Thoughts on the time change. Like it or hate it?
Asked by
flip86 (
November 3rd, 2013
Should we can it? The majority of other countries do not change their clocks. Arizona and Hawaii also opt out.
If we do can the time change, should we keep to daylight saving time or to standard time? Which would you prefer?
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29 Answers
I think it’s a pointless practice.
We have electricity now. Seriously, if it’s too dark we’ll turn on a light. Not a big deal.
I haven’t even noticed a time change day in forever, as my only clocks are on my phone and my computer, and both change automatically.
For myself, I like the time change. I don’t like driving to work in the dark. I also love the spring time change and it staying daylight longer.
I concur with Daniel Tosh on the subject.
But seriously, I don’t mind it. I’m glad the sun is coming up around 6 instead of 7 because I hate getting my ass out of bed when it’s still dark outside.
My aging body dislikes it. Why bother? I prefer DST and dislike it getting dark at 4:30. By 8:00 PM it feels like midnight.
In the fall and spring of each year you get to time travel. What’s not to love?
I prefer the fall since you get to relive one hour instead of losing one like in the spring.
I hate it. I prefer daylight savings time, but I am more of a night person.
I don’t mind it. I actually kind of like it. It originally was going to be in October, but President Bush moved it to November so that it wouldn’t interfere with the World Series. So about this time of year it is dark when I wake up and I’m not a fan of that.
I like it. The only problem I have is trying to convince my normally nocturnal self to be awake early enough to see daylight. But once I do, I appreciate it.
My chronometer is based on Zulu Time (GMT) as are my navigation tables. DST has no meaning down here.
I like it better now that the changes are closer to and more evenly distanced from Dec. 21st.
I love it when it’s darker earlier. But I’m an astronomer.
@rarebear: What about all those lovely objects in the morning sky before dawn?
“Pre-dawn Comets. On Friday, November 1, and for the rest of the month, the much-talked-about comet ISON will be visible in the predawn sky. At the beginning of the month ISON shines at about 9th magnitude making it visible as a faint fuzzy speck in binoculars. Expectations are that it will continue to brighten, possibly reaching naked-eye visibility by the end of the month when it reaches its closest approach with the sun on November 28.”
My only concern is that “Standard Time” now consists of 4 months… out of 12. It seems as though “Standard” has become the outlier.
Maybe we should have “Daylight Bonus Hours” in midsummer, where we turn the clocks ahead for an additional extra hour.
It’s an idea whose time has passed. It started out in WWII to give people that extra hour of daylight – particularly farmers so they could get the crops taken care of since they were needed in the war effort. Now we’re aren’t in danger of an air attack by the Nazis or Japanese, so it’s useless. I’m not a fan of driving to work in the dark in the morning. With Standard Time, it’s daylight when I leave home, and daylight when I come back. That’s much better.
Standard time should be the standard IMHO. I’m not a fan of driving to work in the dark and coming home in the dark.
Cannot stand it.
As a person that suffers from seasonal depression it only functions as a reminder that the dark days are approaching.
I have to get up by 6.30 and the sun doesn’t come up until 07.22 and if it hadn’t been for Winter Time it would have been an hour earlier. And it will get darker. I hate waking up before the sun.
I’m confused – are people complaining because they don’t like Daylight Saving Time (which occurs in the summer)? Shouldn’t those people be happy now that it’s ending, then?
Or would folks just rather that Daylight Saving Time never ended at all, and that we never went back to Standard Time (as we just did)?
People either love it or hate it. I’m so-so about it.
I think it’s weird. I don’t like being out of sinc all the time.
5:09 PM here now and the sun has set. It makes me feel droopy.
I am in the car driving to work at 6:30 in the morning. It would be nice if it wasn’t fucking night.
^^ It is 7:57 PM here now and feels like fucking bedtime, it has been dark for so long.
@gailcalled Yes – and I just took Frodo for his last walk of the evening and it was fucking cold.
I know the change is just an hour but it is 8:14 pm here and it feels like 11:00.
Hey anything to get me in bed at a more decent time.
On the plus side, it seems like people are getting a lot more rogering, anyway.
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