What kind of contact do you maintain with other Fluther members outside of this website?
Asked by
ibstubro (
November 6th, 2013
Outside of Fluther, do you email other members? Exchange Facebook accounts? Have phone contact? Meet in person?
I’m curious because I’m pretty close with my personal information, and keep my interactivity with a social site mostly confined to that site. (Chat, PM, etc.)
Yet, when Askville slammed the door, many of us were left missing members lost. No way to connect. The few contacts I’d made outside the site have proved rewarding.
What’s your inclination, and how have the results been? Do you freely give contact information, and have you ran into any nut-jobs?
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63 Answers
@livelaughlove21 & @glacial Really? NONE?
That’s amazing to me. What if Fluther slammed the door one day? Aren’t there people here you’d miss?
None. In Fluther we trust.
@longgone Honestly, I’m shocked. Shocked and a little pleased that I’m not being as ass for not giving everyone personal contact info.
I have Facebook if people want to contact that way.
@ibstubro Sure, but they’re friends to me in the context of this site – they’re not involved in my life beyond this site, and I’m not involved in theirs. Perhaps that will change over time, but for now I’m content to keep these connections here.
In any case, the Fluther powers that be would never “slam the door” the way that Askville did. The founders of the site still pop in to joke around every now and then. They care about this community.
Facebook. I am very happy I have contact with some of my favorite jellies via facebook. Only one jelly wound up being a little weird (I don’t even remember the jelly name, it was a while ago) but not scary to me in any way.
I was invited to the Fluther facebook circle a while back, but declined. I didn’t want to sacrifice the veiled anonymity I have shielding my identity via an avatar and username here on Fluther. I thought about creating a dummy account but never got around to it. I do e-mail the moderators, but that’s Fluthery business and not chit-chat stuff.
If Fluther closed its doors, I could always ask Auggie to connect me with people via a Facebook dummy account… if I chose to venture there. I will not reveal my personal contact information with users though. I have my reasons why.
I had a number of jellies as “friends” when I was on Facebook. I left FB over two years ago though and since only see jellies here, in the lagoon.
There’s a few I wouldn’t mind meeting in person were the opportunity to present itself.
Friends with them over on FB.
My Fluther friends are my friends. My Facebook link is in my profile, if you’re interested.
I’d rather have Jellies on my Facebook than family on Fluther. And that’s a fact. ^_^
A few FaceBook friends, that’s about it. Actually, now that I think about it, just 2 on FB.
@ibstubro Hi I have Skyped with a few select members of Askville,but haven’t done that in quite a while, and they haven’t been on Skype in quite a while either.
When it comes to FB (and jellies), I like the fact that I can put a face to a name. :)
I have a busy day today. Be back later!
I am so thankful for Facebook. It’s the only way I’ve been able to keep in touch with members who have left Fluther or have been banned. These people are my friends. We are only separated by miles.
I am in contact with gailcalled regularly although we have not met in person and marinelife and I talk on the phone and have visited each other. I have met Jeruba as well and knew Ben and Andrew when they were in college.
Oh – I forgot. I have also met chyna and a former member JilltheTooth.
I am FB friends with other Jellies but don’t go there too often.
Milo also chats with Frodo and is trying to teach him to be more subtle in his scheming; but alas, Frodo is a very slow learner, unlike @chyna’s Jessie.
I do see all the Finkels from time to time.
I have several FB buddies and occasionally use email for more complicated, scurrilous, and/or private and personal matters.
Ja minun suomi puhuva ystävä
Frodo here: I chat with Milo and am trying to get him to be more overt in his scheming but he is a slow learner. What do you expect? He’s a cat!
I have lunch and sometimes see a movie with a very sweet Jelly who’s definitely got my number(s).
I privately email a couple others from time to time, but most of my interactions are on site, and via private messaging. I have never met a jelly in real life, lots of geographical distance between the few I’d like to meet.
I don’t, folks here are exclusively my flutherfuckers & that’s the way I like it.
No facebook for me, although I do…do twitter.
A couple of nut jobs have PM’d me, but they desisted when I or the mods asked them to.
