Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

If Lady Gaga can dress the way she wants then can I have the freedom to not comb my hair and brush my teeth and call it a style?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) November 7th, 2013

What if I just eat some breath mints?

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18 Answers

Juels's avatar

As long as you don’t mind people avoiding you, go for it. :)

KNOWITALL's avatar

Isn’t that grunge? lol, people were pretty nasty at that time from what I recall.

Blondesjon's avatar


just don’t call it a religion

trailsillustrated's avatar

Lady gaga lives in the world of ultra rich celebrity. A bubble. But certainly you have that freedom no matter what other people do Why, it’s done all the time. Just look around.

Valerie111's avatar

Sure, just don’t expect anyone to copy you. ;)

ibstubro's avatar

I haven’t combed my hair ( and yes, I have a full head of hair) in months…years even. No one seems to care.

But a word to the wise? Brushing my teeth still seems to be greatly appreciated.


josie's avatar

Why not? There is a reason they call dogs “Man’s best friend”. They don’t do those things either.

I was introduced to Lady Gaga (Stephani) by an influential friend who knew I was a fan.
She has great teeth.

YARNLADY's avatar

Not brushing your teeth can lead to an early death. However, you can, and always could, do as you please, as long as you don’t expect to please anyone else.

ibstubro's avatar

yeah, and we all know it’s too late for Gaga to die young and leave a beautiful corpse.


dxs's avatar

I prefer people with hygiene but nobody except maybe the World Health Organization is stopping you.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

GO FOR IT! Just, I won’t be sitting next to you.

deni's avatar

Yeah, a lot of people do that every day.

ibstubro's avatar

@deni A lot of lonely people. lol

ETpro's avatar

Go for is, but bear in mind, how many dates will bad hair and bad breath get you compared to Gaga looking like this?

ragingloli's avatar

The difference might not be as big as you think.

talljasperman's avatar

@ETpro That made me a little nauseous.

ETpro's avatar

@ragingloli & @talljasperman Yeah, looking back at that photo, I see what you mean.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I know I’m late; however, I think that you most definitely have your OWN STYLE; but I do suggest that you brush your teeth in place of breath mints as dentures are NOT that much fun!!!

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