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LuckyGuy's avatar

How much does a large 12 oz (350 ml) coffee cost you?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43882points) October 27th, 2013

I make it myself using a drip coffee maker. I pay $2.49 per 11 oz can and if I use the recommended 1TBL / 6 oz cup. I get 31 – 12 oz mugs. Ignoring the hot water, a cup of coffee costs me 8 cents.
If I use instant coffee, the price is a little lower: 60 – 12 oz mugs for $5.99 about 10 cents.

How much do you pay for your morning cup/mug?

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31 Answers

YARNLADY's avatar

I never added it up, but I would not leave out the price for the hot water because our gas and electric bills are sky high.

Seek's avatar

Well, most of the time I drink tea – $3.99 for 80 bags of Tetley, which is what I’ve been drinking since my tea infuser broke. I have to buy my water – $0.20 per gallon

For coffee, it’s Eight o’Clock Coffee. $4.99 for a 12oz bag, which I only buy on BOGO. The coffee is made in a Keurig, 10 oz servings, one tablespoon of coffee per serving.

A better man than me should do that math. Ignoring the water, it sounds about the same as you, @LuckyGuy.

trailsillustrated's avatar

$10 200g of instant crystals, bought at cheep as chips. It would be 2$ more at the grocery store. I have a 1000$ la pavoni coffee maker that I brought from the us that doesn’t work here. I am so over it.

glacial's avatar

At a very rough guess, I suppose I get about 30 cups (i.e., mugs of espresso) from a bag of my preferred beans, which I typically buy for $11.99/lb when it’s on sale.

So about $0.40 per cup. I can live with that. I drink a cup per day.

LuckyGuy's avatar

This is all good info. I am trying to figure out what the recurring charge per cup is for various coffee makers. I have a feeling they are much more expensive than doing it the old way.

@YARNLADY I can figure out the cost for the hot water myself. (At 1200 Watts for 2 minutes it comest to is less than 0.5 cent). I figure it is close to the same for everyone. I am interested in the different methods. That is where the difference lies.

deni's avatar

I bought a pound of coffee for 7 dollars….its Starbucks, which I enjoy making at home because it doesn’t take much to make a strong cup for myself. Plus my tolerance for caffeine is loooooow so I probably make it what some would consider “weak” even though I drink it every day, and multiple times a day. I would bet overall that I pay about 25 cents for my morning cup of coffee. But, sometimes I skip it totally, because we have fantastic coffee at my work and I get that shit for free.

glacial's avatar

@LuckyGuy If it helps, I don’t have a drip machine; I’m using one of those Italian stovetop espresso makers.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t know exactly. I don’t drink coffee, but my husband does. I buy a 12 oz (weight) bag of ground coffee for anywhere from 5.99–7.99, so let’s call it $7 on average, and he uses one Keurig size full daily. If I had my kitchen scale I would weigh it for you and do the math, but it is packed in a box somewhere. Tomorrow morning I can ask him how long a bag of coffee lasts and figure it that way. Unless maybe someone on the Q will have an idea for me.

Also, most of the time I buy Starbuck’s ground coffeee and the bags usually have a coupon for a free cup of coffee at Starbuck’s, so add one more cup in for when we travel.

AshlynM's avatar

I never have to worry about the cost of coffee because I can’t stand the stuff.

downtide's avatar

I use a simple drip coffee maker and the coffee I buy costs roughly £1 per 100g. A jugful uses 4 5g scoops so it costs me about 20 pence (around 30 cents). No idea what size our mugs are but we usually get four mugs out of the jug, so about 5p (7.5 cents) a mug. I add about 1p-worth of sugar, and no milk. I never use instant coffee so I have no idea what that costs.

Makes you realise how much of a profit Starbucks are making.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Whoa! I forgot about the coffee filter! I pay $2.39 for 100 #2 paper cone filters and make 3 mugs at a time. That is an additional 0.8 cents per mug. Sometimes I just put new coffee on top of the old coffee and reuse the filter, effectively cutting the price in half. Let’s call it 0.6 cents per mug for the filter.

By the way, I recover some of the cost of the grounds and filter by putting the old ones on a rack on top of my wood burning stove. They add a touch of humidity and pleasant aroma into the room and, when dry, can be burned in the stove to extract some heat.

LuckyGuy's avatar

My mistake. I use #4 filters in the bigger pot. They are $3.39 per 100.
Let’s call it 1 cent per mug for the filter.

JLeslie's avatar

We use a reusable filter in our coffee maker. It cost $16 I think. We have two, but the oldest one still works fine and is all that really is necessary. It has lasted 3 years. No extra paper going into the trash. Anyway, $32 over the last 3 years (one of them is just a year and a half old, but lets make it simple) would be an extra dollar a month more or less, or three pennies a day. But, the number goes down every day since we continue to use the filters.

