What bug scares you the most? Also, which ones are the hardest you think to get rid of, they are just always around?
Asked by
naynay86 (
November 3rd, 2013
I hate bugs, especially when you find them indoors! But there are definitely some that freak me out and make me jump more then others. You ever notice too, sometimes there are ones you just see often, and no matter what you do they just always surface? Ewwww!!!
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46 Answers
BTW, by “bugs” do you also mean spiders? Because they TOTALLY weird me out!
Not a bug, but I hate spiders! Hate them!
I had to have a customer kill a spider for me at work a couple weeks ago. It was big and I totally froze!
My fiancés house is really spidery…. And there are some big ass spiders in NY. He has to be on spider patrol constantly because I will freak out if I see one.
My son gets irritated with me because I scream like a little bitch when I see one. He is also on spider patrol. lol
Cockroaches really gross me out.
I especially hate ants and silverfish and black spiders, which are common things that I find! I also used to find roaches at my old job, they would cause me to run screaming in the opposite direction. Bugs are just too fast also, so hard to catch lol…I am actually giving myself the creeps now talking about all these bugs, why did I ask this question? lol
At my job also, for some reason we had the largest grasshoppers I have ever seen in my life! And they would like always be on stuff. I actually had a customer point out one to me on something I was showing him. I actually screamed in front of him and he told me to calm down, shake it, and he would step on it to kill it! So now I am afraid of them too! lol
@naynay86 Grasshoppers don’t bother me THAT much, but still, eeeek! I think the only bug I like are lady bugs. :)
Even though spiders are , in my opinion *cool , its the Solifugae (AKA camel spiders, wind scorpions, sun spiders) that give me the ‘willies’ !
*especially cool are the Jumping Spiders ~
Jumping spider
@Valerie111 , I can’t tolerate roaches !
@Valerie111 I like lady bugs also, and believe it or not, I don’t mind Daddy Long Legs either, which I find weird lol….maybe because they are much more noticeable!
Spiders. Hands down scariest bug.
I love ants and don’t mind the cockroaches here in Florida. There’s this one type of cockroach thing around here (not sure of the name) that’s exceptionally huge and has big eyes and big pincer things. I find them adorable and like to pet them, but finding one on me may creep me out.
Bedbugs are a bitch.
I’ve replaced my couch three times. I have SOAKED my house in rubbing alcohol and poison.
Their bites don’t hurt, and don’t leave marks, but they breed so fast, and they smell awful. Like rotting fruit.
As far as frightening… the other night a palmetto bug (the ones @dxs said she likes to pet) crawled into my mouth when I was sleeping. I thought I was going to die.
@lx102303 Hey lx! Spiders are really cool, I just can’t look at them for a long time lol.
Centipedes. Crappy bug with a hundred legs. Ugh!
@Seek_Kolinahr OMG I think I would have died if any, especially roaches, crawled into my mouth!! Ewwww, soooo gross!!! A girl I used to work with had a bug crawl in her ear a few weeks ago and had to go to hospital to get it removed! Ever since then, I can’t stop thinking about it! But thank you, tonight when I go to bed I will be taping my mouth closed! LOL
@Seek_Kolinahr I googled it and it doesn’t look like it’s those either. It sort of looks like this thing. And why does everyone here think I’m a she??
Red ants! Their bite is awful and they’re tough to get rid of.
Sorry @dxs. I thought you were a female too.
The one the NSA installed.
@dxs It’s ok….. I know you’re not female. lol
Sorry, @dxs – I default to female because I read everyone’s posts in my own voice. Also, your profile doesn’t make any mention, and your avatar is gender neutral
Also, your picture says “palmetto bug” in giant letters…
I don’t understand the aversion to spiders. Spiders are fascinating creatures and they eat many insects that we humans consider to be pests. I love spiders.
I’d have to say that bed bugs freak me out the most. I’ve never had them or even seen one, but the thought of them is creepy.
@chyna Centipedes are gross! By any chance, have you ever seen The Human Centipede or its sequel? Now you watch that, you won’t mind the bug so much! lol
But, this is the one that shows up in my house all the time, and crawled into my mouth. These bastards are about 2–3 inches long, and they FLY.
The only thing that scares me is commitment
Tampa, FL, same place as @dxs
@naynay86 No I haven’t seen it, but I’v heard about it. I do not want to see it!
@Seek_Kolinahr The picture you just linked was the one in the results when I searched “Palmetto Bug”, so I assumed the one that I linked was not a Palmetto bug. I’ve heard the term Palmetto bug, but never knew what it referred to. Based on your link, it refers to those reddish ones I take it. I’ve found a few of those in my shower. If so, then do you know the name of the one I’m talking about?
I changed my profile information, by the way.
Ticks. I live in one of the US’ lyme hotspots, and I pick the little bloodsuckers off all the time. I usually find them before they attach, fortunately. Of course, it’s the nymphs I can’t see that are actually worrying. But on the other hand, it is always fun helping an attractive partner check for ticks in those hard-to-see places…
Palmetto bugs. They’re cockroaches on steroids, and they don’t run and hide when one turns on the lights. (The repulsive German cockroach at least has the decency to cower in darkness.) Those things are hideous. Every springtime, they appear along with the roses. I’m suddenly reminded of why I got married: “Paul, there’s a REALLY huge bug in the bathroom. Please rescue me!!!” (Feminists, feel free to hate me.)
^ Nope. The hubs is on giant bug duty.
I love all nature and that includes bugs. The only insects I do not like are fleas, ticks and maggots, duh! I ADORE jumping spiders, and like to feed meat bees ( Yellow Jackets ) when they are hanging around outdoors on the summer.
You need to get over your phobias and learn to find insects interesting, be curious instead of fearful.
Ya know, humans are not the almighty organisms, everything has a right to to their lives unless you have 10 billion ants, rats or termites infesting your home.
My daughter was a born bug nut, wanted to be an Entomologist for years when she was young, we had every insect field guide known to man and every bird book, mammal guide, etc.
Most of what we fear is due to our conditioning. Ya gotta change your programming and find other creatures interesting.
@Seek_Kolinahr I’m SO glad that you understand the fundamental rule of women’s liberation – There’s no such a thing when it comes to enormous insects.
Face huggers from Aliens .
@SadieMartinPaul Got it! I don’t mind those. Still not sure of the name of the one I linked. Do you have any idea?
My biggest fear since about age 2 has been caterpillars.
Another vote for Palmetto Bugs. My fear of them borders on a phobia. And those fuckers are everywhere down here during Spring and Summer, especially when it’s humid or wet out. When we lived in a mobile home, they always managed to get in from outside. Thankfully our house is better insulated than that shit hole.
@dxs The bug in your link is definitely not a palmetto bug. It looks a bit like a rhinoceros beetle.
I don’t like any bug, but palmetto bugs are not only nasty and ugly, but they’re fast, hard to kill, and they fly. Ugh, horrible creatures.
I hate spiders and I have seen two massive ones in this house I have just moved into . Tonight in fact was the second time. I am beginning to think I have an infestation :(((
@LornaLove Two spiders hardly indicates an infestation.
I have a spider infestation. The cute little Daddy Longlegs ones. I sweep my ceiling and my floor all in the same go-round. They are quick at replacing my cobwebs. I feel bad, though, because I generally don’t mind them.
Infected ticks lurking in unmowed grass.
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