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chyna's avatar

Do you have a "best day of my life" day?

Asked by chyna (51731points) October 29th, 2013

Because I don’t. I don’t know how anyone can rate a day as “best day in my life.”
What is your best day and why?

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22 Answers

Pachy's avatar

I’ve had more “best days” in my life than I could ever count: romantic days, beautiful weather days, getting hired for a great new job days, waking up in my own brand new house days, happy reunions with dear friend days, waking up and feeling better after surgery days, accomplishing personal goal days, and on and on.

I’m betting you’ve had best days too but for some reason aren’t remembering them this day. And oh yes, there’s always tomorrow…

janbb's avatar

The day I got married, the day my first son was born and pretty much any day I spend hanging out with a certain friend.

gailcalled's avatar

The two that stand out are the birth of my son and then my daughter. Not far behind was Milo’s arrival, over five years now.

janbb's avatar

Milo here: about five years ago when I acquired my present residence and loyal servant.

muppetish's avatar

I don’t think I have had whole days that I would rank as “best”, but I do have moments that stand out as the most influential, amazing experiences that I have had. I sincerely hope that at 24 I have not had the best experience of my life yet.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I don’t think I’ve had a best day. More like a ton of great days, for different reasons. And some really shit days.

jonsblond's avatar

I have never felt more alive than I did when I was rafting class IV rapids for my first rafting experience a few years ago. The icing on the cake was getting to share the experience with my husband.

anniereborn's avatar

Opening night of a local production of “Annie” when I played….Annie. It was a dream come true.

Sunny2's avatar

I couldn’t name just one. There have been so many wonderful days, I couldn’t choose just one. . That’s like asking me what’s my favorite food or piece of music or person is. I couldn’t select just one when the choice is so large.

Seek's avatar

I’ve just got bad luck I think. My wedding was a hellacious mess, and the birth of my son nearly killed me.

So, I’m firmly in the ’- shrug – I dunno.’ camp

Mariah's avatar

Had you asked me those a year ago, I would have had no idea. Today, I can say that I think it was the day last June when I climbed a mountain in the dark and fog with two fantastic buddies. We were probably idiots for doing that, but it was so exhilarating and magical.

Valerie111's avatar

I’ve had great days but no “best day” that sticks out in my mind. I imagine my wedding day will be the best.

Smitha's avatar

The best day of my life was the day when I gave birth to my daughter.When I took her in my arms for the first time, I never experienced something so beautiful and meaningful.

Unbroken's avatar

I have had many best days.

Days filled with runs, hiking, kayaking, friends quality time, lovers, biking, being at ease enjoying a beautiful day, days when my senses were so alert everything was divine and transcendent. The sounds were embued with warmth and everything had a meaning or meant nothing at all and was just mine for the taking.

The reason you don’t remember your best days is because your body is relaxed instead of being on high alert due to stress or fear. These times impress strong memories and often triggered your mind goes back there making those memories even stronger.

If you want to remember the great days. Then write them down talk about them think about them. Access them.. they will become stronger.

There doesn’t have to be a why. Don’t complicate a simple thing. Memories either make you feel good or make you feel bad or conflicted.

augustlan's avatar

I’ve had lots of great days, but probably the best day was the day I gave birth to my first child. The births of my other two children rank right up there, but that first time I was pretty damn euphoric.

ucme's avatar

Birth of both of my kids, nothing comes close, you’re on such a high & it’s free!

tom_g's avatar

I have had many “best” days. My only problem is that I’m unlikely to realize them until much later. I have had times where that gap between realizing and experiencing my best days has been much smaller. I’d like that gap to disappear completely.

Coloma's avatar

Yes, quite a few.
The usual, birth of my daughter, but more as @Pachyderm_In_The_Room mentioned.
A hot air balloon tour on my daughters 21st birthday, moving to my old home, many amazing “best” days there, spectacular travel, lying belly down over a cliff in Utah in the snow, hiking in the jungles of asia. There are many best days of our lives.

Aster's avatar

I can’t pick just one . The birth of my second daughter was a magical experience; the day my first grandson was born I was so thrilled I couldn’t sleep and raced down the highway to the hospital the next morning to see him; my first wedding day and the first day of summer vacation after saying goodbye to the horrible teacher I suffered with in fourth grade . And then there was our first , brand new home in 1968 with the finished basement and carpeted kitchen! lol

Pooh54's avatar

I am not sure if I have ever had a “best day of my life”. Every day is good but some are better than other. I don’t think I have had the ‘best” yet. When I do, I will let you know. :)

Skylight's avatar

I’m sure all of them have been for the best, whether I knew it or not. :) However, there would be far too many to mention without sounding like I’ve had a frontal lobotomy. Hyuck….today were da best day o’ my whooooole life! (place drool here)

OpryLeigh's avatar

I have a number of days that could be in the running but I’d struggle to decide on the official best day of my life!

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