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LostInParadise's avatar

Are there other grocery chains like Whole Foods?

Asked by LostInParadise (32278points) October 29th, 2013

The company has been very successful, but I have not seen any other similar high end grocery food stores.

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22 Answers

Smitha's avatar

Trader Joe’s,Fairway Market,Sprouts Farmers Market.

jca's avatar

Trader Joe’s was what first came to mind for me, except Trader Joe’s doesn’t have the sections like Whole Foods (butcher section, bakery section, etc.) They have a good variety of food, quality food, but not as much as Whole Foods and not quite the quality level of WF.

Cupcake's avatar

Wegmans (in the northeast and slowly spreading)

LostInParadise's avatar

I love the name of that one. I checked the store locations on the Website. So far they are local to Virginia and Maryland. I will be checking to see if they extend their range.

JLeslie's avatar

Fresh Market is similar, they are in many places. Also Publix GreenWise markets.

Pachy's avatar

In Austin we have something Central Market, which I think is 2x better than Whole Foods.

dxs's avatar

Trader Joe’s isn’t as pricey as Whole Foods either, right?
In Providence on the east side, there were two stores that I remember that were just like Whole Foods. The first was a store called East Side Marketplace. The second was a store called Bread & Circus, but I think that may have closed down.

swfpdx's avatar

We have Whole Foods (Whole Paycheck)here and also New Seasons (New Squeezins). Both chains are delightful to shop in, but both are soooo expensive. I do prefer to buy my produce at one of these stores though.

LostInParadise's avatar

Thanks all! I went to several of the Websites of the stores mentioned to check locations. Many of the stores have limited range. I read that stores of this type tend to be beneficial to the local community, because they get much of their produce locally, unlike Walmart, which is unfortunately the biggest seller of groceries.

livelaughlove21's avatar

We have Earth Fare here. I’m not sure how big of a chain it is, though. I’ve only been there once, but it was pretty cool. We also have 14 Carrot Whole Foods, but I think that’s a smaller, more local health food store.

I like shopping at Publix best. Wal-Mart makes me want to commit unspeakable felonies, but it’s what we can afford at the moment.

I wish we had a Trader Joe’s around here, but no such luck.

dxs's avatar

@LostInParadise Do you have any farmer’s markets near you? That’s how I get all my produce. In fact, I’m gonna go eat a locally grown tangerine right now!

Judi's avatar

Mostly regional. In the Bay Area there is Dragers , in Oregon there’s Market of Choice

Valerie111's avatar

Safeway, Trader Joe’s.

MadMadMax's avatar

Trader Joe’s is not a healthy foods chain.

Wegman’s as I knew it years ago was a great supermarket with a lot of choices but not a healthy foods chain.

Earth Fare is the closest I know since Whole Foods bought out a number of similar chains in recent years. Whole Foods is the only store that guarantees no GMO Foods are sold in their stores and has a large selection of FDA Organic rated fruits and vegetables as well as a rating for it’s meat section regarding grass fed, free roaming ratings. (I’m a vegetarian)

More choices on the west coast than other Whole-foods Markets I’ve been to.

I shop farmer markets and Whole Foods Market today – In many cases Whole foods can be equal to or less expensive than the supermarkets in my area.

I used to shop only at the following healthy foods market and was a member of the Onion River Coop before the market opened but this is limited to Vermont:

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@marinelife and @LostInParadise I live within a mile or two of the Alexandria MOM’s. I love that place.

JLeslie's avatar

@LostInParadise Where do you live so we can suggest chains that are actually easily accesible to you.

Haleth's avatar

Wegman’s is the best. It’s like Whole Foods, only HUGE, without all the hippy dippy stuff. They have crazy shit you will never find in a regular grocery store, like black truffles and jamon Iberico. But mostly I just love their wine department.

MadMadMax's avatar

Whole Food has a lot organic vegetables and meats rated for animal cruelty. Very little hippy dippy stuff and nothing at all like Wegmans although I have nothing against Wegans. I think a lot of folks are not clear on how Whole Food differs from these other supermarkets.

“Whole Foods Market only sells products that meet its self-created quality standards for being “natural”, which the store defines as: minimally processed foods that are free of hydrogenated fats as well as artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, preservatives, and many others as listed on their online “Unacceptable Food Ingredients” list.[54] Whole Foods Market has also announced that it does not intend to sell meat or milk from cloned animals or their offspring, even though the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has ruled them safe to eat.

According to Stream Organic, they state that Whole Foods does their “homework” for their shoppers, by giving them the peace of mind that their food is free of artificial flavors, colors, sweeteners, preservatives or hydrogenated fats. Whole Foods is the largest retailer of natural and organic foods and America’s First National Certified Organic Grocer.

The company also sells many USDA-certified organic foods and products that aim to be environmentally friendly and ecologically responsible. Stores do not carry foie gras or eggs from hens confined to battery cages due to animal cruelty concerns, as a result of successful advocacy by animal welfare groups. The Whole Foods Market website details the company’s criteria for selling food, dietary supplements, and personal care products.[54] According to CNN, the extent of Whole Foods Market’s nutritional screening is it “doesn’t carry any food containing trans fats or artificial coloring”

They aren’t perfect by a long shot. But they aren’t typical either.


Cupcake's avatar

@MadMadMax The OP specified other “high-end” grocery stores. They did not specify stores that only carry cruelty-free, natural products.

LostInParadise's avatar

It seems to me that Wegman’s is going after much the same target market as Whole Foods. They do carry a fair amount of organic food.

MadMadMax's avatar

@MadMadMax The OP specified other “high-end” grocery stores. They did not specify stores that only carry cruelty-free, natural products.

The question was about high end supermarkets similar to Whole Foods which is a hybrid of a health food store and farmer’s market

Trader Joes isn’t particularly high end, and City Market, as only two examples mentioned here, are not even remotely a health food stores.

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