General Question

pleiades's avatar

Best fix a flat spray for automobiles?

Asked by pleiades (6622points) October 28th, 2013 from iPhone

Tire has pretty good thread still. Toyota Camry 2007. I have to fill psi to 32 about every month when the tire sensor flashes on dashboard.

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8 Answers

kritiper's avatar

Use a non-flammable type.

WestRiverrat's avatar

Get the tire patched. Most fix a flat sprays will say on the can that it is a temporary emergency repair, or words to that effect.

LuckyGuy's avatar

The best I’ve seen is green Tire Slime. It has saved me twice: my car trailer and a tractor tire.

pleiades's avatar

@WestRiverrat I was wondering about that there’s a tire service that does a patch for 10$ I just wasn’t sure if they were patching or just spraying some substance I could’ve done myself. @LuckyGuy Thanks for the heads up.

rexacoracofalipitorius's avatar

Use of ‘fix a flat’ sprays will cause your tire tech to hate you. It makes a giant, sometimes toxic mess inside the tire, which gets all over when the tire is dismounted. Also as @WestRiverrat says, the spray is strictly temporary and not at all reliable. Have the tire patched or replace it. It sounds like the tire is still mostly good, so the patch is the way to go.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Fix a flat is discouraged and works against you at the tire shop. Green Slime is usually OK.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I’ve always been told fix a flat ruins the tire. It should really only be used in emergency situations – I got a flat tire on the interstate and I don’t have a spare, or something like that. Get it patched/plugged. It’s cheap and the tire shop won’t hate you.

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