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mazingerz88's avatar

What could be the real reason why Abrams and Kasdan took over writing for SW episode VII?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29383points) October 25th, 2013

My opinion is that Lucas ruined his own franchise by writing and directing the SW prequels. Feel a bit jittery Disney might mess up this upcoming episode too. Was confident Arndt, the writer of Hunger Games and who won an Oscar for Little Miss Sunshine, will deliver the goods but now, this news that JJAbrams and Lawrence Kasdan ( Empire Strikes Back writer ) are taking over the script.

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6 Answers

Rarebear's avatar

They got paid a lot of money?

Seek's avatar

Because when I think gripping sci-fi action adventure, I think The Hunger Games. Not.

Abrams will treat Wars better than he has Trek, because he’s an action movie guy. The Trek I love is a morality play, and it just hasn’t been the same since Roddenberry died.

Since Star Wars as a franchise already cares exactly dick about continuity, this will work out fine.

antimatter's avatar

Well it’s seems to me that JJ Abrams have the ability to resurrect old dead horses.
Look what he did for Star Trek, as a die hard fan I think he somehow reinvented the franchise and that’s perhaps what all the SW fans are hoping for.
But Star Wars in my opinion is a dead horse that should be buried with it’s creator.

filmfann's avatar

Kasdan is terrific! Raiders, Empire, Grand Canyon, Big Chill… He knows how to tell a story.
Arndt did write the Hunger Games, but had help from the books author.
This is the first New Trilogy good news I have heard.

Rarebear's avatar

I agree with @filmfann. It could be great. It can’t be any worse than Episode 2.

Only138's avatar

I’m right there with @filmfann. Kasdan is very talented, and I personally really like the job that Abrams has done on the new Trek movies.

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