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mazingerz88's avatar

What do you think about Dexter's last season?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) October 25th, 2013

Really like and enjoyed the TV series Dexter even if I didn’t watch it during its regular run. I bought episodes from Amazon once available.

Just finished watching its last season and thought…they really didn’t exert enough creative effort to make it a really awesome final season. Do you feel the same-?

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17 Answers

Coloma's avatar

I watched the first, oh, I dunno, how many seasons. Please spoiler me!
I have been meaning to catch up on Netflix but….I am one that doesn’t mind spoilers, I will still be into the unfoldings.

glacial's avatar

Do you want spoilers on this bad boy? I don’t know how we’re going to discuss it otherwise.

mazingerz88's avatar

Should have put spoiler alert in my question. May I oh Fluther gods-? : )

ragingloli's avatar

I stopped watching american cartoons ages ago.

GrandmaC's avatar

I watched only about 30 minutes of one of those shows. I have a grandson named Dexter and saw the series on Netflix, so checked it out. I couldn’t watch after the first half hour.

Coloma's avatar

@GrandmaC Well…it must be because you are a grandma with a grandchild named Dexter. haha
Welcome to fluther!

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I used to love Dexter. Seriously. This last season? I would start every episode wanting to like it, but find myself reading a book halfway through.

GrandmaC's avatar

Thank you for the welcome.

flip86's avatar

I somewhat liked the Vogel character. She was interesting and the actress was likable.

I Hated the Hannah character. They should have left her out of it entirely. The way they made Dexter act towards her felt phony and contrived. I half expected him to kill her in the final episode, thinking he was putting on some elaborate ruse.

The Breaking Bad finale was a whole hell of a lot better.

glacial's avatar

The big bad for this season was not compelling at all. Truthfully, there hasn’t been a worthy villain since the Trinity killer (although I did enjoy the Edward James Olmos/Colin Hanks storyline more than most people did).

I think the problem with the last couple of seasons, development-wise, is that certain things had to happen in order to keep the thing moving. I think Deb had to discover his secret, and once she had discovered it, she had to die if Dexter was going to live. But since we all love Deb (well, most of us do), it was hard to embrace the development of that story. I loved that they had Dexter kill her. I thought that was really well done. I liked Hannah; I think she’s the only sort of person who Dexter could reasonably end up with. I thought she was believable enough.

What I didn’t like from the last couple of seasons was the Deb-loves-Dexter-no-I-mean-REALLY-loves-Dexter storyline. That was unnecessarily awkward, for the audience, and no doubt also for the actors, who were divorced during the course of the series!

And I think they should have brought some sort of completion to the serial-killer-who’s-not-a-genuine-sociopath thread. He feels, he loves. Harry brought him up to be a killer because he believed that he was a sociopath. But was he wrong to do so? Dexter is obviously not a sociopath. Harry sort of got a pass in the last season because it turns out Vogel was egging him on in training Dexter. I wish he hadn’t been let off the hook, and I think Dexter needed to realize that he might have had a life not as a serial killer if he’d been given different options.

And then… that enigmatic ending. I didn’t like the last shot, where he stares into the camera. The kind of life they gave him to live out is worse than death. I don’t think that’s fitting, and I don’t think the audience deserves it, either – we’ve been coerced into rooting for Dexter (however disturbing that is), so condemning his character is sort of like condemning us, too. But it’s difficult because he can’t go around having a glint in his eye after abandoning his kid. I feel like there should have been a third way. Maybe killing him would have been better, although the audience would have been even more pissed about that kind of ending.

Coloma's avatar

Dexter killed Deb?!!!!
Do tell…oh god damn you all. lol

flip86's avatar

Vogel’s son shot Deb and she was in a coma. Dexter unplugged her from life support.

glacial's avatar

@Coloma I feel like there was fair warning, lol

Coloma's avatar

I just read the spoilers on another site. Well then…haha

Buttonstc's avatar

I really hated the ending and felt that both the character and we. as loyal fans deserved better. Perhaps they should have ended the series after the Trinity season (or even the weirdo Colin Hanks turn) rather than this last season.

It feels like they just kind of ran out of steam, creativity-wise, and just sort of limped along to that lame ending.

Hannah raising Harrison? Oh please, that’s too ridiculous for words.

I don’t know why they couldn’t have brought Lumen back as someone who truly understood Dexter but was not pathological herself. I could imagine Harrison turning out OK if she were raising him (if Dexter had to die for whatever reason).

I would advise anyone who’s just getting started catching up on Dexter to just skip this last season altogether. A huge huge disappointment for me.

WTH happened to the writing team? Just a total letdown. It takes its place alongside Sopranos for crappy nebulous endings which are jarringly off kilter with the rest of the excellence of the series as a whole.

Breaking Bad truly invested as much ( or more) care in crafting a fitting ending as they did with every prior episode. Too bad Dexter’s team did not. I’m still puzzled by it. There were so many alternative directions they could have gone.

jeanetteh's avatar

The first 3 seasons are definitely the best ones. The last was pretty much a disappointment to me, especially the last episode.

Judi's avatar

I avoided this question until today when I saw the last episode. Looks like they left it wide open for a new show with a new name.

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