Social Question

Kardamom's avatar

What are you known for?

Asked by Kardamom (33607points) November 3rd, 2013

Because we have had a sudden influx of new members, it might be nice if each of us, old and new members, gives a description of what we are/were known for on our favorite old or new Q&A sites.

Maybe pick 3 things that you are/were known for.

Most of the old timers on Fluther know that I can’t resist a good (or bad) question about food.

I tend to Link to a lot of things, to clarify my answers.

And I have a few obsessions for a few actors. But I won’t mention their names here, I don’t want to bore you. Fran Drescher, Martin Clunes, Alan Rickman

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97 Answers

janbb's avatar

Wit, brevity and being a penguin/librarian

Kardamom's avatar

^^ And for having impeccable punctuation, spelling and grammar : )

chyna's avatar

Dog lover, friendly, good hearted.

Kardamom's avatar

^^ Also a great helper behind the scenes, knows a good looking guy when she sees one, can spot a hopeless case or a troll from 50 paces.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Actually, a lot of the Askville emigres will remember me from my former residency in that godforsaken domain, so I am truly….

..a man who needs no introduction..

Kardamom's avatar

Yeah, but Fluther folks want to know more about you too, @elbanditoroso.

Give us some hints…

Neodarwinian's avatar




dxs's avatar

Tell me if I’m wrong but I think I’m known for being an ex-Catholic, a learner, and a young person here.
…and for being commonly mistaken as a lady.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I’m not too sure what I’m known for here, to be honest. Probably nothing good.

Pachy's avatar

Movie knowledge, puns and generally short comments.

ibstubro's avatar

Irreverence, puns, wordplay, knowledge of antiques (glassware esp.), political disgust (both parties), peacekeeping, frugality, overuse of the word “Thanks” and positive ratings, standing my ground.

tinyfaery's avatar

Blunt, brutal honesty.

And no one likes me.

glacial's avatar

My enigmatic persona.

I like you, @tinyfaery.

Smitha's avatar

I am well-known for my timidity, am I right @ibstubro? Other than that Friendly, peace lover and Relationship helper.

Seek's avatar

Geekiness (Sci-fi, Fantasy, History, blahblah…)
... fill in the blank?

ibstubro's avatar

@Smitha is known mainly for her intelligence, earnestness and eagerness to answer questions.

Wealth of knowledge, personal and researched.

Command of the English language (as a second language).

Valuable, heartfelt advice.

@Smitha is known, in my opinion, as a valuable overall member on a social site.


Haleth's avatar

Wine talk and navel-gazing. Like Paul Giamatti’s character in Sideways, only I’m a woman in my 20s.

I’m not sure what to put for a third thing, so here’s a picture of Henri, the existential dilemma cat.

Unbroken's avatar

@livelaughlove21 I know you for clear no bs answers, a love of gay entertainment, and resolute opinions.

I guess I am known as a gmo gluten and food allergy nut. Otherwise I am all over the board… Oh yes, typos and a lack of punctuation, also a longwinded…

Mama_Cakes's avatar

@tinyfaery is lovable. Really, she is.

ETpro's avatar

I’m not a scientist, but have a strong lay interest in it, especially cosmology, quantum mechanics, and what it takes to give rise to human-like intelligence—when will the first machine pass the Turing Test, in other words.

I’m known for being a skeptic and an atheist. Interested in politics and improving the lot of my country through the sane application of same. I love a healthy debate around any of those topics.

I love dry humor welded into answers.

Aside from that, I have a nasty habit of asking a NSFW question or a combo SFW and NSFW question (like the links demonstrate) every Friday just to touch off a TGIF mood for those that appreciate that. All offended by such nonsense have been forewarned. Don’t click through to my TGIF questions if you’d find them offensive. :-)

Kardamom's avatar


I cannut believe (voice of Scotty) that you didn’t mention your love/respect (that I happen to share) about Spock, specifically! If any of you don’t know who Spock is, let me give you a visual. This is Spock Then and Now

@ETpro Dude, everyone loves you because you are smart and funny.

Sometimes so smart that I have no idea what you are referring to. And soooooooooo naughty, without meaning to be naughty. Especially on Fridays.

Smitha's avatar

@ibstubro You were always my Mentor!

ETpro's avatar

@ibstubro How’d you come up with the screen name? Is it I B’s Turbo?

augustlan's avatar

Kicking ass and taking names. AKA Augustmotherfuckinglan.

Nah, not really. I think I’m known for diplomacy, maybe?

graynett's avatar

Rocks, Paper, Scales & weights and of course little boxes! wooden, glass and metal. I love little boxes I can include stone ones and leather ones, Music ones I love. To store treasure in treasure boxes. I’m not into cardboard ones, Please let me know if you have a passion for little boxes. you show me yours & I’ll show you mine

jonsblond's avatar

I don’t bite my tongue when I feel someone is being treated unfairly, or when someone is being a jerk to others (or myself). I believe in treating others the way you would like to be treated.

