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Dutchess_III's avatar

What is the most interesting / scary / funny / strange thing that you've found in your house when you woke up in the morning?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) November 6th, 2013

About 5 this morning there was some sort of ruckus in the house, kind of a banging and bumping and jangling. The dogs were agitated. Dakota kept pacing and panting and then she’d plop down in front of the bedroom door, like she was guarding us.
I got up, turned on lights, but couldn’t see anything so I went back to bed.
It quieted down soon after and I went to sleep.
Got up a couple hours later, drank coffee on the deck, then came into our little computer room to start checking messages.
The dogs were worried about something in the corner of the room, about 5 feet behind me. They couldn’t get to it because of an easy chair.
I went to investigate….and the first words out of my mouth were “Oh my.” There was a critter looking up at me like, “Yeah. Tell me about it. Would you please put those dogs outside? They’re scaring me.”
So I put the dogs out.
My husband was still asleep, but woke up right quick when I said, “Rick…there’s a possum in the house.”
It took about 15 minutes for animal control to get there. It was weird typing along on fb about the possum, when he was just quietly sitting there in the corner, right behind me.

Life is interesting.

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47 Answers

Unbroken's avatar

Yikes. Aren’t possoms mean? How did it get in?

Well this morning I woke up to my door being open. I had a procedure the other day and may have left it cracked I hope..

Another time on a weekend my cat was shrieking and knocking over things, I was sleeping in, I went to check it out a cat was outside the window staring in. Never seen my cat so upset, not even the time she got chased up the treee by a bull dog and Rottweiler.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Cats are insane! We have a recliner that the damn dog (Dutchess) sleeps on at night, so I have it covered with a sheet. Last night Dutchess was lying on the floor, with her head right by the recliner. Our cat, Milo, snuck under the sheet, crept up to Dutchess and said, ”“WHAP WHAP WHAP WHAP!!” on Dutchess’ head. Dutchess jumped about a mile, from a prone postion and ran into the kitchen, shaking. At about the same instant Milo came tearing out from under the sheet, ran into the kitchen also, then spun around staring under the chair. It was like he was saying “Holy crap! Did you see the size of that thing??!!!”
I don’t know who was most freaked out. The dog or the cat.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

A petrified french fry in the middle of the kitchen floor. I don’t eat fast food fries, but my cats found it. I’m thinking a previous tenant and the cats got it from somewhere?

Oh, and a possum in the kitchen at my partner’s (she has a cat door).

dxs's avatar

One of my roommates likes to fling massive boogers across the room. Today I woke up to a fresh one sitting on my desk.

glacial's avatar

Your story reminds me of this scene from Bunheads!

livelaughlove21's avatar

@dxs I’d be finding a new roommate.

ragingloli's avatar

dead alien

Dutchess_III's avatar

I agree with @livelaughlove21 about your roomate @dxs. That’s just disgusting.

@glacial Thanks for the vid. That’s pretty much what it was. He was just looking at me like he was about to cry! I felt so sorry for him. So I got rid of as much stress for him as I could and we just hung out until animal control got here. He TOLD me he was going to release him in the country….I hope that’s what he really did.

Dutchess_III's avatar

O! When I called the non-emergency number to get animal control the lady said, “A possum??!! Don’t panic!”
I’m like, “I’m not. He’s cool. Just not sure how to get him back outside because he doesn’t like it in here, and they have a LOT of teeth you know.”
She seemed confused. Maybe that’s what caused her to tell the AC guy that it was under my deck.
When I told the AC guy “No, he’s right here, behind the chair,” he seemed a little puzzled too, like he couldn’t believe I wasn’t freaking out.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

As a kid I once was awakened by my father and a police detective.

He wanted to search my room for a ruanaway that I was known to hang with in school.

Nimis's avatar

It was weird typing along on fb about the possum, when he was just quietly sitting there in the corner, right behind me.

That image cracks me up.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s just my life @Nimis! My whole life cracks me up. :)

@SecondHandStoke One time I couldn’t find my then-15-year-old daughter during the night. She was nowhere in the house. I called the cops. After I called them, she snuck back in the house and into bed. When I found her I called the cops back to cancel the search. Cop said she’d be coming over anyway, if it was OK with me. I said, “OK.”
She came into the house, walked to the foot of the bed where my daughter was pretending to sleep. She still had her tennis shoes on. The cop whacked her hard on the bottom of her feet with her heavy-duty two-foot-long flashlight, which caused my daughter to pretend to wake up. The cop stood in her room, in the middle of the night, and read her the riot act.
I just grinned. :)
I love this town!

SecondHandStoke's avatar

“Could you describe the ruckus?”

Seriously, LOL.

What town are you speaking of?

Dutchess_III's avatar

It’s a town in South Central Kansas. (Take your pick. They’re ALL small!) I moved here from Wichita in 1995 as my kids were getting toward their teenaged years. I figured it had to be safer than Wichita. I was not disappointed. (The cop thing wouldn’t have happened in Wichita, I promise you that.)

The ruckus was weird. There were some low thumpings and also this jangling sound. It sounded like the rings on one of my dressers that you pull on to open it. I thought “Is Rick rummaging through the dresser? Is he running away from home?” But he wasn’t. He was fast asleep. It was just shuffling and low thumpings that I just couldn’t place. And Dakota was panting and panting and pacing and guarding. Dutchess was strangely quiet (she’s a yapper.)
So I went back to bed.

