Social Question

Pooh54's avatar

One wish?

Asked by Pooh54 (1207points) November 5th, 2013

If you could have one wish for anything in the world (and not ask for 100 more wishes), what would you wish?

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19 Answers

marinelife's avatar

I would wish for excellent health.

talljasperman's avatar

To have a first chance with the girl that got away.

LornaLove's avatar

I would wish that every wish I wished… would come true.

tom_g's avatar

101 more wishes.

Headhurts's avatar

To be loved like I love.

janbb's avatar

For great happiness

ibstubro's avatar

I want to be Bill Gates. I don’t actually have to be him, I just want to spend the rest of my life spending billions doing good works.

I hope he’s working on a huge chunck of rainforest.

Pachy's avatar

Someone to make me a pot roast and a pineapple upside down cake.

Basically, I have everything else I need.

Blondesjon's avatar

The complete and utter disappearance, forever, of the fucking porkpie hat.

flutherother's avatar

Peace on earth.

ucme's avatar

Animals/pets that could talk, I reckon all male gorillas would sound like Barry White with a mouthful of wasps & dolphins definitely have an Irish accent, to be sure, to be sure.
I need to hear my dawg talk, bet she sounds like Penelope Pitstop.

Valerie111's avatar

I would wish my mom good health.

yankeetooter's avatar

To find a new job soon, especially as I suspect I will shortly be rid of my old one…

Seek's avatar

Barring the asshole genie scenario (which is, frankly, annoying. You offered the wish, you don’t get to punish me for using it.)

I want cash. And lots of it. Enough that I never have to worry about money again. I don’t need to be frakking Warren Buffet, but I think if Miley Cyrus gets to be worth $150 million, I shouldn’t be wondering where my rent check is coming from.

tinyfaery's avatar

$$$ You know that what you were all thinking.

Mitsu_Neko's avatar

All diseases and poverty to magically cease to exist for everyone.

Kropotkin's avatar

The abolition of money.

Pooh54's avatar

My wish would be the end to animal cruelty. I know I should be wishing for world peace but humans have a brain and should be able to figure out how to end disease and war. Our furry friends are on the Earth at our mercy and too many people take advantage of them. It would be nice to not have to worry about their health and someone hurting them like Michael Vick. I know this is going to sound so mean but everytime he is on the football field I secretly wish he would have a career-ending injury in payback for all those dogs he hurt. I am sure God will not be happy with that statement. I can forgive someone being mean or cruel to me but I cannot forgive what he did. I just can’t, I am sorry but it is not in me to forgive intentional cruelty to a creature who wants nothing more than to be your companion and friend and give you unconditional love. Ok—I need to stop or I will have to ask another question about punishment for animal cruelty and today is not that day (too many raw nerves right now).

jonsblond's avatar

Good health for my children

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