How can I get along with my roommate? (Details Inside)
Just 1 hour ago my roommate was talking in front of me to the big painting in the wall and talking about the blood of Christ. Then he opened a flat refrigerator and closed it and wiped his hand on the paintings and said that he is going to kick his own ass because he thinks that his voices have Asperger’s… He seems to bully other roommates into catering to his delusions of smells in the bathroom.
Also I refused to extra spray the bathroom to the extreme and he asked me to ask the landlord to change my pampers
He is in his 50’s I am 36 all of us are on long term disability.
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12 Answers
?! I would probably just hang out in my room and avoid.
@trailsillustrated That’s what I’ve been doing , I just sat down on the living room couch and wanted to unwind from a long day of appointments. Maybe he wanted the spot.
Maybe you could make your bed into an informal sitting area with cushions and place your tv and computer in there. That’s what I used to do when I lived with people I did not want to interact with.
…did you just answer your own question?
@livelaughlove21 Yes. But I wanted to really say how can I avoid him. I felt lonely and I wanted to share with normal people my struggles… I was hoping to make fun of him on the net to feel better,
It sounds like his bahavior is part of his disability. There is probably nothing that you can do except ignore him as much as possible. If he gets too disruptive, you could tell the landlord or whoever placed him there.
Sounds like housemate should have his meds reviewed their Doctor. Stay to yourself and avoid any contact. Change your own Pampers. ;>)
I’d suggest talking with your landlord, but you may run into a “devil you know” vs. the “devil you don’t” situation. This guy shouts silly things, sure, the next might stab you with a broken mirror.
But feel free to vent. We all have to sometimes. ^_^
Never turn your back on this guy. When you can’t avoid being in the same room with him, keep him within your vision. Be alert and stay prepared. Keep a safe distance between the two of you; if he moves closer toward you, for any reason, move away.
Install a strong lock on your bedroom door, the sort of lock that’s designed for an exterior door. Your bedroom should be locked at all times; don’t leave your room, even to use the bathroom, without locking the door behind you, and always use the lock when you’re inside your room.
You’ve described someone who’s mentally ill and very unstable. We don’t know if the man has any history of violence. But, does it really matter whether you’re his first or 500th victim?
Have you talked to your landlord about him? I would be too paranoid to live with someone like that, I’d have to constantly be on guard. If things get too uncomfortable, then I’d definitely go to the landlord and see if there’s any way this guy could be placed somewhere else. You shouldn’t have to hide in your room, what kind of life is that? I do agree about locking your room, when you’re sleeping and when you’re not in it.
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