I have good friends outside the site. I have met several. Have had one from Tasmania spend the night in my home. Have spent a weekend at a rental cabin with a group from here.
For the most part, they are lovely people!
@janbb left me off her list – we live fairly close to one another and have met in person, and I would be happy to meet up with others, too.
I am Hearkat on FB and Instagram and G+ and elsewhere on the web, and have connected with Jellies past and present in other places across the ether.
We have the Fluther Chatroom
I get confused in chatrooms, though. My brain isn’t gifted in social skills so can’t keep track of who said what to whom, which also keeps me from gossiping via PMs and such. I’m also bad at names, so there are several I’m friends with on other sites that I’m unsure who they are on here because of the different name – I just know they’re from here because we have certain friends in common.
@hearkat You’re right! It was a long time ago but I would be happy to do it again.
I’m friends with some other jellies on Facebook and always willing to befriend more there.
I’ve met a couple of old Askville members who are here. Had dinner, nice time. I haven’t adjusted to Fluther yet and I keep contact with some by private email. Not all are here. Some have joined other sites, some simply contact me on ocassion by personal email. I think many are still seeking a home base.
A very few are Facebook friends.
Facebook with a very few members and Google Plus with two or three. E-mail addresses of two.
I have contact with one Jelly who is also in Second Life. My Facebook is strictly for people I know in RL.
I’ve got a few Jellies on my fb friends list and about 75 AV’ers….
So much time has been invested in discussing topics, you get to know people, and several years ago when the AV16 happened, a bunch of us came here – found good people – and I’ve embraced those friendships outside of here and AV.
I am NOT friends on FB with RL people from work, and even not with many family members. I am friends with a lot of military moms, since my youngest is now in the Navy
Oops. Forgot to answer some of the questions in the details.
What’s your inclination, and how have the results been? I’ve had wonderful results. I’ve gotten to know many of these people better thanks to FB. I’ve been FB friends with some of these users for over 4 years now. We support each other during good and bad times.
Do you freely give contact information I don’t friend just anybody from Fluther. You need to be someone I wouldn’t mind meeting irl. I have unfriended a few people when I got to know them better and I realized we didn’t have as much in common as I had hoped (or if they become annoying).
have you ran into any nut-jobs? Maybe one, but we’re still good friends and he’s proud to be called a nut-job (but he has a good heart). He was a banned Fluther member. He buys Girl Scout cookies from my daughter and he pays for the shipping. He also sent my daughter some old art supplies he had when she had her tonsillectomy this past Spring.
I feel close to a number of Jellys whose participartion here has earned my respect. I am geographically isolated so meeting others in person in quite unlikely. I do offer emotional and psychological support as well as I can from a distance. See my profile for details. PMs are given respectful attention. I value several of the regulars here. You know who you are.
What is this AV16 I’ve seen mentioned here and elsewhere?
I don’t. But I will say that when I move to NY in a couple months the Jellies in the Albany area are going to hang out with me, whether they like it or not. lol
@glacial It was a group of AV’rs that were suspended for activity – funny as they were the defenders, as opposed to the offender…..
@gailcalled . . . Mielestäni yksi ystävä, kun näen yötaivaalla, tai polveni sattuu.
I have met a few in person and would love to meet up with them again.
There is one couple I would love to meet IRL and if I ever get the chance, I will meet them at one of their wonderful bonfires and crack open a beer or two.
I have talked to a few on the phone and I’m facebook friends with several. I really feel that some of these people are friends, not only here, but in my outside life.
Milo, (owner of @gailcalled) and Frodo (owner of @janbb) have contact with my dog Jessie and send some really good jokes, pictures and video’s. I would miss a lot of these people if I never got to talk to them again.
Blondesjon…Jatkat minut nauramaan, vaalea Jon
I have an anon account on FB and the joined the Fluther group. I’ve had email contact with a few folks and had some discussions that cannot be discussed in the real world.
I did meet one person and it was wonderful.
I’m happy to hook up with anyone on LinkedIn, too, and endorse any skills I’ve seen on display here. (For example, any of you who’ve saved my arse with your mad IT skills).
