Social Question

Ghostr1d3r1's avatar

Why doesn't my crush text me back?

Asked by Ghostr1d3r1 (20points) October 31st, 2013 from iPhone

I got my crush’s phone number 2 or 3 weeks ago and texted her but it was her mom’s phone number and her mom
said that she was not home. Then I texted her again she gave me her phone number and then I texted her but she didn’t text back. We talk in school and I’m nervous to ask her why she didn’t text me back. Anyone have any advice?

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10 Answers

Valerie111's avatar

Maybe she doesn’t have a phone and is embarrassed to tell you. That could be why she gave you her mom’s number. Next time you see her, give her your number and tell her to text you whenever she’s bored. If she doesn’t text you, don’t mention it again. Just continue talking to her in school and flirt a little.

Jeruba's avatar

I’m sorry to say so, but it doesn’t sound to me like she wants to encourage your attention right now. Maybe you should just chill a little and see how things go.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Pay attention to both the ladies above, they know what they are talking about. At your age you should be enjoying yourself and buzzing around like a bee from flower to flower socializing and having fun. Don’t dwell on it too much and relax, you have your whole life ahead to text and be texted. Enjoy the moment my young friend.

downtide's avatar

The most usual reason is she doesn’t like you. If you keep doing it, she’ll like you even less.

josie's avatar

She is just not that into you.

Smitha's avatar

There can be a number of reasons. Either she’s just not that into you or she just does not like texting much. Some people hate texting because it doesn’t convey feelings at all. Another possible reason is,she may be nervous to respond because she really likes you. She gave you her number readily when you asked for it. This is a positive approach. Normally girls who like someone will happily give their number; the ones who aren’t so inclined will hesitate, or refuse outright. Patience is the best thing here, you don’t want to come off like you are obsessed with her. Don’t get upset over this.If it is meant to be, no force can stop it from happening.

LilCosmo's avatar

Because she is not interested in texting you. Take the hint and leave her alone.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Maybe she is not as into you as YOU are into her. Girls can be obnoxiously fickle.

Seek's avatar

1. Perhaps her mom doesn’t have unlimited texting, and/or she is not allowed to text.

2. Perhaps she is not interested in putting her social conversations in a place where her parents can read them.

3. She is not fond of texting

4. Her parents did not pass on the message that you had tried to get hold of her.

5. She simply doesn’t want to text with you.

LornaLove's avatar

I really hate texting for this very reason. Basing massive feelings no matter your age or reasons for sending the text is doomed from the start. Texting has fast become the first method of communication. People don’t realize that many things could hinder a response.

The phone is lost
The phone number is incorrect
The person was busy
The message didn’t deliver
Maybe they wear glasses and can’t read a text until they find them (which happens to me a lot)

It’s better to keep the important things like ‘does he or she like me?’ to real life discussions and experiences. Texts should be simple like ‘how is your day going’ with no expectation.

I think we all fall into the worry trap when certain texts are not answered. I would rather not text at all.

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