She is a young talented kid who has been shaped by the elements in her culture right now that she believes is edgy. She’s a product of social programming the likes of so many in her age group. It just so happens that her personality type is me me me on steroids..wheee, here I am! This is wholly supported by her father, who thinks its just cute as a bug on a bear’s butt.
Were she to live in the 1800s, she’d be deviously lifting her skirts up to her knees and shaking her boom boom left and right without a single thought of the decency a girl her age should embody. Harumph! She sees others do it, she does it. Its not original stuff she’s coming up with here.
Her background has merely given her a larger theater space in which to act out her desire to be seen, heard, and push the envelope.
She’s not so different than other teens. She’s acting more like a rebellious guy than a rebellious girl. This to me is sad, and speaks to something I’ve always despaired in. That the feminist movement is more about acting like men than realizing true female power. Not that Miley has a thing to do with the feminist movement, but I see her derive her edginess from mundane male stereotypes.
I personally hate the tongue thing. I can only imagine she has ETS, Escaping Tongue Syndrome. This is where the tongue experiences a powerful fear of closed in spaces, and curiously develops the sentience to seek escape at all cost. The fact it is attached is a source of great fear & frustration to it. Still its only purpose in life is to get out of that stifling mouth at all cost and fly fly fly….I would imagine she is working with a very good therapist to be able to carry on with this disorder with some semblance of courage and self respect.
I wouldn’t like the idea of her being a role model to my daughters if I had daughters. She’s not as genuine as she thinks she is. But this is her life and her journey. She’s not violent, cruel or posing a threat to our national security.
I think, therefore, we can afford the largess of mind to let her be. Her life won’t be that easy and the hardest parts are ahead of her. Let her have fun while she can.