I love watching this convo and I know @Skippy is a wonderful person
Got to meet and spend time with @tinyfaery and a former jelly Lucillelucillelucille. Both good people. :)
I probably have more Facebook friends from Fluther than all my friends from ‘real life’ and family, combined! Many of them are past members, too, and we are still in contact. A few jellies and I exchange emails, and I’ve spoken to a few by phone or via Skype. I’ve met several current and former members in person (some more than once), and all of the experiences have been great. There are many more I’d love to meet in person, but the geographic limitations keep us apart.
Several jellies have sent me things in the mail, which I have loved receiving! I’ve been both a guest and a guest co-host on a jelly’s radio show, and written a guest post for another jelly’s blog. I recently started doing freelance and contract work for an organization run by a jelly, too! This place is a huge part of my life, obviously, haha.
Since I’m the manager here, everyone already knows (or can easily find out) my real name, so I’m not at all concerned about my anonymity. Still, I don’t automatically exchange information with every jelly who asks. I have to like and trust you in the first place. :)
No I stay in contact with some lovely people here. I have often thought of opening a Fluther FB Profile to invite members to join it but have not gotten there as of yet. (I love seeing Gail’s photo bucket for example and her every day photos of Milo) :)
I have ran a little shithole of site with Dog for the last three years where some of the old people back from the campfire days still hang out. Most of us know each others phone, e-mail, and address from gift exchanges.
I wouldn’t want to be responsible for it but if Fluther does eventually pull the plug I could help someone spin up something else so people can keep in touch. It wouldn’t take more than a day to get something going that is good enough.
@johnpowell the 5–7 developers at Askville had months, perhaps as long as a year, and never achieved ‘good enough’. I suspect that someone at Amazon had an agenda to be rid of the hassle.
I know several dozen on Facebook, and exchange emails with a dozen or so from time to time.
Even I have kept my interaction confined to this site. I keep in touch with a few AV members through mail and one person on FB.
@johnpowell the 5–7 developers at Askville had months, perhaps as long as a year, and never achieved ‘good enough’. I suspect that someone at Amazon had an agenda
to be rid of the hassle.
There were moderators who did not program. And one programmer. The original site was developed by a large software team. The new site was in the hands of one poor guy and the interest in the site by it’s owners was long lost. There were not five programmers and it did not takes months of hard work to develop the new site. It was shrink-wrapped software that was not adaptable to the promises the moderators made to the members.
@MadMadMax That’s simply untrue. Alex had a programming staff of at least 4 (plus himself) and Sergey was an additional part timer. The programmers had cutesy little thing going at one time where they each said something about themselves…the only one I remember was the one had a cat with a Japanese name. I PM’ed with a number of different programmers on a number of different issues over the course. There was a very brief flash there where one of the programmers even tried to recruit me. Talk about desperate! lol
I have a few on fb, but I’m not there much. My life is pretty much an open book, I have nothing to hide so it doesn’t bother me a bit to link accounts.
Jeeze I have been discussing this with a software engineer who said it was him and they were looking for I think a UI developer for three years but nobody fit the bill. That’s why nothing was happening—he couldn’t do it alone.
@MadMadMax Then the choices are
1.) He’s lying to you about everything.
2.) He’s lying now.
3.) He was lying then.
I suppose that now there’s no way to prove anything, I have to confess that Askville was shut down because I grew tired of it, and wanted to bring the good ‘uns over to Fluther.
Fine. It’s all moot now anyway.
@KNOWITALL That’s how I feel about it to. Being a web developer, I know the Internet is the world’s worst hiding place anyway. If I had something I feared being tracked to my real self, I just wouldn’t post it ANYWHERE on the Internet.
@ETpro Web developer, author, you are a man of many talents, friend. :)
No inclination to ever do any such thing.
I live in the real world of face to face contact and this site is only one of many I flit through as a hobby.
@KNOWITALL That’s me. Track of many jades. Naster of mone. Well, I am really given to Spoonerisms. :-)
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