General Question

anniereborn's avatar

Do you have any Veterans in your family (or yourself) ?

Asked by anniereborn (15574points) November 8th, 2013

With Veterans Day coming up on Monday in the USA it’s time to honor those who have served.

I have two brothers and one nephew who have served. All three were in the Navy. My two brothers were in the Vietnam War.

Also my father was in the Army in the Korean War.
My Uncle was in the Army Air-Corp in WW2.
My mother’s first husband was in the Navy in WW2.

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23 Answers

Neodarwinian's avatar


Vietnam. Door gunner. Hate bungee cords to this day.

My dog did not serve as she is too young and of the wrong species!

lx102303's avatar

Other than myself , no .
(Thumb’s up to Neodarwinian!)

KNOWITALL's avatar

Yes many. And I’m proud of them for serving.

janbb's avatar

My Dad was in the army in Europe in World War 2. He was in the postal unit and as a kid, I pictured him running out on the battlefields to deliver letters.

OneBadApple's avatar

I am a Vietnam vet.

It was exciting, but at the same time it kind of hurt to be sitting at SF airport waiting for our final flights home, and almost no one would even make eye-contact with us. Today, it is gratifying to see all veterans receiving some regard and respect, but it wasn’t always this way…

zenvelo's avatar

My father served in the Navy during World War II. He was on a shakedown cruise on a new submarine when the war ended.

In my family, though, we always recognized November 11 as Armistice Day.

Katniss's avatar

My dad is a Vietnam vet. Army
My grandfather was a WW2 vet. Navy
I have a cousin currently serving in the Navy.

I’m very proud of them.
Thank you to all of our Jelly veterans!

anniereborn's avatar

@Neodarwinian @lx102303 @OneBadApple
Thank you so much for your service to our country.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

My stepdad (who’s more of a father than my bio dad) served in Vietnam, and received the Purple Heart after surviving being shot in the head. I’m so proud of him.

muppetish's avatar

As far as I can readily surmise, we do not have any living veterans in our family. My late maternal grandfather served in WWII where he met my grandmother and rescued her from a failing marriage. They lived a long life together, but it wasn’t long enough to meet me sadly.

One of the professors in my department has also served. He had a strong hand in shaping my academic career (I even presented one of my seminar papers from his class at a conference!) His family recently had to move for his military career.

Seek's avatar

My husband’s grandfather stormed Normandy, marched through Paris, and went behind enemy lines to blow up tanks in WWII. He was shot, stabbed, filled with shrapnel, and ended up with frostbite in his left foot. He was the only man in his… whatever group it was… to come back alive. He received a gazillion medals, but refused a Purple Heart on several occasions. He called it a “pussy medal”.

He passed away last year at 88 years old. Took that dead foot 60 years to kill him.

anniereborn's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Wow! That is something!

glacial's avatar

Several. My father was in the Navy in WWII.

ETpro's avatar

My younger son. Afghanistan, 2012. Dad’s gone now, but he served in WWII.

gondwanalon's avatar

My Uncle Staff Sergeant Malcolm Clay Dalton (everyone affectionately called him “Bill”) was Left Waist Gunner on a B24 Liberator Bomber in WWII. Bill was killed in action in Operation Tidal Wave in which nine oil refineries around Ploiești, Romania were bombed on 1 August 1943 (“Black Sunday”). Bill and his crew were awarded the DSC while Bill’s pilot 1LT Lloyd Herbert “Pete” Hughes received the MOH.

My Grandfather’s Grandfather fought in the U.S. Civil War.

My Father was an 2LT Army dentist in WWII.

