Death of Askville?
Asked by
October 25th, 2013
Did anyone know they were going to shutdown the askville site??
And why, I knew it was getting slow but I didn’t think that slow.
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30 Answers
I got an email from LouLou. I didn’t check my email until about an hour before the shut down.
Death happens to us all. Sadly.
You might like to dive in here, or not. It’s up to you.
Welcome to Fluther Squeeky2 !
No , they abruptly pulled the plug with only a 3–4 hour notice . I hope the AV staff still have a job of sorts with Amazon .
I had no clue, as I think most didn’t.
Does anyone know how to notify some of the regulars that were’nt on the site today, who might want to migrate here? Three that come to mind are Shasha, TheLightWorks, and Chowfan Jexebellion… but I’m sure I’m forgetting others…
I showed up about 5 minutes before they shut it down. I read about half the answers in the thread that announced it, clicked out to check other questions and got the “Hey, where did Askville go?” message. It was like a punch to the gut.
Hi Squeeky! I am hoping that those who may not have logged on today will be pulled in by someone or another. I almost didn’t log on today and I know a few others who said the same. If we hadn’t, we would have logged on in the AM, none the wiser.
I agree with flip….it was a punch to the gut. I am not sure what convinced them to shut down abruptly without giving us more than 2 hours notice! And the “question” by the moderator (indeed, they took the time to make it a legitimate question!) was: “Do you find it hard to say goodbye?”, followed by a link to the blog that announced they were shutting down after seven years. That was foul!
I had no idea. It was so out of the blue. I can’t believe they didn’t let us know like a week before. It obviously had to be something they discussed for a while. They didn’t even give us a reason why. I hope all of the regulars come here but I’m worried about Sasha. She wasn’t on Askville for a couple of weeks which isn’t like her. I hope she’s okay. She probably won’t know to come here. :(
@GrandmaC Did LouLou mention if she will come here? She left me such a sweet goodbye and I will miss her.
Never heard of the place.
Welcome to Fluther to all the Askville refugees. I never used it, but that’s a pretty crappy way to treat its users.
Ha. I can’t say I’m shocked. It was such a long time coming. Welcome to life after AV. It’s pretty sweet. :-)
I was just shocked when I saw the message, by that time it was closed. Luckily someone had posted a question a few weeks back regarding Fluther,so thought could meet some of you here.They could have given us at least a day’s time!I had informed avalanchefan and khajuria.Anyway really happy to see you all here!
Askville had been coasting since The Great Spam Attack. I suspect that the developers had a deadline (Oct. 25th) and when TGSA hit, they knew there was no way they’d make deadline. There’s been NO moderation since. They let us coast, and then the Moderator, who no doubt got a black mark on the resume, slammed the door in anger. At the least they could have emailed everyone when the blog posted, at most they could have left the personal accounts (PMs) open long enough for people to connect.
If anyone saw TruboB’s last post (which was removed by the last moderator action), you can see why they didn’t try to fight that off for days or weeks. I always kinda got a kick out of TurboB, but I guess I was naive.
For those of you that are curious, the final question to post on Askville was:
“Do any of you remember Carol Burnett sweeping up the spotlight at the end of her show?”
I asked it. It was the image that stuck in my head during the final minute.
RIP, Askville. We had a long, great run. I hope we can carve some sort of lasting sequel here on Fluther.
I add Rio and Monkeymoo to the former members I throw a life preserver out to. There are untold others.
I had high hopes for the new AV, but they were quickly dashed. I heard about the closing on FB and headed over to find those that I didn’t want to lose contact with one of them being you Squeeky. I haven’t logged into Fluther for years, but I refuse to lose contact with you all.
It was very sad the way Askville ended it. They could have given a wee bit more warning, especially for those that live across the pond and other countries, but we all know that the powers that be could care less what the members thought.
Just happy to find you and Ibustubro here.
Sweets is hopping this morning
Welcome to Fluther, guys! I’m sorry Askville closed up shop in such a crappy way.
Thanks @augustlan. Coming where we came from, it means something just that you took the time to acknowledge us.
Welcome to Fluther, y’all! And I’ll echo everyone else here saying that was a crappy way to shut down a site. I never visited Askville, and now I’m kind of glad I didn’t. :(
Hey Squeeky – good to see your name on here!!
I didn’t even know about the AV shutdown until someone posted an RIP notice on Facebook and by then it had been shut down for a few hours. So, I popped over, read the Blog and went back to doing something else. After that last change, the place was doomed anyway. It’s good to see some names I recognize on here – I’ll see if I can’t recruit a few people from Facebook, but I think most people are pretty well entrenched and happy over there.
Probably won’t be on here all that much – but it’ll still be more than I was on AV near the end – until school is out – kind of busy these days. But, it’s nice to know we’re welcome here.
Is it true AV T-shirts and mugs are bringing big bucks on eBay as collectibles? (No, I just made that up – but I did check!!!)
Thanks Therealoldhippie, glad to see you here as well, don’t know how much I will be here either but time will tell.
They shut the site down so you can all come here and get the love; just hold still when the towel-wrapped baseball bat cracks you and do not be alarmed by the car battery, the pail of water, duct tape, and electrodes. Love hurts sometimes~
I was just checking to see if there were any new questions when I caught a bit of a thread about good-by. I jumped to the blog and read the message. Needless to say, I was surprised that it closed down. I was hoping that initially they were closing down to bring back the previous, version, but alas, they just pulled the plug.
I have seen a few of the askville regulars coming over here. I am trying to get used to this format and trying to find questions in my area of expertise. I will just have to keep looking every day to see what is happening. Never heard of this place until NanoNano mentioned it before they pulled the plug.
Hey @Wealthadvisor great to see you here ,I’m not hot on the format either but hoping I will get used to it.
Hey WealthAdvisor. I’m glad my life preserver reached someone. =)
Yes it did. I had never heard of the site until you mentioned it in your last post on askvlle. Still not sure how to find topics I am interested in. Maybe these folks have a little more courage and won’t pull the plug.
Today, November 8, was when I found out that Askville had shutdown. I hadn’t signed onto AV for a while, and decided to go to the site today. That’s when I read the closure notice. I was taken aback when I read the notice. AV had been a nice place to go to when it first began, and for a couple of years, then, it slowly went downhill, until it rapidly ran out of gas. Just want to say hello to all the former AV members. I do hope we can meet here once in a while. BTW, on Askville, my nickname was Lin.
Hi bookmarks (Lin) !
Welcome to Fluther . I’m glad to see the Betty Boop avatar again !
@bookmarks Glad to see ya ,bummer about AV wish they could have given us more notice.
Hey, ya @bookmarks! We’re tickled you found us over here at Fluther.
We’ve tried to reach out to as many former Askvillers as we can. If you have personal contact info on any of them will you make sure they know that a bunch of us found refuge here?
Check some of the profiles of the known former AVers and you’re sure to see a bunch of familiar faces.
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