I was raised in Las Vegas, NV, but I’m now loving and living the domestic country life in rural Illinois.

I like to delete my account or take breaks from this place.

muppetish's avatar

Muppetology (which I sadly don’t get to exercise enough on Fluther! Someone go ask a Muppet related question) and literature (I tested out in English Renaissance Drama and Modern American Literature for my MA and I intend to pursue a PhD in the former area; though I am also heavily invested in Children’s Literature) were the first things to come to mind. I can’t quite formulate a third, which is just as well because I prefer even numbers.

Coloma's avatar

Humor, witticisms and spice. Oh and an animal nut, cats and geese are my turn ons. lol

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I’m gay. I have a mental illness. I am highly opinionated about those two subjects.

There’s a lot more about me, but those are three.

OK, I’ll list another. I am passionately involved with theatre. I act and direct at the community theatre level. This play is opening this week, and I’m a co-director along with a veteran director at the local university.

gailcalled's avatar

Pole dancing, speaking Polish, pole vaulting, polemics, pole throwing, polenta, polonaise, politeness, politics. knees.

Katniss's avatar

I’m really not sure…..
My dorky questions and lame attempts at humor? lol

Crap, now I’m curious as to what I’m known for, if anything, in Flutherland.

cookieman's avatar

Cookies, Comics, and Curmudgeonly Commentary.

• I’m a bit of a foodie
• Also love Muppets
• Life-long Bostonian
• Big advocate of adoption (put away the penis and adopt a munchkin!)

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Being a Canuck, a lesbian, and I tell it like it is. I was a lot more active here once upon a time. I don’t give as much of myself anymore. Heart isn’t in it like it used to be.

augustlan's avatar

@Katniss is known for being all around awesome.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Having a political mindset that doesn’t fit easily into any one category thus making many people uncomfortable.

Katniss's avatar

I love you too @augustlan!

jonsblond's avatar

@livelaughlove21 I don’t always agree with you, but I love how you defend your opinions and you never resort to name calling or personal attacks.

augustlan's avatar

^^ Agreed.

ucme's avatar

Not for me to say, I guess those of us who had party threads get to find out then.

tom_g's avatar

My green avatar, typos, and being tired.

ucme's avatar

@livelaughlove21 I like you because you’ve got balls…not literally, I hope ;-}

livelaughlove21's avatar

@ucme Only the ones attached to my strap-on. ;)

ucme's avatar

Haha, teabagging!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I have no idea. I’d be curious what someone else thinks. (famous last words….)

janbb's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Kindness, sensitivity to women and outdoorsyness

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@janbb Thank you. I’m glad those first two come out.

picante's avatar

I’m the one who brings the champagne to the Fluther parties. I’m really not here very often, and I avoid all types of political and religious discussions, unless I have something genuinely snarky to add. Humor is my friend.

janbb's avatar

^^^ Humor and a great use of language

picante's avatar

I’m a cunning linguist, Janbb—as are you!

Katniss's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Goes above and beyond to help people when he doesn’t have to.
Genuine and caring also come to mind.
Even being a Sabres fan is a forgivable offense in this case. ;0)

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Katniss Thanks, Just don’t say that too loud about me being a Sabre fan. :)

wildpotato's avatar

I have no idea…

ibstubro's avatar

@ETpro My name is a simple coded message.

@jonsblond I, too, am in rural Illinois, and I, too, tend to take extended breaks from these social sites.

cazzie's avatar

I’m a bitch, I’m a lover, I’m a child, I’m a mother
I’m a sinner, I’m a saint, I do not feel ashamed
I’m your hell, I’m your dream, I’m nothing in between.

Katniss's avatar

^ You know you wouldn’t want it any other way.

Seek's avatar

I know I wouldn’t. ^_^

Pooh54's avatar

I think I am kind-hearted, animal lover, passionate about things that matter to me and always looking out for the underdog. I believe that people should be accountable for their actions as I expect of myself. I tend to be non-aggressive until someone pushes one of my buttons and then let there be an ATM handy for bail.

Valerie111's avatar

I think I would be known for loving to read, loving animals, giving quick and short answers, wanting everyone to get along and staying out of arguments.

Kardamom's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe You have a love of good food, and good company. You’re a loving family-oriented kind of man. You understand women and you not only love women, you respect women. You are funny and thoughtful and smart. You have enough experience to explain to young women (the one’s that are putting themselves into dangerous situations) how to stand up for themselves, and how to respect themselves in a way that is neither condescending or snarky. You put people at ease. And you are a good old fashioned romantic.

