Joel Osteen's net worth is 40 million, why not be "Christian-like" and donate most of it to charities?
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Because nobody is obligated to give away their wealth and you don;t know what sort of charities he may already be giving too.
Maybe he is sharing, by providing generations of his own family with financial security. Charity begins at home. :-)
Sadly, the woman who posted a quote of his, also has this on her FB page.
(with this photo)
Now THIS is a ‘loaded’ question!
Osteen embraces what’s been called “prosperity gospel”, the idea that “God wants us to be prosperous”.
It seems, it is easier to tell others what they should do with their money than it is to do it with your own. Why does Obama tell us that we should redistribute wealth from the wealthy to the poor while keeping his own fortunes safely out of the hands of the IRS? Osteen preaches prosperity and still gives millions to charities. I have no idea if he’s a good guy or not but he seems to practice what he preaches. That’s not always the case with others.
^ Nice. The obligatory “Obama!” makes an appearance.
@tom_g I knew that it was gonna be about Obama? Didn’t you? ;-)
”[An] individual should not feel guilt for possessing lots of material wealth. Instead, one needs to thank and praise God for the acquired wealth.”
Yep. That’s the core Christian belief right there. ~
@dxs Sooo…if someone inherits10 million dollars they should thank god for the death of their family member that provided them with their windfall? haha
@Coloma Pfft…come on! The guy’s in heaven anyway!
A lot of wealthy people donate to charity simply to reduce their tax liability so I am sure this person does. In fact any super wealthy person would be stupid not to. It is only when it goes over their threshold that it becomes charitable.
Well, Osteen is (in)famous for championing a charity, Feed the Children, that gave it’s Most Outrageous Charity award, along with an F rating for misrepresenting its work and misappropriating funds. Osteen has been one of its main fundraising powerhouses.
Religion is all about money and Osteen is obviously out for as much as he can get. Jesus Christ taught poverty and somehow I don’t think Osteen and his riches qualify. If he truly wanted to exemplify the spirit of Christianity, he’d drive a beat-up ‘96 Ford, live in a hovel and subsist on meager rations. That ain’t gonna happen, so that makes him and all the other so-called “ministers” who live high on the hog, first-class hypocrites.
side note: One does not have to be christian like to donate to charity either
Obama earns his money as salary for a job. Would that be exactly the same with guys like Osteen and other wealthy preachers around the world who get their money from people they inspire-?
Citing what @thorninmud has said, there’s this preacher in the Philippines whose standard answer when he gets criticized for being enormously wealthy is that God wants everybody to be rich like him.
Because that’d be un-American.
He was educated at Humble High School which is surprising.
@chyna looks as though it was down for maintenance. It’s back up.
Maybe I’ll stop calling myself a Christian and just call myself a “follower of Jesus.”
Guys like this don’t represent me or th Jesus I know.
Actually more similar than you would think. Obama earned his millions through the sale of his books. Osteen likewise has made millions through the sale of his books (he has written 5 or 6). Also similar is the connection between their career and the volume of sales. As Obama’s political career took off, so did the sale of his books. As Osteen’s ministry took off, so did the sale of his books. I see more similarities than differences.
Not our business.
Whoever he is.
No, seriously, who is he?
He’s one f those Prosperity Gospel televangelists.
Anonymous donation is the much more noble way.
Who’s so say this twerp hasn’t done this?
He is Word Faith.
Many Protestant denominations are so different that they’re like separate religions. Word faith is almost the exact opposite of United Methodist. You’re asking him to be more Methodist and less word faith. He’s not Methodist or Catholic or Baptist. He is Word Faith, otherwise known as health and wealth.
Joel Osteen is a prosperity minister… He is showing us the way to financial wealth and leading by example… I wonder how much Creflo Dollar is worth?
Edit Creflo Dollar has a net worth of $27 million.
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