Seek's avatar

EkoBrew filter for the Keurig. Cost me $6 last December

LuckyGuy's avatar

@trailsillustrated Wait…wait…wait… let me get this straight… You paid $1000 US for a coffee maker?!?! I can understand paying that much if it provided sex with your morning cuppa’. But if it didn’t then, what were you thinking?
Or maybe you are not talking US $.

glacial's avatar

@LuckyGuy “Sometimes I just put new coffee on top of the old coffee and reuse the filter”

I’m going to pretend you did not just say that.

My coffee maker doesn’t use filters at all.

jca's avatar

At work I make coffee daily – a little 20 oz coffee maker for just me. I just looked at the filters – 3” basket style, store brand, $1.79. I per day. Coffee I get when it’s on sale, as low as $1.88 per can or as high as $4 or 5, depending on my willingness and impulsivity. I use 4 heaping plastic soup spoons full per 20 oz pot. It’s hard for me to calculate the price per cup, when the price for coffee varies so much for me. I get Chock Full o Nuts, can size vary from 10.5 oz to 11.3 oz, or sometimes I get a big giant can of whatever, like 3 lbs or something like that.

jca's avatar

Oh, I can’t forget milk and artificial sweetener. I like it somewhat milky, I describe it as being like the color of Obama’s skin. Maybe ¼ cup milk per cup? The 20 oz coffee becomes 3 cups for me. Artificial sweetener I purchase wholesale at Costco, prices vary, sometimes they have a coupon. Sometimes I get a few extra packets here and there from Dunkin Donuts or McDonalds. The cups I get wholesale from Costco or Sams Club. Sometimes if I go to a conference at a hotel, I will take some cups from the room, or when we have events at work, I will take the extra cups. I will re-use cups, even though they’re disposable, I will use them for 3 or 4 days in a row, at work.

I don’t think people above talked about their usage of milk and sweetener. That’s a significant part of the price.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@glacial The primary reason for reusing the filter is laziness. I just open the maker and throw the new coffee in on top of the old. It takes few seconds.
I can’t taste any difference. I use a little bit less coffee and save on a filter so it’s a win-win.

@jca I suspect the fancy creamers are expensive. I don’t usually use them. Milk and sugar are all I take.

jca's avatar

@LuckyGuy: I get milk at Costco, usually, about $3.39 for a gallon. Sometimes I’ll get a smaller one for work, about $2 and change for a half gallon or quart, depending on what day it is, how many days I’ll be at work, etc. Sometimes I’ll just take some out of the gallon from home and bring it in to work. I think fancy creamers are usually gross. They’re sweet and thick and ruin the flavor of the coffee, to me.

mattbrowne's avatar

500 grams of coffee power costs about €3, fair trade a bit more. Lasts for about 50 large cups. I don’t like my coffee too strong.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Thanks for the international perspective;.
It looks like we can safely firghre about 10 cents or less per cup if made the old way. .

I see Keurig K-cups for about 60 cents per cartridge. Quite expensive.

glacial's avatar

@LuckyGuy The Keurig also carries environmental costs, which don’t hit our pocketbooks today, but will affect us eventually. I’m appalled that these things hit the market in a time when we should be moving away from systems like this, which have a high packaging to content ratio. I’m even more appalled that anyone is buying them.

Seek's avatar

<—has Keurig, has never bought cups for my home.

I even tried to get my office using the reusable one, but they were lazy, snobby bastards.

glacial's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Yup, I think you’ve put the finger on why more people don’t use refillable cups. People like what’s familiar and has a fancy label.

YARNLADY's avatar

Keurig coffee systems are great for motel rooms, where reusable stuff is more expensive plus not sanitary.

LuckyGuy's avatar

i just put my mug on a Mettler balance, tared it, and poured in some Bailey’s Hazelnut creamer,16oz, $2.39, 32 servings. I poured 20 grams, so I would only get 24 servings from the container. That means the creamer costs 10 cents! If you do it every day that is $36.50 per year. Also it is 40 calories (kcal) ! Every day for a year is 40 x 365 = 14600 food calories )kcal) or about 4 pounds of fat!
I think I will start training myself to like black coffee.

Seek's avatar

I prefer it black, as long as it’s good coffee.

downtide's avatar

I always drink my coffee black. Dairy products are a non-edible substance to me.
except for cheese, but I don’t add that to my coffee

jca's avatar

In discussing this with a friend the other night and then subsequently buying milk and more K-cups, I checked prices for all. I don’t have time to do calculations, but I do have the prices in my head. (prices rounded up to next penny)
1 gallon of milk in grocery store, 12/3/14: 3.99
1 gallon of milk Costco, 12/4/14 3.20 (20% less at Costco)
1 quart of milk, local deli near work, 12/1/14: 1.75 (= 7.00 per gallon!)
100 Kirkland brand (Costco generic, Strong Roast) K-cups, 35.00
80 Paul Newman K-cups, Costco: $38.00
18 Green Mountain K-cups, Walmart, approx 11.00

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