I’m retired U.S. Army. Never went over seas an never engaged a hostile enemy.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

The part of the family that originally came out of Virginia fought with the colonists from Georgia to Yorktown in the Revolution. Some of these people later migrated to Tennessee and their descendants fought on both sides of the Civil War. My father’s family fought for the North. My maternal grandfather, a Texan descended from the Tennessee people, served in the US Army in Cuba in 1898. His brother served with him and later at Vera Cruz, Mexico in 1914. My Great Uncle Vince was with the Big Red One, a Texan among New York City boys under young George Patton, and was gassed in the Meuse-Argonne forest. His nephew, my father, served as a Marine in the Pacific during WWII. He got the million dollar wound while with the 22nd Marine Regiment on Engebi at the battle of Eniwetok, an atoll Marshall Islands. He told me it was a secret, that he buried the money, and I would get it when I grew up. My mom freaked out when she came home from shopping one day to find my big brother and I had inexplicably dug up half the back yard. I think he got in as much trouble as we did. His youngest brother was with a US Army Air Corp ground crew in the North Africa campaign against Rommel. His next youngest brother was in with US Army at Anzio. My step-father piloted B24 Liberators over Germany with the 8th Army Air Corp. He later flew the B29 Strato-fortress in the USAF during the Korean War. My older brother did two tours in Viet Nam as a medic.

YARNLADY's avatar

Living: my youngest son, Navy; my brother-in-law, Navy
Passed on: my Dad and all 4 of his brothers, Navy; my father-in-law, Army

LilCosmo's avatar

My father served in the Navy in the early 1960’s, my uncle flew helicopters in Vietnam, one brother was in the Air Force and another served in the Army, my cousin is a retired Marine pilot, and my nephew is currently serving his third tour in Afghanistan.

Jonesn4burgers's avatar

Me, Navy, in the 80’s. I married a sailor. It didn’t last, but it should have . My brother joined the Navy after me. Our dad was in the Army. He got out just before he might have been sent to Korea. An uncle on maternal side went to Korea in the Army. He came home okay, but I was never allowed to hear him talk about it, or see his new martial arts skills. The family thought I was too young for such things, and anyway it just wasn’t a girl’s business. They were hiding something, but I never found out what. I heard him talking about the scar on his head, being shot, but I don’t know if he was a POW or not. I remember that some of my relatives didn’t seem to expect him to come back, but that could have been just because of the news that he’d been shot.
My dad’s younger brother was Army. It was during the Korean war,
I joined up because of the objectors during the Vietnam war. I was a daring girl, with a strong protective instinct. I thought that if some men objected to serving in a war for their country, that should be okay, just let women join who didn’t object, and showed skills. During my teens, there was a lot of talk about reinstating the draft. I spoke up my views during a news interview (Guy on the street stuff). Eventually, I got my chance. Women were being taken in, in large numbers. Openly combatent positions were not yet allowed for women, so I couldn’t go top gun. I had an influence though, on the turn of events for women in service. My battle wasn’t on foreign soil, but rather in time. Changes were happening, and not happening, and they needed good women to show them the good, the bad, the possible, and the neccessary.
Thanks, to everyone who has served. My condolences to those who’ve lost someone who has served.

gailcalled's avatar

Three of my father’s brothers served in WW II, as a navigator on a bomber, medic and a grunt.

My dad and the fourth brother were exempt because they converted my grandtather’s umbrella frame factory to one that manufactured war supplies, including parachute flares. (Plus they were older, married and had children.)

Here on bottom right is the bomber named the “Gail Ann,” by my uncle in my honor. I must have been about 5. The picture is old and not very clear; my uncle Lyman Finkel is the guy on the top right, in the goggles and bomber jacket.

OneBadApple's avatar

The guys of that era are called ‘The Greatest Generation’ for good reason.

Before they stormed the beaches at Normandy, the troops were told that an estimated one-third of them were not going to live through the invasion.

And they did it anyway…

downtide's avatar

My family has a long seafaring history and my grandfarther was in the Royal Navy during WW2, he served as a sonar operator on a minesweeper. Most minesweepers were converted fishing boats, wooden-hulled so they didn’t set off the magnetic mines.

JLeslie's avatar

My great uncle WWII
My dad is retired military, but he was PHS not armed services, so I don’t know if you want to count him?

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