Katniss's avatar

@SecondHandStoke “The next time I have to come in here I’m cracking skulls!”

I fucking love The Breakfast Club.

YARNLADY's avatar

When the pets in my house get lazy, they leave poop or puddle presents for me. Nothing today, but it’s always an adventure, walking through the house in the dark.

Katniss's avatar

I forgot to answer the question. Scary, my reflection in the mirror! Holy hell it’s frightening. My fiancĂ© always asks wtf I do during that night that results in my hair looking like the kid from Mad Max. lol

dxs's avatar

Whatever. It’s not the end of the world. I’ll just ask him to stop or something…It could be worse.

laurenkem's avatar

@Dutchess_III Milo is awesome – damn dogs are stupid :)

laurenkem's avatar

The most interesting thing I’ve ever come across was before my ex-husband and I knew that I had a sleepwalking issue if I was stressed. Apparently when I do this, I move random items around the house and place them somewhere they don’t belong. Thus the canned ham in the bed my husband discovered one morning long ago.

glacial's avatar

@laurenkem Not quite a “Godfather” moment, but close!

laurenkem's avatar

@glacial Maybe I thought it was a horse’s head! Who knows what I was seeing at the time….

Dutchess_III's avatar

Dutchess is a barker and a freaker. As we speak she’s screaming, going apeshit because there’s a person walking a dog past our house. I can NOT believe she didn’t go ape with the possum in the house this morning.

laurenkem's avatar

@Dutchess_III Maybe she was scared into silence by the thought that the beast had infiltrated her territory?

longgone's avatar

Probably my baby sister. She is not scary, but interesting and funny…yeah.

@laurenkem Don’t let any partner of yours watch “Side Effects”

laurenkem's avatar

@longgone Okay, I’ll take your word for it as I know nothing about that particular show? movie? Besides, I have no partner right now, so the only ones that would get scared would be me, the Bobcat and Arnie Barnie, lol.

Valerie111's avatar

Aw, I love possums! When I lived at my parents house, I would leave food outside and raccoons and possums came every night. I would sit by the window and watch them. I think they are adorable even though most people disagree lol.

To answer your question, I can’t think of anything at the moment.

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LornaLove's avatar

I woke up with a queen bee in my room the other day. Horrific.

longgone's avatar

@laurenkem It’s a movie in which a sleep-walking woman stabs her boyfriend.

SecondHandStoke's avatar


An AMBIEN moment.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

When a close friend was putting in his apprentice time as a new funeral director he had to live in the home’s basement in order to take death calls at all hours.

Often I would travel down and spend the weekend to keep him desperately needed company. We’d drink and look through the crime scene photos dating back more than 100 years. Things never change. People torn by road and train accidents, shotgun suicides, etc.

Once, in the middle of the night we are awakened by an impossibly loud BANG from the kitchen.

We scramble from our beds to see two aluminum wine goblets rocking on top of the fridge.

One of the goblets was twisted as if by psychic powers still standing upright.

Aluminum is obviously a terrible material to drink wine out of but he kept the one for conversation piece reasons.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’ll be damned! We were gone all day. Came home, settled in to watch some TV. A couple of hours after we got home Rick noticed the dogs staring intently under some wooden shelves we have in the living room. Rick said, “What’s under there? What are you guys looking at?”
I jokingly said, “Possum?”
Then he shined a flashlight under the shelves and we both saw the same thing. Rick cames up with a look of astonishment on his face and said, “Sure as shit!”
Got pictures this time. I’ll post later.
Officer said they’d gotten a bunch of calls earlier about a big old buck running around in the residential area tonight.
Saturday night in a small Kansas town. Sigh.

Katniss's avatar

He looks pissed!! I would have freaked out. Those bastards are mean!!

Unbroken's avatar

Is he dead?

Dutchess_III's avatar

No…he’s playing ‘possum. That’s what they do.

They aren’t aggressive,not really. The one that was in here the other day just sat quietly in the corner while I typed on the computer.

However, if a cop stomps on their tail when they’re trying to run away they’ll spin around and sink their 50 teeth into his boots. Wouldn’t you? Kinda pissed the cop off but geez, dude!

They don’t much care for getting picked up with a loop thing either.

What surprised me is how quickly he climbed

I kinda think he needed a bath too.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hate how pictures taken with a flash show every scrap of dust on the floor and scrape on every piece of furniture!

Unbroken's avatar

Damn he looks vicious. Good pics though liked the noose one and the shelf one

ragingloli's avatar

The real question is: Why did you let him inside in the first place?

Dutchess_III's avatar

I didn’t let him in, he just came in. Ding dong.

dxs's avatar

Aww he’s adorable!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ya. His wife from the other day was way cuter though.

laurenkem's avatar

@Dutchess_III Ack, I just caught up with this thread and saw your photos. I can’t even imagine what I would do if that happened to me. How did the little bugger get in?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um. He walked in through the back door, which we leave open on nice days so the dogs can go in and out. It was the 2nd one in as many days. Figure the first one was his girlfriend.

The first one sat quietly in the corner of the computer room, about 6 feet behind me, for 20 minutes while I typed, telling fb about it and waited for animal control to show up. Poor guys. They just got in over their heads.

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