Other than that, I don’t like you very much~

Juels's avatar

I loved the book section on Askville. Sadly, it doesn’t seem to have much action here on Fluther. I’m hoping it will pick up. I like searching for obscure titles. Love those romances…

Juels's avatar

@ibstubro I’ve often wondered what your screen name means. At first, I thought you had a really bad case of irritable bowel syndrome until I realized your screen name had tubro instead of turbo. he he he

thorninmud's avatar

Buddhist, vegetarian, chocolate ninja, overwrought posts.

janbb's avatar

^^^ And great wisdom.

thorninmud's avatar

Oh yeah, and hypnotizing penguins

downtide's avatar

I’m female-to-male transsexual
I’m an atheist
I (still) play Second Life

Seek's avatar

Re: @ibstubro

I think his name is Stu, bro.

Seek's avatar

@downtide@cazzie is just getting me into it. I like exploring! Trying to find an activity or two to call home.

SecondHandStoke's avatar


I’m a man
I’m a goddess
I’m a man
Well, I’m a virgin
I’m a man
I’m a blue movie

I’m a man
I’m a bitch
I’m a man
I’m a Geisha
I’m a man
I’m a little girl

And we make love together

I’m a man
I’m a boy
I’m a man
Well, I’m your mother
I’m a man
I’m a one night stand

I’m a man
I’m a bi
I’m a man
I’m a slave
I’m a man
I’m a little girl

And we make love together

Sex by Berlin,
1983 Sung by female Terri Nunn.

longgone's avatar

Probably nothing, yet. That will change some day, I hope/fear.

Smitha's avatar

@Valerie111 You are the youngest and friendliest of all regular members! Our darling little princess!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Resident queen of doom and gloom.

Valerie111's avatar

@Smitha Aw thanks, you will make me cry! You are always helpful and nice to everyone. You truly care about helping people.

Valerie111's avatar

@ibstubro You are known for being hilarious and asking fun questions. :D

Valerie111's avatar

@Juels I miss the book section too. It was so satisfying helping someone find a book they were looking a long time for.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Juels and @Valerie111 Many members here are bibliophiles, and a few are librarians. If you are interested in finding a book or if you have any type of questions about books in general or in particular, just ask. We love books, too.

Seek's avatar

^ So, so much.

(I really need to update my catalogue. It’s getting out of hand.)

hearkat's avatar

I’m known for being the ear expert. Otherwise, I’m a lot like the other 40-something’s on the site, so I guess that’s my only distinguishing trait.

ibstubro's avatar

Thanks, @Valerie111! On Askville it was often the case that when I opened a question, either you or Smitha had already been there and nailed it. All I could do was give it a positive rating and move on. :)

Oh, and for any of you wondering, @Seek_Kolinahr was really close the meaning of my screen name.

Seek's avatar

“I be Stu, Bro”, no?

ibstubro's avatar

Yup, that catches it, @Seek_Kolinahr

I’m usually referred to as ‘ibsturbo’, ala ETpro’s “I B’s Turbo”.

( @Juels ) In Building Suspension or Irritable Bowl Syndrome on steroids.

hearkat's avatar

^^ I’m glad it’s not IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) Turbo!

ibstubro's avatar

^^ Me to. My NON turbo IBS is plenty. ^^

Now, why did that invite comparisons to ‘projectile vomiting”?


Adagio's avatar

@gailcalled Did you show this question to Milo, bet he’d love to answer it?

ETpro's avatar

@ibstubro Ha! Got it. And the IBS Turbo thought did cross my mind too. Glad we ruled that out. :-)

augustlan's avatar

@ucme is known for his humor, which tends toward the risque. ;)
@wildpotato is one smart root vegetable.

Juels's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Thanks but we like answering the questions. We very rarely have questions ourselves. For some reason, I rarely forget a book I’ve read. I’ve added all the book and title topics that look relevant, but there is very little ‘help me find this title’ traffic. It is nice to meet other book lovers though.

Juels's avatar

@ibstubro – LOL! Hang around with my family and you may develop IBS.

ibstubro's avatar

Yeah, @Hawaii_Jake, you can ask @Juels “I read this book about a woman with a cat about 30 years ago. She fell in love a man that had a birthmark in the shape of Africa. Do you know the book?”

If that book ever existed, she can name that title. It’s uncanny.

Juels's avatar

@ibstubro – I know I’ve read that one…

janbb's avatar

It’s so nice to have some new voices in the collective!

ibstubro's avatar

Thanks, @janbb. Can be a lively bunch at times. Not that there’s anything with navel gazing, but boisterous banter is best beheld between bouts.


glacial's avatar

@Juels If you want questions on books to appear in your “Questions for You”, just add “books” and other related words to your topics list. Then when you log in, you’ll have an alert if new such questions have been asked.

ucme's avatar

@augustlan Only sometimes & even then it’s removed…wisely.

Juels's avatar

@glacial Thanks, but I added that topic(s) the first day. It is just slow.

glacial's avatar

@Juels We need more people asking questions about books!

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