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longgone's avatar

Will I like Breaking Bad...

Asked by longgone (19826points) October 27th, 2013

…even though I don’t usually like crime shows? I realise none of you can know for sure, but any advice is welcome. I do like “Sherlock” and “Lie to Me”, but if “Breaking Bad” is just another cop show, I don’t think I would like it. What makes it special?

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19 Answers

glacial's avatar

It is definitely not just another cop show. It is a show where you are expected, to some degree, to sympathize with the villains – so in that respect it’s more comparable to Dexter. However, in my opinion, it is much bleaker than Dexter; there are fewer light moments (although there are light moments, and also hilarious moments), and it is, I think, smarter and less cartoonish than Dexter. There are a couple of episodes early in the first season that are quite hard to watch. I think just try it – if you make it through the first three or four, you’ll either hate it or be hooked.

I would also add that it’s quite beautifully designed and shot, and the soundtrack is excellent. Oh, and the violence is graphic, as is the language if you can get your hands on uncensored episodes. AMC removed the swearing for the original airing of the show – but it should be on the DVDs.

filmfann's avatar

My brother bought me the first two seasons of Breaking Bad, and I watched them. I found them suspenseful and horrific, and completely amazing. I don’t normally like drug themed shows or movies, but I loved this. I quit after two seasons, because it was quite upsetting, but I will get back to it.
And I hate knowing how it all ends.

Michael_Huntington's avatar

It’s not a cop show and I wasn’t watching any of that before I started watching Breaking Bad (except maybe NTSF:SD:SUV)
What makes it good is that it grips your attention and when you find a lull—BAM—it drags you back in. It’s just good entertainment, it’s not cerebral like The Wire.

LuckyGuy's avatar

It’s not a cop show at all. Everything means something. The characters’ names, their dress, views in the mirror, the object casually tossed away. They all mean something.
Smart. The writers are so clever. .
Every episode is more intense than the last. I’ve never seen anything like this on TV before.
You’ll love it.

flutherother's avatar

I’m not a fan of crime shows, apart from ‘The Wire’ but I was quickly hooked on ‘Breaking Bad’. It isn’t what I would call a crime show.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Be sure to watch the show when you can really watch it. I even stopped and went back occasionally to make sure I got it. “Was that bottle on the left or on the right?” Ok I got it now… Big difference!
And what the heck is that ‘framistat’ doing there? Four episodes later…. Oh! There it is!

I don’t know how those writers did it.

Adagio's avatar

One of the things I really like about Breaking Bad is its ability to elicit great sympathy for people we would normally find utterly despicable. I’m just about to start watching series 4.

glacial's avatar

(No spoilers, but…)

@Adagio I felt that way before series 4, too. :/

mazingerz88's avatar

Great fictional characters. Riveting drama. Underlying humor and ironies abound. Pure entertainment.

LuckyGuy's avatar

And it all makes you think. How often did you say to yourself what would I do differently?

jeanetteh's avatar

You will love it! Seriously, I have never met a person before who didn’t like шею I mean, there are people who are indifferent but most of the people I know watch it and obviously they like it.

longgone's avatar

I don’t care about language, but the “graphic violence” warning is a little off-putting to me. However, you’ve convinced me. I do love clever writing, and I need a new show… I’ll try the first few episodes. Thanks!

LuckyGuy's avatar

You will be hooked after the first episode. Good luck!

Valerie111's avatar

I haven’t watched it but everyone talks about it. It’s not my type of show either but I’m sure I will crack and watch an episode.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Just watch the Pilot. If you don’t like it, you can always stop.


Adagio's avatar

@LuckyGuy “You will be hooked after the first episode.” Not me, I wasn’t hooked after the first episode, it took about three episodes before I decided I was definitely going to continue with the programme, now I love it, despite the graphic violence, don’t know quite what it is about it but I’m prepared to put up with things I would normally avoid.

mattbrowne's avatar

How old are you?

longgone's avatar

^ About half your age.

mattbrowne's avatar

@longgone – Then you might like it, if you are also into black comedies.

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