avatar

Figured I’d find y’all here. Just tried to check on the other place and saw that they finally threw in the towel. What incompetence. I wasn’t present for the very end. Did things end with a bang or a whimper?

lx102303's avatar

@hipnek ,welcome to Fluther – things there at AV died a precipitous death with only a 3–4 hour notice when we got the ‘good news’ that AV would be shut down . I had to leave a few minutes after the announcement and posted a question wishing everyone the best of health and happiness . Upon my return the site was dead and even though I received eight emails in my inbox I could not link back to AV to see what responses I had .
Seek_Kolinahr was kind enough to welcome the AV refugees who had fled to Fluther .

Mitsu_Neko's avatar

I ave missed many of you and though not surprised was slightly sad at the closing of a place that gave me friends during a dark time

ibstubro's avatar

Whimper, @hipnek.

3–4 hours notice. Once intense drama filled minute where a dreadfully nasty question was posted, then removed (before I saw it). The final question was mine, about Carole Burnett sweeping up the spotlight at the end of every show.

A lot of anger and disbelief. Alex and Genelle was the only staff in evidence.

hipnek's avatar

“I’m so glad we had this time together…” I get it.

The place was already dead. What they pulled the plug on wasn’t askville. The latest “upgrade” ruined what little was left of what had once made the place enjoyable.

This place just doesn’t seem to get enough traffic. I’ve tried some others, but nothing fits. (Thanks for the welcome, btw, @Seek_Kolinahr. I actually joined this site after the first askville “upgrade” of a few years back, but never got active here.)

ibstubro's avatar

I agree about the traffic here, @hipnek. But, this is a different bird. Participation here begets participation. Askville, to an extent, was all about NEW activity (in all but the first incarnation). Fluther seems to encourage following threads.

Make yourself fit a site, or choose a site and carve a niche. For now, I’m carving. Here.

GoldieAV16's avatar

AV has been a ghost town since the Aug 2010 revision. It was a kindness that someone shot that beast and put it out of its misery. I wrote to both Genelle and Matt to see if they’d care to provide any details about the decision, but neither of them wrote back. Perhaps they no longer have their A9 email accounts.

Skippy's avatar

@hipnek I sure have missed you

hipnek's avatar

@ Skippy Aww1 You’re sweet.

MadMadMax's avatar

I arrived late and unwillingly :) I’m a Quora fan and have been for quite a while, but was invited here and I’m testing the waters. At this point I am also adjusting to a smaller laptop with nmini keyboard and no mouse so I often can’t figure out how to copy and paste or answer with an @sign. My cursor jumps all over the page which breaks up my line of thought.

So struggling through and willing to give this a try. :)

Jeruba's avatar

When you just type an @ sign, @MadMadMax, does a dropdown list appear? If so, you should be able to select the name of someone who has already posted in the thread.

ETpro's avatar

@MadMadMax If you have a USB port, get a USB mouse. Works wonders for me. :-)

MadMadMax's avatar

@Jeruba Ohhhhhh! Thanks. Wow does that help.

My husband finally gave in and gave me back my mouse. Now we have to figure our how to turn of the touch pad. Oh I hate that thing with a passion.

Seek's avatar

^ On my laptop its’ Fn-F6.

CWOTUS's avatar

It’s also easy to control on a more or less semi-permanent basis from Control Panel. Essentially, you want the touchpad controller to recognize whether a mouse is or is not present, and turn itself “off” or “on” as may be required.

Magical_Muggle's avatar

What is askville?

caseycat's avatar

Thanks for all the warm welcome notes for us displaced Askvillians! I finally moseyed over here tonight, and I see a lot of familiar faces, which is great! :)

aka Caseycat

Seek's avatar

Great to have you around, @caseycat! Dive on in, the water’s nice!

tedibear's avatar

@caseycat – Yay! Another happy face to see here. :)

@IheartMypuppy – Askville was a Q&A website poorly run by amazon.

lx102303's avatar

@caseycat , nice to see a familiar face .

ibstubro's avatar

NICE kitty. :-)

ibstubro's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr “Come on in boys, the water is fine!”

Name that movie.

Seek's avatar

^ O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Love that soundtrack.

ibstubro's avatar

^ I have about 4 copies of that soundtrack. Every time I see a cheap copy I buy it, just in case I want to hear it and can’t find another copy. lol

janbb's avatar

I love it too. one of the best of all time. Love the movie as well.

ibstubro's avatar

Now I’m going to have to give it a listen. I know there’s a copy on top of the fridge, a copy in the car, and a copy in my 200 disc CD changer. lol

Seek's avatar

I have it on vinyl.

ibstubro's avatar

^ we sold the cutest little record player yesterday at the auction! About the size and shape of a 70’s dehumidifier. Record player and speakers…that’s it. I was temped to buy it, but all I need is another collection/addiction.

Seek's avatar

Yeah. They’re like potato chips – once you start you can’t stop.

I have two – one as part of a big stereo system, and the other’s a 70s console stereo that also includes an AM/FM radio, cassette deck, and 8-Track recorder.

Headhurts's avatar

I don’t like change.

Kardamom's avatar

^^ I guess she doesn’t like change so much, that she’s left Fluther.

stanleybmanly's avatar

“Bring him dead or alive, Lord, Lord”

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Stan!! Ya made it!!! Great to see you.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Welcome guys. You have been great for this site.

ETpro's avatar

@stanleybmanly Welcome to Fluther, man.

MadMadMax's avatar

I should have learned my way around here a lot earlier and left AV months ago.

This is what many of us on Askville were begging for. The ability to talk directly to each other easily.

It’s hard to loose a habit after so many years.

Quora is fantastic, you can end up having your question answered by Jimmy Wales or just about anybody you can think of, but it’s not chat site and comments get lost. Quora is a challenging site, but chatting back and forth is more fun for me. I just have to try and change the type of questions I ask here. I tend to wax philosophical—and that can seem argumentative when I have no intention of arguing; just encouraging shared perspectives – discussing.

This is enjoyable and I don’t have give up Quora obviously; but being involved on both sites could end up eating up all my time :).

ETpro's avatar

@MadMadMax I rarely frequent Quora for the same reasons.

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