Do you always admit that you're wrong and apologize?
If you think you are, that is.
Or would you rather not.
OR are you always right!?
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33 Answers
Yes. I try to. I have known people in real life who have thrown that back to me. “You’re always admitting that you were wrong. Why don’t you just save us the time and do that again right now.”
Sometimes it takes me some time to really see it however.
Usually. I’ll even say I’m wrong when I’m right about something if I’m arguing with someone and it’s going nowhere. My boyfriend is stubborn. I rather say I’m wrong then fight for hours about the same thing.
Good lord, no. Apologies should be like abortions. Rare and only when necessary.
Apologize Too frequent and they lose any meaning.
Yes, I’ve gotten old enough, and outspoken enough that I’ll walk right up to someone I dislike and say, “I’m sorry. I was wrong, and I should have stayed out of it.” Or something similar. I’ll also apologize asap if I find that I’ve harmed someone’s feelings intentionally. (If I can do that without revealing my source, if that’s a concern.)
Now, @Valerie111, that’s maybe the FIRST time I can’t give you a “Great Answer!” You should learn to stand up for yourself, or at least not give in.
Things aren’t always marked with bright lights to indicate “wrong” and “right”. When I do something that gets pretty clearly indicated “wrong”, or which hurts someone unintentionally, then yes, I do tend to apologize. Also if I hurt someone intentionally and then feel remorse. It happens.
It’s in me to do so, but I’ve learned that there are those who see it as a sign of weakness, so in the last few years I just let it slide if possible.
There are also those who beat on you, and beat on you to to try and get you to “confess you were wrong,” and when you don’t (because you don’t believe you were) they trash you for that too.
Lol, it’s okay, thanks though @ibstubro. Don’t get me wrong, I will stand up for myself if it’s something serious but I hate fighting, especially over something stupid. I could care less about proving if I’m right or wrong if we’re going to fight. But you’re right, I really shouldn’t give in as much.
^^^You keep catching my eye because my name is Valerie but my screen name is Dutchess_III. And you’re @Valerie_III. So…..
It is always my assumption that I am missing something. So when someone hits me with a point I had not considered, I try to acknowledge their point and consider it.
Having to be always right I look on as a personality fault.
I absolutely admit I’m wrong if I find that I am wrong. It is more important to me to know the truth than to even suffer beneath the weight of my own illusions.
The need to be right at all cost is creating a great deal of darkness in this world. I site the political realm as well as organized religion, and the waves that ripple out from them within our culture. To what end? To feel elevated? To feel better than a human brother? That’s infantile.
Real love is a celebration of the victories of one another knowing we are all connected. Each victory born of integrity feeds each one of us.
It is only convictions of separation, “me against the world” that would drive a person to mourn or feel jealous of another’s intelligence, creativity, or success in life. It should be celebrated as an aspect of the potential within our race, which we all partake of. We are all cells in a body. Healthy cells nurture all of us.
When we die, our bounty is what growth we have tucked into our leather pouches, and hook to our wings.
When I find that I have been in error, I want, for my own sake to know the greater truth. I will apologize, and have apologized. I will apologize again as I stumble through my life. But only if I am sincerely found to be in error…never for straying from mainstream monotone.
@Dutchess_III Thank you, I think. I hope I am never a dick to you
Not always.
When I do I do not say… I apologize ( to make an apology )... I say, I am sorry, which IS an apology made by men and women.
Irks me to hear…I apologize instead of…I am sorry. Old school I guess.
I have said here many times before that I am wrong at least thirty times a day and have no problem admitting that.
I only apologize if my wrongness has impacted someone else.
If I need to apologize I will do so to my own peril and to the embarrassment of family and friends. I have to live with myself first and foremost.
I don’t have a problem appologizing when I am wrong. A little humbling never hurts anyone. @Skylight….I liked your answer and agree.
I am wrong often enough to recognize the need to apologize, and rarely enough that the apology will mean something.
If I am wrong, I apologize.
Yes, it’s called “maturity.”
I have put conscious effort into being fully accountable for my actions. It wasn’t easy to change my defensive ways, but I don’t miss the drama that they created.
I do when I actually realize I’m wrong. But it’s so rare an occurrence, I don’t think “always” applies. :-)
I’m well known for apologizing, even when I’ve done nothing wrong. It’s such a very strong quirk of mine that my husband will tell me to “stop apologizing, you have nothing to be sorry for”...and I’ll say, “I’m sorry.” Apologizing for over-apologizing! It’s ridiculous, really.
@augustlan Obama should try that with Republicans who constantly complain about him going around the world apologizing for America.
More often than not, I’ll readily admit when I’m wrong and I’m usually quick to apologize for mistakes I’ve made. It makes me uncomfortable to be at odds with a person and I really dislike feelings of guilt. Reconciliation in a timely manner is important to me for peace of mind.
I’M NOT EVER WRONG, SO IT DOESN’T APPLY TO ME. I’m sorry, there was that once.
I’m more of a shrug my shoulders, curl my lip, “whatever” kind of guy.
It takes a while for me to cool down, but eventually, yes. Only if I really think I did something wrong, though. I don’t often say things I don’t mean, I don’t call people names and I don’t get physical. So, a few of the chances to apologize are eliminated from the start.
If I have done something wrong, I would definitely admit it and apologize. I feel it’s a sign of strength and a positive indication that a person is open for change and improvement.
@Smitha Admitting that you’re wrong somehow empowers you. Sometimes it’s almost like the fault (if not HUGE) is one step back, and the apology is 2 steps forward.
@ibstubro You’re right.
There are two important theories in life. If we have done something wrong apologize. If someone has done us wrong we must learn to forgive.
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