Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

Tweaking, and Twerking, and Fluthering, and Tweeting. What's next?

Asked by Kardamom (33557points) October 27th, 2013

What’s the next quirky and/or social thing that people will start doing, that also has a funny sounding verb attached to it?

On the other hand, what funny sounding activities will not become popular?

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15 Answers

chyna's avatar

Twooshing. Make up whatever you want to go with the word.

ucme's avatar

Fooking, humping in the kitchen while preparing dinner for guests…a recipe for success.

filmfann's avatar

Swooshing. That’s heavy sweating after eating Mexican food.

ibstubro's avatar

“Tweaking, and Twerking, and Fluthering, and Tweeting. What’s next?”

Once I tweaked, I twerked like mad for a few years…sometime several time a day. Finally, I Fluthered, and we Tweeted like mad. Needless to say, we’re soon expecting a Hashling, and expect to Google it to death.

Kardamom's avatar

@filmfann I swear, I really need to clean my glasses. Just had an unfortunate mis-perception of something @Westriverat said on This Q and now, I could have sworn you said heavy petting after eating Mexican food : P

Kardamom's avatar

@ibstubro Hashling? That sounds like a young ‘un from the planet Potato.

Kardamom's avatar

How about Flarting? That’s also when you’ve just eaten some really good Mexican food and you’re trying to flirt with your date, and out comes a ffffffooooooot.

This can be really unfortunate if you’re on a first date.

Pachy's avatar

Twerking off onstage.

ibstubro's avatar

@Kardamom, Sorry.
Expecting a Hashtling.

Pandora's avatar

Twitting. The act of being a natural idiot while tweeting.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Everyone will start wearing khaki pants. They will call it “twilling”

Smitha's avatar


GoldieAV16's avatar

Sorry I’m late to this question! I think it will be some take on flopping. Maybe flerking? Where the flerker feigns a bump on the dance floor, and the flerkee responds by throwing himself in a heap to the ground, then bouncing back up?

ibstubro's avatar

Now that you mention it, I think I’d like to quirk. Or quark.

I don’t think I’d like to squoosh or squish.

Skylight's avatar

How about ‘teching’ (Tekking).....where someone is talking to you about your computer,j or some technical device, and you don’t have any fricking idea what they’re talking about. One of my words. “He wasn’t talking to me. He was teching to me. Hey I think it works. You could also use tech as a verb. “He came over to ‘tech’ me on my computer”.....teach me about something on my computer.

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